/lgbt/ is making fun of us again

>/lgbt/ is making fun of us again

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Other urls found in this thread:


who cares they got aids lmao

Why would our closest sister board do something like that?


Trump says bye.

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> at least I’m not gay

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>caring about the opinions of the mentally ill

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they're just jealous that Jow Forums has more twinks

Who cares if mentally ill individuals are coping by trying to make fun of people
Who exercise just because they’re mostly too fat and lazy to do so? Honestly getting fit and fixing their fucked up hormones would cure half that board, if they had what it mentally takes to make it.

Link? They won't be making fun of us when they'd be getting the rope.

Uptight little poltards
Laidback banter


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based and redpilled


What were you doing in /lgbt/?

>lgbt making fun of anyone


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Lesbians are pissed we took their girlfriends goldstar.

Gays are pissed we won't let them have a suck or plug their poopers

Bisexual women cheat on their partners with Jow Forums men. Bisexual men cheat on their partners with Jow Forums men.

Transwomen are upset that we don't call them
women, and some of the more hetflexible members are chasers. and they hate that.

Transmen are upset and confused because we fuck the the wanabe ftms like women and they like it. And that some of the wheyfu's are more masculine then the "passing" ones yet get more dick then them.

>Gay Jow Forums user
We accept you for who you are.

Remember kids, as Jesus himself thought, fags are worse than niggers. Amen.


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There is only one place those faggots will be welcomed which is hell.

> making fun of anything

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nah he isnt gay, he said no homo

Penis in butt

>caring what anyone else thinks

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Aids isn't a disease, it's a cure lol

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Howdy there

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>caring about faggots
you are more gay than them

absolutely based and absolutely redpilled




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>jerked off to Contrapoints again

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someone's sexuality has to be one of the least interesting things about them. why do fags center their whole identity around it?


Because "muh oppression"

Also since gays are such a small portion of the population (1-3%) gays really have to advertise they're gay to find other gays. So they go to places where lots of people go because they're gay, like gay bars or Broadway musicals.

>this time last year I was one click away from ordering estrofem

Daily reminder that transgenderism is a cult that preys on people with low self esteem. When this blows over, there are gonna be a whole lot of people with bodies ruined by hormones and surgeries.


T. Faggot

i wouldnt intentionally downplay it so much. sexuality is older than animal life and the bedrock of social life; it's pretty significant

they're jealous because we have gains and all they have is gender dysphoria


Based Howdy posters



>pointing out that gays and trannies are mentally ill makes you a poltard
Don't be so defensive over the truth

Is it possible to get a lesbian to "switch teams"? I know this tiny blonde lesbo that's a tom boy and acts kind of butchy.

Name your top four boards now

I only browse Jow Forums. Occasionally I'll check /gif/ for a rekt, drifting or ylyl thread.

yes, women are known to switch more frequently then men. They are emotional creatures and more easily manipulated



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now, THIS is epic

howdy dowdy



fucking based



>mentally ill degenerates mock you

Sounds like a good sign

do transmen even exist? literally never seen a female to male before. It's always the guys who wanna be women, never the other way around.

sheeeeeiiiitttt howdee my neeigg


>And that some of the wheyfu's are more masculine then the "passing" ones yet get more dick then them.
No survivors

I dated one for awhile, it wasn’t too bad because they transisitioned back after awhile and gave me their extra test. Pussy was weird lookin tho.

mate why would you do that to yourself
there is one ftm from my college years. Dunno how it is nowadays.

They had dope titties, were really obsessed with me and I hoped I could score some test.

/lgbt/ here. I would never make fun of you. I cry thinking about you at least once a weak.

Howdy little fella

>user dates ftm shemale for test
absolutely based

Gotta get dem gainz mate



also, trump supporters have autism.


based and redpilled

I have met 2 and the hormomes just made them fat and their voices got deeper

based and redpilled

Like or not would make a absolutely funny pitch for a movie.
>Girl obsessed with guy
>wants to become a guy too
>guy teaches the ways of manhood
>she gives up
>guy crying in the end, because he got so much free test for himself
>guy is revered as god, giving free test for everybody in the gym
>movie end with a montage of two years later of every man in the gym becoming absolute aesthetic /fraud/s

>40% not kys
who cares

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Fund it. Now.



Uptight faggot

based & oldfagpilled

Absolutely based

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Fat trannies who're saving up to cut off their dicks are making fun of us, people who're just preoccupied with a healthy mind in a healthy body. Oh no! How shall we ever recover?

You know as well as I do that any of the twinks, traps, bis, and lesbos on that board would fall over themselves to suck the dick or the clit of any Jow Forumsizen.


He did it boys. Son of a bitch

Based and redpilled
