FUCK guys my Testosterone results just came back and it's fucking 17 nmo/l (500 ng/dl). Literally below average even I do fucking everything right - I sleep 9 hours a day, never drink alcohol, get proper cholesterol and omega 3 intake and lift 4x a week I even have the side effects of high test like gyno and acne fuck this shit omg. I bet half of my friends who go out drinking every night and some days don't even sleep have higher test than me.
Sorry for blog but I'm literally shaking rn this is it I'm hoping on gear.
free testosterone in blood changes very frequently. if you are autistic enough, start using an aromatase inhibitor
Joseph King
Your test levels are literally fine you're just insecure which I know for a fact because you're on Jow Forums.
Carter Perez
How often are you working out? You need to meditate and get that stress down
Isaiah Gonzalez
Ice your balls, 20 minutes a day.
Landon Bailey
Bro you need to calm the fuck down.
Parker Jenkins
okay thanks guys I didn't expect actual advice on here but looks like this is the thing I need to work on since I really was stressed a lot lately. But stupid bitch doctor said that it's normal.
Caleb Davis
Eat more fag nigger like lots more egg yolks all day
caloric surplus/deficit ? bf% ? You just spammed a bunch of memes, but left out some of the most important factors
Asher Bell
>I really was stressed a lot lately. But stupid bitch doctor said that it's normal. >But stupid bitch doctor
calm down dude lol
Thomas Garcia
>Literally below average even I do fucking everything right - I sleep 9 hours a day, never drink alcohol, get proper cholesterol and omega 3 intake maybe stopping being a fucking girl would work
Adrian Scott
>get proper cholesterl and omega 3 intake
you fell for the meme here' sthe truth OP, trying to hack your way into having higher test levels is literally meaningless, your body is adapted to your current test levels, there are competitive bodybuilders who don't juice and never juiced that look amazing and yet have less than 400ng/dl in the off season and less than 300ng/dl during prep. Stop worrying about it, there's more to gains than just test levels, like DHEA sulfate levels, progesterone levels, and your ovewrall muscle protein synthetic rates at baseline and response to training and feeding.
Brandon Martinez
I recently got this test done. 270-870 is the normal testosterone level for adult males. 100-400 is the normal cortisol level for adult males.
So your cortisol is too high and your testosterone is fine. From what I've heard as long as you're in the range there are very minor differences between 500 and 800 for example. If you truly had low test you'd have several symptoms that are impossible to overlook. I know a guy who had low test and is getting shots now. Before the shots he looked 13 when he was actually 20, he was small, had a baby face and no body hair. In short don't worry about the value as long as you don't have any symptoms and try to reduce your stress.
Justin Morris
well actually since you do have high cortisol, you could get more T from reducing your cortisol levels. it really does help
David Diaz
High test will make you Bald
Nathan Thomas
using an AI if you're not on gear is 100% retarded. higher E2 levels (but still within range) is best for gains and plus your joints won't feel like you're 100 years old. if you wanna raise test a bit and you're scared of needles take Clomid but the side effect:benefit ratio is gonna be much poorer than just pinning
Cooper Diaz
I was measured as 14 nmol/L OP, though I have anxiety and sleep poorly no matter what, plus I don't eat fish (so little Ω3) or take vitamin D, but I'm trying to fix my shit right now. I'm even taking cold showers, though mainly to fix my skin and scalp.
John Turner
You deserve it for falling for the cholesterol raises test meme.
Meme; it's the other way around.
Austin Gomez
>Meme; it's the other way around. yeah look at all those balding women
Elijah Taylor
>>the other way around t.brainlet
Ian Collins
Calm the fuck down b-bitch
Levi Taylor
I got 495ng/dl. Jow Forums told me it is literally average and it is. My nutrition, supplements, sleep is all good. I'm pretty sure this is based on psychological factors. As a NEET I don't need high test right now and so my body won't produce an excessive amount. Once I figured out my goals and am in charge it will change.
Yeah look at all the young bald men with high testosterone levels who grow hair as they get older. You fucking retards.
Adrian Harris
yeah there's only two possible mechanisms for balding and they all involve a straight correlation to testosterone and testosterone only fuck age, genetics, expression levels, cumulative cell damage, micronutrients, hormone pathways, inflammation, it's literally all testosterone, which is why people with low T are bald, like old men and children