Why does this site love these short/bow-legged subhumans?
Why does this site love these short/bow-legged subhumans?
I would eat those sushi if you know what I mean
I would receive a handjob from her while she spat in my face if you know what I mean
I would bend that one on the left over a table rip off her panties and sink my fat 9 inch long cock into her if you catch my drift
>I want to fuck the ugly ojisan
Ok fag
I wouldn't mind giving them a glance at my chopstick if you see what I'm getting at.
I’d feed them my makizushi roll if you understand what I’m saying
I would let them tie me up, use me as their slave for a week then beat me to death if you get what I'm saying
Not like I'd actually want to be raped and killed by some cute girls haha its not like thats my number one fantasy hahahha
Lowest degeneracy of any race.
>Highest IQ/educational attainment
>Highest income
>Lowest rates of infidelity
>Lowest rates of criminality
>Lowest rates of obesity
>Lowest rates of drug use
>Lowest rates of STDs
>Greatest rates of savings and financial responsibility
>Tattoos seen by many Asian cultures as criminal underworld degeneracy
>Will discipline your children well
>Obeys husband
>Ages best of any race
Yeah, you'll cherry pick some uggos, but the averages speak for why Asians are the patrician choice. You want some emotional white roastie headed for the wall and a bucket of antidepressants? A spicy Latina that's going full goblina by 30? A primal nigress that'll be a violent hamplanet in a few years?
Fuck whatever thots you want, but if you're looking for wifey, look amongst Asians.
It's because they all watch anime and hentai, yet dont understand that anime and hentai is Asians drawing white people.
That's unironically the reason.
You got btfo my dude. I get it, you want to be gif related
>lowest degeneracy
Top kek
t.white trash
fuck off weebs
The patrician choice are upper class, conservative mediterranean women
Went to Japan for 3 weeks a while back. Could count the amount of ok looking women on 2 hands. They're all snaggletoothed as well. Quite the culture shock coming from a country where braces are the norm.
t.angry white trash
My attraction to asians is mainly a head thing they have similar tastes in food and entertainment. They also have similar fetishes. Sadly I'm not actually attracted to them. I just like what they represent
Asian girls have the best hair.
Asian women are the perfect combination of cute, sexy and feminine.
Best mons of any race
There are a lot of beta's (who do not find them intimidating), weeb fags, and asians on Jow Forums.
user....you're quite honestly embarassing yourself.
you're not clever, you're not funny, you swung for it and you missed.
But, like I said, at least you tried.
It's a shame so many of them have such grating accents.
Meanwhile, white "women":
I personally find most asian women repulsive
Well now you're going into such niche realms I don't think that's fair. I'm talking about a pool of almost a billion Asian women to start looking in and you're talking about, what, a million?
Ok, to zoom in further. Upper-middle to upper class Asian women who were either born in the US to immigrants or came to the US no later than 16 and have been admitted to a top 20 college.
Half-white, half-Asian girls are the best.
Asian women are pleb tier
t.self hating asian guy
Who's going to Thailand bros!!!
>born in the US to immigrants or came to the US no later than 16
Shit taste.
Same, but the pale ones can be extremely attractive.
t. nerdy faggot white boy
the myth that they can land girls in asia because they're white, meanwhile asians actually love blacks because they're sick of small dicks so whitey doesn't offer them anything new
Is there a fucking law in Korea that says women need to do the most awkward cringey shit dance as soon as a camera is pointed towards them?
Yellow fever is a common mental illness bro
Reminds me of when I went to Japan a few years ago. I was the only white/ Jow Forums dude in a large onsen with a bunch of other naked dudes, was pretty weird at first but I got used to it, and when I walked from pool to pool I'd cover my dick with the handtowel they gave me. After being in there for a while I noticed an old guy staring at me and kinda following me around wherever I went. The staring really turned meme on. So after a bit I started sitting closer to him and when I'd walk around I wouldn't cover myself with the towel anymore. Nothing came of it because I didn't have much time there but as I was leaving he tried talking to me asking to eat lunch with him later
t. bitter black man
lighten up cunt no need to get your dozen brain cells fuming
Id suck the shit out of her ass if you're pickin up what im puttin down.
What? It's cute!
This. Just once I want to see people behave like normal authentic boring people
because of le qt3.14 azn anime aesthetics
also they make manlets feel good as 5’8 is tall there
COPE: the thread
because this is where all the weebs also hangout in that weird weeb corner over there -> /weebshit/
I’d take a shit on her chest and name it Hiroshima if you know what I mean
Do you think I can slay asian qts when I'm 6'3?
>upper class asians
Enjoy your disgusting new money trash
t. weeb
Came here to post this.
I dont watch anime I mainly like their cooking shows
weaboo scum
>bow-leggedness is a negative
Wtf? I thought bow-leggedness was positive. Olympic strength and sprinting athletes are predominantly bow-legged.