Imagine doing SS

Imagine doing SS

and then doing 2 sets of biceps triceps after every workout


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Imagine having sex with a women like that haha

Imagine doing SS but in in 8-10 rep range. I am a fucking genius.

Imagine being a complete newb to lifting, imagine doing ss for a few months, imagine using a different program after said few months.

Imagine having sex with a woman haha

imagine having sex haha

imagine sex haha


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Can someone legit tell me why doing less legs on SL and more bicep and tricep work is not perfect for a beginner? Hits all the body and gives you a solid rock from which to build on.


Barbell Medicine did their version of SS aka what to do after first stall on upperbody lifts and it has more pressing volume + after sometime you add additional session of cardio and back work

There isn't enough volume.

Do a proper power upper and lower body and hypertrophy push, pull, legs workout like PHAT or do PPL twice a week if you have the time.


For legs sure there is enoguh volume (Inb4 somebody saying that on SS you dont have enough leg volume)
For Upper yes, there was not enough volume but solved it by making you press and bench even more

SL is a fucking waste of time if you want to look like you lift.

Do PHAT, PHUL, or some PPL variant if you want to get a shredded look as quickly as possible.

Well you see SS has too much leg volume. 3x5 three timed a week will give you t-rex legs.

Instead you should do this meme program that has 2 full dedicated leg days each week with a whole series of leg exercises done for 8-10 reps. This is much better for hypertrophy but also won’t get you t-rex legs

t. weakfag

You must still be making beginner strength gains with your SS/SL workouts.

What lift stats should you have at end of beginner gains

I cant imagine that

This is the correct imagination.

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>making anything but noobgains on ss
>using starting strength as an intermediate
Guys, stop

Why does this place keep recommending SS? It's fucking garbage. Do it for a week to get the muscle memory down and switch to a routine with actual volume.

SS is truly god tier for getting normies DEEP into the gym.

>hey user how do i get big?
>link them SS, say some shit about if they cant be fucked reading it they'll never make it
>they unironically get a good base amount of training knowledge
>understand what a good routine is and why

after passing the test of 6 months of actual effort, then you guide them through a hypertrophy routine

t. a guy who's gotten atleast 6 friends into training properly with this method

5x5 with increasingly heavy weights and hitting all the body? If you go full Mark Rippletits then yeah, that's dumb. I don't see how for a beginner, bulking/cutting on SL is bad desu. Just reduce the leg work.

Not the original guy. I am almost exactly at the beginner mark for all lifts , have been doing SL for a few months. Is it time to move to a different program to more effectively build muscle and A E S T H E T I C S ?

You technically hit every muscle in the body, but the volume is pathetic.

Other programs literally just add in more shit for you to do. is what I would recommend; unless you want to be in the gym six times a week doing a PPL split.

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>calls a classic Jow Forums meme reddit
It's time for you to go back

Yeah I guess so. From the POV of a beginner, doing your first bulk/cut cycle isn't bad. But SL should be only on that first cycle. A year of lifting after, you should probably hop off it and get on PPL or something.

I only have access to a barbell, Olympic weights, a squat rack, an ez curl bar, and adjustable dumbbells (lift at home) so I wouldn't be able to do many of those exercises.

What about Jow Forumss greyskull LP? And I'm not dead plateauing on SL (I am struggling with ohp and bench though)

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Haha sex

Exact same place user, doing SL and stalling on bench and ohp but my squats and DL are still rising. Thinking of doing greyskull

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cringe and newfagpilled

Currently I'm at 215 DL, 185 squat, 125 row, 120 bench, 74.5 ohp. What about you?

Also 5'7 180lb Prince of manlets

235 DL, 215 squat, 150 row, 150 bench and 100 ohp for reps.

I am 6'4 185lb Lanklet Lord, been lifting for 8 or so months now but my diet has been lacking

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Google alternatives for the exercises you don't have the equipment for. You have a lot of freedom of swapping an exercise for another as long as it's activating the same muscle.

That greyskull workout looks like ass; it's almost the same as SL but with a little more.

I'd add in additional ab work on your leg days, like leg raises and planks.

It's probably improper form and not controlling the weight the entire way.

On a side note, I had my bench handicapped by a shoulder injury so I moved to dumbbell bench press and I haven't looked back.