If you are a young adult male, but you can't finish a half marathon in under 2:30:00 then you can't be considered Jow Forums.

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i may not be able to finish a marathon, but i can finish in your mother's ASS


If you are light enough to run a half marathon without making your knees explode then you are not an adult male.

i would agree although 2:30 is pretty fast, that would be more like making it compared to something like sub 3 being the equivalent to having maxed out your noob gains which is probably a better bar for being Jow Forums :^)

I think 2:00 is a better marker of basic fitness than 2:30. With 2:30 you're talking over 11 minute miles. Sub 2:00 is still very attainable with minimal training, at a little over a 9 minute mile. My wife is 8 months pregnant and we still hold about 8:30-9:00 miles on our 3-5 mile morning runs, and she does a long run of 10 on the weekends at the same pace. A woman in her third trimester should not be able to outperform you at ANY athletic endeavor unless she's a professional athlete.

this lol
if you are not overweight on the BMI scale, while your fat percentage is



Fuck no.

back in the days when i was 20 I run a half marathon in 2:40 without any training at all.
I just ran and when i was out of power I ran slower and/or walked for a few minutes.

i wasn´t fit at all so OP is right.
Every human being can run, even fat people, if you life is depending on it you will run with a broken bone .

sick post brah make sure to update us when the kid's born. i hope there's no complications during labour!

This. Running even at an amateur level is going to incur so many injuries and drug use it's just dumb. All of the runners I knew in college were fucking themselves over, whether it was constant sprains, ACL tears, achilles snaps, knee injuries, etc, which required popping antinflamatories like they're candy. One girl had fucked up her knee cartilage so much she's going to need a knee replacement before 35.

No thanks.

Running at the college level is full of people training on the edge in order to get to the next level. The injury rate reflects this. Running at an amateur level is full of people with bad mechanics, bad information/meme training techniques, and generally lacking any sense of safe progression.

Every single thing I just said could be applied equally well to lifting.

Who even has the attention span to run for 2.5h.

a half marathon in 2:40? bro that's so fucking slow I could walk a half marathon in 2:40

>wanting to "run" for over two fucking hours

b o r i n g

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running based, but only sprinting

No you couldn’t. Walking pace is ~18 min/mile

Proof your wife is pregnant or stfu

How the duck can you get bored while running

Thats nothing, I can easily finish a marathon in skates in under 2 hours

>muh knees
This is the equivalent of some non lifter saying "muh back" as a reason not to do deadlifts when they don't even deadlift correctly. Run with correct form and your knees are fine.

A 2:30:00 half marathon is not fast

Injuries happen in every sport.

>being this mentally weak

Oh look. It's the "sprinting for cardio" meme again.

Give me one (1) good reason to ever run for over 2 hours.

You could but it would not be as easy as this user likes to think. Running the 2:40 half marathon is easier

2.30 for a half is woman-tier!

Under 2 should be attainable on a flat course for someone who is a decent runner. 2.15 for someone who isn't a natural distance runner (which would be most of the meatheads on this board). If you are good, around 1.40 should be your aim.

One good reason for you or one good reason that others do it?

Some people do it to push their limits. Whereas you might want to lift heavy they want to see how long they can go, how fast they can go, or both. Some people just enjoy distance running in the same way others enjoy lifting heavy.

Or do you want more "functional" reasons?


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2 30 half a marathon should be attainable for most people that's like an 11 min 30 sec pace which is an easy pace to run but challenging enough mentally for that distance for the average person

Running a half marathon in 3 weeks, so far I've fan 5 miles at an 8:15 average pace and 8 miles at a 9:30 pace. I've lost a lot of gains in the process but all is well as I will begin bulking again once it is over.

Wish me luck anons

I can do a 10km in 43 minutes, does that count? I am not geared towards marathons yet, and am focusing more on mediocre to short term distances. Vo2max at 55, 1km at 3.44, 1 mile at 6.06, 6km at exactly 20 minutes.

Yet I am almost managing to maintain my 1/2/3/3

Um what does running have to do with fitness?

A Fitness model = a juicy shredded aesthetic brah, that’s the definition of fitness

I am very happy that you were able to find a wifu that shares your fitness passion, but bro, there is a reason women in last trimesters are supposed to do low key activities and not overexert themselves. Imagine her fukcing water breaks during one of yalls runs, and she starts delivering baby in the middle of a freaking run, while dehydrated and de-electrolyted. I mean at least I hope you don't run in the forest or something where there is nobody nearby when that shit happens. This is some crossfit tier shit, bro. Let your wife get a bit of flab, its good nutrition for her and the baby.

>losing gains from running
literally just eat more

I guess I could finish it in under that but I’m not gonna go run it faggot

>10km in 43 minutes
>1km at 3.44
>1 mile at 6.06
>6km at exactly 20 minutes
These times make no sense. How is your 6km pace 3:20/km, faster than your 1km at 3:44?

shit, mistype, was at 5km.

>my wife is pregnant


Damn right. Bros before hoes. He needs to check the ancient Spartan Brocode. Real bros bugger each other so nobody gets accidentally pregnant.

Those are good times you are running

>He's never seen a slasher film

If you're a woman, under 18, or over 40 then that can be considered good, yes

fukc you man. They are above average for men.

Keep pushing bro, you haven't made it yet but you will make it

You are barely running you fucking idiot

You don’t know how to manage diet and exercise

It’s not hard

I'd say a 20min 5k is good regardless of age.

Yea I am nearly on 25 on stravistix, I think that by 30 I should be on a pretty good physical condition, instead of just "high" to athletic level. Probably wont ever reach Olympian level though...oh well.

They are good just not excellent or elite

You do need to sacrifice gains to get elite times so fuck that

more like starvistix lol

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10 miles in 8:30 to 9:00 minute miles is less than an hour and a half of running, which isn't enough to get dehydrated or de-electrolyted outside of very warm climates. Her doctor has indicated that as long as she feels well and isn't having an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions or a slowing of her weight gain it's good to maintain routine. As far as her bodyweight, she's gained about 15 pounds so far, with most of that being in the 3rd trimester, which is apparently common in fit women to not really gain much until the end. She's not racing or doing workouts, and hasn't since we started trying.

tl;dr -> appreciated the concern, but the doc says she's doing everything right.

The buffalo feel the same way about the wolf.

You know, I went on this route to prove the opposite to you fags, also to the running fags, I kinda hate both groups. Il get to athletic levels on both categories, strength, and speed and then I hope to mine the hatred of both groups as much as I can. Thats one of my life goals.

i just did my first half marathon today in 2 hours
feels good mane

Idk what that means but anything slower than 6min for an all-out mile is not "good." I would say 530 at an absolute minimum to be good, 5-flat to be even slightly remarkable. I'm not judging too hard on your 5k and I'm not even trying to be mean. But don't come asking to be lied to about how cool your times are when they're wholly unimpressive.
I come from a running background and I would never expect praise for my lifts, because at 95/155/215/265 I haven't even begun to make it

those times were taken at a competition though, on non flat terrain. I am probably near 19ish for the 5km, and way below 6 for the mile. 55 for the vo2max, so I am already past "good" according to that stat. Though to be honest I have no idea where I am at, I have not really bothered to do a PR for each category, with focus. I have also started to do race biking and as a result my stravistix has shot up quite easily. I actually aimed to get closer to a high average running speed, but instead ended up with sprints + long distance with nothing in the middle. At the 10km thing my heart rate was well below the 160 mark for the majority of the time. Mostly near 140ish. I think if I pushed it further it would be near 40 minutes ez.

I am trying to do training to increase my average speeds now tho. On an anecdotal note, I already surpassed most of the members in my club, I believe, fairly large for a local club too. Only a handful of people left who are really dedicated. So locally I would probably rank fairly high already, top 20...perhaps 15%

>have run 4 half marathons without really training for them, slowest was just over 2 hours.

What kind of shitty standard are we setting here?

Chose 1 m8

The fuck is correct running form?

Ball of foot or heel changes every couple months on what's recommended anyway


My mistake, I thought your mile 1 split was your mile PR lol. Believe it or not I know joggers who are that focused on endurance

Nobody has ever recommended heel striking and if they did they were misinterpreting what it means to land midfoot. You should land more or less level, and take off from toes. Btw don't read runner's world or any of that trendy crap. If you must have a reference document, let it be Jack Daniels running formula and to a lesser extent Lore of Running by Tim Noakes

I only run less than 5 miles each time. There is no need for more. I focus more on lifting.

If it is your personal goal to run 21km or a marathon, it's your choice. But do not think you are superior to those who dont like running that far.

And I bet you are a skinny faggot.

Very good information here
Jack Daniels Running Formula is the distance running bible

>coping this hard

Correct running form is landing with your feet underneath you and not out in front of you. It's driving your knees forward instead of up or flicking your ankles out ahead of you. It's keeping a relaxed upper body with a stable core. It's not excessively landing on your heel (some heel strike is OK as long as your shin is perpendicular to the ground when your foot makes contact). It's keeping your cadence high enough and your strides short enough so you don't overstride. It's a lot of little things people who are new to running don't realize make a big difference.

Fuck this shit, I need to get better at running for the tests but I fucking hate that. Let me analyse and read shit from my desk while the grunts do that.

>half marathon

I got bad news for you boyo

Wew thought this said 1:30:00 and was almost angry.
1:38:07 first 1/2 marathon checking in

t. autist with ADHD

Don't really have time for weight lifting and have been cutting so it's not like I wasn't expecting it. Thanks anyhow

Congrats user

Im trash tier at running. I just jog so slow, literally 2km in 15 minutes is my best.

>Ran the first half marathon of my life
>Do run pretty frequently
>Most of the marathon was uphill and off road
>Finish at 1.42
>My calves are blown to shit 3 days now, i have trouble walking

Am i crippled for life?

I can't run for more than 2 minutes can I improve or am I fucked?

Unfortunately I get headaches from running or any aerobic exercises. I literally can only exercise from lifting.

You need to slow down by a lot

>falling for the marathon meme
its a trap to fuck people's legs, be lucky that it was only a half marathon, the damage of a full marathon can be way worse

just keep in mind that there was no real bomb in boston