What brand makes the best fitness gloves for lifting weights?

what brand makes the best fitness gloves for lifting weights?

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FagFlex. Look em up. Ya faggot.

I get wraps, (I don't use them, but I understand) but why the fuck would you need gloves?

Try K.Y.S. or F.A.G. both are sportswear companies

Those gloves would go perfect with my gay furry suit.

I like soft velvet gloves because they're good for jerking off chad between sets


You seriously want gloves?
I usually just have someone lift the weight for me. It keeps my palms nice and soft

>tfw like having soft hands
>they're slowly becoming rougher because of callouses
feels bad

wow you people are a bunch of fags, I just wanted some help and you all act like cunts

hehe, yeah

OK faggot

Women hate rough hands, don't listen to fit, they all made mistakes thinking it makes them manly but they're just weird

Just dont use gloves fag.

Just use straps or liquid chalk

>draining all his test
Soft hands are for women and children. It's hard for me to respect a grown ass man with soft hands. Have you spent your whole life behind a desk?

>hating on gloves when the great ronnie coleman used them

Gloves are almost as beta as lifting shoes. Domt fall for this shit

Learn how to hold the bar properly and you hardly even develop calluses

callus is good.

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Son, you really shouldn't wear bitch mittens.

Like in rippetoe's videos?

ayy lmao

Imagine having such a fragile sexuality that you won't use a simple pair of gloves.

just use a forklift at that point, or lift sumo

The whole callus thing is a meme.
I have the slightest calluses but really it just depends how you grip the bar.