>Be lurking facebook
>Cute girl I know shares video related
>everyone whorshiping the guy
>Guys that say its not a big deal are accused of taking steroids or being jelous curlbros
Why do normies whorship unnecerailly complicated or borderline pointless exercises?
Be lurking facebook
Other urls found in this thread:
It's impressive stuff, but not the kind of thing you actually do in training (which any Jow Forumsizen knows). Normies like it because it's flashy and movie-like, like the kind of "training" the protagonists in capeshit movies do. Even though it's meme level calisthenics, it still takes a decent amount of strength to do and that level of strength is obviously expressed by the nature of the movement. I'm sure with practice there are many well trained people that could emulate this video.
>gets shot once
What was the point exactly?
But can he max his 2-mile run?
They look like trick exercises. I doubt that guy actually does most of those exercises for a normal training day. Basically he made the video to show off his strength, agility, and coordination, all of which are pretty good. Basically he's just doing exercises that look cool and he knows it.
Why is he working out in a military attire? Does he know he looks like a clown?
A great example of female psychology.
He's trying to recruit.
they look silly but some of those seem functional for a soldier
>explosively pulling yourself up
>having to lift things in awkward ways
>having to lift things in awkward ways while prone
pretty sure nobody on Jow Forums would complain if they were fit enough to do all that
It's just cosplay. Actual armyfags are DYEL's.
Maybe its an army gym. I hope
even then you don't work out in your actual uniform.
What a faggot.
Most gym bases look down on you working out in uniform. Only try hards do it
I mean it's impressive but I don't get the point of it.
>takes up smith machine to do meme exercises
Wait your turn dyel smith machiners
>moves weights perpendicular to gravity
It's the magic bullet. they want to think getting fit is all TRY THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK rather than confront the fact that it takes time, dedication, and repetition.
This ONE guy who did this ONE thing ONE time means he is "pro". Real experts in bodybuilding do the same proven exercises over and over, which everyone has seen before and doesn't get likes/shares.
I mean some of the stuff he does is very impressive, he has some excellent control on the muscleups he does early in the video. These aren't exercises normal people trying to go from out of shape to in shape should do since most of them are either needlessly complex or dangerous for people without years of training. It's okay to for normies to mire this dude though, he clearly trains pretty hard.
I've seen this guy before. He's IG is diamond cut fitness. He's an Army/Marine or something PT if I remeber correctly.
They aren't worshiping the exercises, they're worshiping the strong man in uniform.
Tabless pog first sausage who never leaves garrison and is subsequently yolked. Good for him
He's jacked and coordinated. Most of these exercises are memes but that doesn't make them easy. You do sound jealous
you're both fucking idiots and don't understand a single thing about conditioning. Even olympic weight athletes do these "meme exercises" from time to time
When I was deployed, the Americans often rocked up to the gym in their uniform and boots. Presumably they didn't bother showering before going back to the office. It was rats.
Proof that routine doesn’t matter. Just move shit that feels good.
army uniforms piss me off. If i see someone in an army uniform in my gym i would kick them out fo rbeing retarted
sure thing buddeh
Sure you would buddy
Or better yet, kick them out of the country.
What’s his TDEE?
Yes I would dude. just because I wear normal clothes i still have martial arts training and can kick him out easily. His uniform is just for show to get sympathy. i hate army uniform
>Scored a 2 on the ASVAB
>I still have martial arts training
We're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't be possible
the uniform gets pussy.
trust me.
>muh martial arts
you'd get rekt bro
dumb aspie
>Proof that routine doesn't matter. Just take test and move shit that feels good
Normalfaggots are incredibly weak user. When I was a skinny faggot in school the normies were impressed when I did 20 push ups.
Do a single handstand pushup and they'll think you're superhuman.
t. Rejected from basic for being too fat
Damn, Jack Reacher's keeping in shape.
Imagine being so low test that you can’t make gains just by trial and error with different movements and think it’s requires frauding.
>t. fucking idiot
>bump into acquaintance otw to workout
>she asks what is in my bag and i mention my gym gear
>exposed myself , damn brain on preworkout
>next day she tags me in shit like this
>wow user check this out
>omg user emojiemojiemoji
>you look good too btw haha keep on grinding onenday you can be like this guy muscle emoji
In the end shit like one arm push ups impress normies more than 2pl8+ bench
One big step for man, a small step for expansionist Israel.
>at 1:24
Can we create a new exercise called Hanoi Pushup?
Also it is impressive but is pretty useless as training regimen. He clearly was doing it for the clicks and view, nothing wrong with that. Stop being salty, user.
Would you mind posting the comments of that post?
>guys point out this isn’t a big deal, just calisthenics (which actually is a great feat of strength)
>guy in vid is clearly on gear
>”you’re just jealous because you need to sue sterileoids to do what he does”
why u mad though?
that 1 min standing like ab wheel.
that one is actually really fucking hard
what are the chances of being internally or externally rotated with this routine?
Chicks like buff dudes in uniform. Its crazy how a uniform makes pussies wet instantly
Sadly enough he probably is on steroids
Everything this bionic commando is doing is more impressive than some fat ass who can bench 3 plates but gets gassed going up stairs
>Why do normies whorship unnecerailly complicated or borderline pointless exercises?
LOL half this board probably does low bar squats and can't even run a fucking mile or touch their toes
You really think they're putting that guy on the front lines? He's clearly a recruitment tactic to say "LOOK AT HOW MUCH OF A CRAZY SICK BEAST YOU WILL BECOME"
Air Force pussy here and it is almost exclusively niggers who go to the gym in their uniforms and workout in combat boots
Probably deployed you fucking momo. When I was a zogbot the only gyms that allowed uniforms where either battalion gyms ran by and for combat arms guys or "combat zone" gyms.
I had the same reaction. I wonder if it's just for grip strength?
>tfw spotter gets killed and you get trapped under your egobench under fire at the Combat Zone gym.
Nah they're pretty safe tbhf. The worst you get anymore is maybe a haji launching not aimed mortars from a hole cut in a car or van. The reason I put combat zone in quotation marks is that it's relatively safe in ampn area that's far enough from the wire that small arms have trouble reaching the area.
Are those wars still going?
No clue tbhf. Jokes aside they're not meant to be won. It's the mic making money from fat government contracts. In my opinion is why Trump wants to create the joke known as the space force. It's a great way to feed the beast with less meat for the meat grinder. On another note, I can't believe I never thought about asking the army doctors for test injections. At the time steroids where an underground drug that you got from some shady dude in a gym bathroom.
nah bro, I ran into this guy in the gym at Camp Arifjan. He does this shit nonstop. He's ranked high enough that he can spend hours at the gym doing meme exercises and giving shitty advice and nobody calls him on it.
That's because normies can gauge just how much weight you're pushing with a one arm pushup. Do you think they understand how much a "pl8" weighs?
Which is why so many Jow Forumsizens are being so assblasted in this thread.
When I see this
I think of this.
We became some amalgamation called /fit9k/. Although I'm seeing it everywhere on the internet there is a modicum of masculinity you'll see this.
Fuck her
Yes, I too remember the Army commercial where they showed a gym rat doing dragon planks and muscleups.
Attention. The same reason anyone keeps their uniform on off base
Thanks for discrediting your argument before I finished reading it.
Social media is the new advertising, bro.
You can get free test injections in the army?
It's a pretty fucked system. I think they've been able to keep it going so long just because they don't talk about it, so it's out of people's minds. I think if people got reminded more often "Oh yeah, that shit's still going on", you'd see a lot more people speaking up in protest. But it's just been going on for so long that it's just sort of a "Is that still a thing anymore?" in most people's brains at this point. Which is really fucking scary, honestly. That people can just get that numb to the situation. From what I understand the fighting's waaaay down in intensity over the last few years, but now we've got increasing tension with Syria and you know that shit could go on forever if the trigger gets pulled.
This pic and quote might just be a meme, but there are at least a few people in charge of financials at some of these contractor companies who genuinely feel that way.
IDK, but I don't see why they wouldn't. Maybe things have changed. I was part of a support battalion and long story short almost everyone in the engineering company had an Adderall prescription. At the time I was a pretty straight edge and poor so using the doctors to get drugs was not a thing for me. It still isn't I just realized I squandered a possible mega gains period in my life. Although it probably would had done more harm than good as I was 20 when I hit my first duty station.
And to add to my above post. They give hormones to tranys so.
That's kinda funny. Your son joins the army and a girl comes back
>Moma momma can't you see
>What the army's done to me
Thats a sitcom episode right there.
>Why do normies whorship unnecerailly complicated or borderline pointless exercises?
Because it gives them an out in any scenario, "I can't work out it's too complicated/hard" or if they actually start "I'm working so hard but not seeing any results"
8/10 bait
Based horsebrah.
If anybody with a remotely average physique did this in their gym they’d end up on a gym idiots vid. The only reason this is popular is because of Facebook boomers and their obsession with enabling POGs who did nothing but desk work when they were in service.
>engineering battalion had an adderall prescription
That’s to keep EODs that were cucked on deployment from snapping and blowing themselves and their friends up.
They where just earth movers and construction.
>with a remotely average physique did this in their gym
You can't do muscleups with a remotely average physique.
>Tranny soldier
The fact that picture was taken in Seattle on the UW campus is so fitting
That's some serious Stolen Valor shit in the first vid