/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Reward yourself Edition

Welcome to Greatness
Now Let's Thrive

sticky: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

previous: > It's the weekend, relax with some well deserved R&R if need be, but remember to get back on that horse once monday rolls around. Hell, sooner if you can.
> How is your diet, nutrition, and exercise routine going? Are you cutting, bulking, maintaining? Do you cook your own food, you should be cooking at least 2-3 times per week for maximum /sig/ gains. What recipes have you been cooking lately, or do you want to start cooking?
> What about your 1, 3, and 5 year plans look challenging to you? What parts are you confident about? How can you best accomplish them?
> How have you helped out your communities lately, both irl and online? If you haven't, how could you start? What do you think is preventing you?

You got this bros! We all gonna make it!

Attached: GTLFG.png (4000x4000, 3.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:


That picture is some of the stupidest shit i've ever laid eyes upon

Jezus Christ this is the most pathetic shit I've seen in years on this board. Not even kidding. Get wasted to make friends and force yourself onto them? Alright bud. 6 months of SS+GOMAD and then roids? Sure thing. Sign me the fuck up. Arb betting on sports? Oh yeah guaranteed profit, sir. Buy real estate for 20k hahaha you know it

Honestly who the fuck is dumb enough to give a single serious thought to this horseshit. Grow the fuck up

Nice fucking job OP, what a shit OP picture.
Thats a yikes from me.

Managed to rake in 2k today in different arbs, great cash, also hit a new pr thanks to my tren. Living the great life atm.

How do you guys stay organised? Post calendars and ideas please :)
How's everyone doing today?

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Agreed, whoever made this garbage should be crucified.

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thanks op i am rich now

If you're gonna make the OP, can you at least do it with a non-retarded picture next time? And try and think up some new questions.

Sushi is dope you guys are crazy

Souces of self-improvement outside Jow Forums?

Listen, posting this in the thread is your right, maybe you think it's actually solid advice. But using it in the OP pic makes the whole general look cringy

I have a small greyish diary I bought in a book store. It works really well, the size keeps things efficient and its easy to put in your bag. Its got a small entry of each day, with 3 days on a page, and a week over two pages.

Its simple and effective and can be pretty aesthetic. They have calendars, places for notes etc. I spent ages looking for and trying to make a bullet journal and shit. Ultimately its easier to start of with a small, run of the mill diary imo.

Kek at this life-destroying advice

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Someone please create a new /sig/ with a proper OP pic.
holy shit that retarted fuckshitfuck info graph.


Waiting for your response now user.

i just put up random post it notes on my monitor if there's something important I should do in the near future

we'll see how it holds up

Could be ironic

I should make time and set aside money to go to therapy. I have a few issues i should solve that way. They aren't super cumbersome in my day to day life, but i'd like to take care of them.

>For beginners and real noobs a 3x per week full body workout for the first 2-3 months to get behind the training

Im interested in this. Is this good solid advice?
Im a complete dylel, perma-POW-mode. Ive only just gotten onto 3 consistent proper meals a day recently too for context. I just wondered /sig/s opinion (sorry for the spoon-feedy kind of question)

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Give me a reason i shouldn’t bang a 4/10 chubby girl to break my dry streak

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Have you even read the sticky?

cause if u can get a 4/10 you can atleast try for the 5/10, unless the 4/10 is all your options, then do the 4/10. Always do the best possible option within a reasonable time frame.


What are good ways to lose fat specifically? Of course lifting, cold showers, vitamin D, multivitamins, no sugar(??), omega 3, sleep, cardio(??), what else?

Well i can do better but given the circumstances she’s the best i have at the moment and i really want sex. It’s been over a year

Do it, personally i banged a cute faced hamplanet in January because my 8/10 gf broke up with me, now i'm getting together with a 7/10 girl so it's not like you'll be forever doomed with the 4/10. That's if you manage to let her know she has to go though. Keep it up and have a wonderful day :)

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The fuck is the point of it all? Even if I get my shit together now, too long a time will have passed for it to matter. The average age of losing virginity is 16. Any girl I'd meet would have had several partners before me and possibly also a child, and that's implying I even could meet one to start with.
What's the point?

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Nothing wrong with banging an above average girl

>Any girl I'd meet would have had several partners before me
get over this shit, it's not important

any bros in here that are into programming/web development? I want to transition into this career path in the following year. Any advice for me?

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It is.
Which one of them?

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>which one of them
most likely web dev. because I don't really have a background in programming and I've been told it's easier to get junior jobs there

I lost my kissless, handholdless and hugless status last night thanks to Jow Forums. Trying to slide into those DMs to lose that v-card too. Thanks guys, we're all gonna make it.

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oh yeah, I'm starting intermittent fasting too, or did you mean longer fasting?

I meant.
Fasting burns fat.

Calorie restriction while eating throughout the day, like that 6 small meals approach, burns muscle as well as fat. Don't do this.

Intermittent fasting is fine.

Dew it.

Alright, thanks. IF will probably come easily to me, if anything I can go for too long without eating. A few days ago I went like 29 hours without eating anything just because I was procrastinating cooking.

>Whats the point
Maybe your wrong? maybe there is one qt out there, if your right, your right and you can just go back to nothing. If your wrong you get a gf you could have missed out on.

I guess you have to just accept it, either come to terms with being alone or go and realize you fucked up, but you can fuck up a little bit less if you start trying today.

Also, it doesnt matter as much as you think it does. You could be the late-bloomer, or the 90 year old doomer.

Tips on getting a job? Been under employed for a year now after college.

Okay everyone agrees that OP's image gotta be one of the most retarded advice ever created BUT the format is pretty effective and by that I mean that it tells you exactly what to do with actionable steps. One of the biggest problems of self improvement imo is vague advice that you end up forgetting. You don't really know the step-by-step process and it ends up as a waste of time/energy.

Is there something similar with good advice? I think very detailed actionable step-by-step trumps the general advice bs. I remember way back there was something like a social step-by-step that started as simply asking a person for the time and was progressively harder to improve on your social skills, I wish there was more of those types of resources available because those are the only ones that actually end up helping people.

Treat finding a job as if it was your job. that means spend 8 hours a day looking, making resumes, applying, doing interviews. etc

Yes. Multiple times.

Thats where I got SS from.

better to start slow and with a good base where you know what you are doing and having steady progress
instead of going full force in and keep stuck soon since you do stupid shit.

No matter what you do, you need a solid base where you know what you are doing and what it does.

Starting as a noob, in the first 2-3 months you probably still need a person with knowledge who can advice you how much weight you can add every 2 weeks / spot you when testing how much you can rep safely / guide you on proper form.

After these 2-3 month you should know the correct movement, know you limits and what you can do and can estimate if you can push out another rep or not.

These 2 youtube channels are pretty good

The problem with this is that ugly girls now think that they can get and deserve only 8+/10 guys.

If I have a recessed chin and no jawline, is it worth saving up for surgery?

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really depends on how bad it is. it could be genuinely awful, or it could just be your own feeling of insecurity

post a picture

Some braces can fix it. Look into that,

So you're claiming that I'm wrong, while at the same time not making any claims at all?

Yeah, sorry that was a bad post.

What I meant to say was you might aswell just give up, I mean your going to be alone for the rest of your life, all of the good lasses have lost their virginity at your age or have kids. Its pointless. I mean you might as well just give up. Fuck it. There is no one left to be with you. Its pointless. Not going to make it. Why even try

What was that website that one user revived?

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Well i'm a 8/10 lookswise so i really don't give a fuck, there is no problem for me.

Once again, you say nothing, just strongly imply things, because if you did say something it could be discussed.
What is the point? Considering the average is 16, it's simple mathematics that even at 20 the chances are infitesimal. To find this infitesimal fraction then, as you say, is only theoretically possible. How are you going to? Are you going to ask each woman you meet "hi, how many sexual partners have you had before"?
You can't separate the wheat from the chaff.

If you’re really an 8/10 then you’d be pulling hot girls. I’m the op of that and i know i can’t pupl hot girls alone. I need the extras to boost my confidence. I’m down on my luck after college so I’m just taking what i can get until things get better.

Why can't i make friends with girls? nothing to do with sex, i just can't become as comfortable around girls as I am with other guys.
>got a new job in a kitchen
>within a couple hours of meeting the guys there I was joking around and telling stories, they gave me my numbers and told me to join them for drinks after work
>some waitress comes to introduce herself to me and I freeze up
there has been a handful of girls in my entire life that I've been comfortable around and I ended up dating most of them

There are more important things in life than sex and caring about it to the extent that you'd lower yourself that far is a sign of emotional issues

I think its this one

Because your standards are low and you treat every woman as a prospective mate.

The key to making friends with women is inflating your ego so far beyond measure that you consider nearly every woman you meet to be below you as a mate. Ironically this is also the best way to attract women

Somehow become extremely high status and find someone of much higher socio-economic stature than you. Partying and teen sex is lower class cope.

> web development
Short answer:
1. Create a gitlab account. This will be where you store all code you will ever write.
2. Start watching KhanAcademy lessons, or going through Codecademy tutorials. Jow Forums has a programming general that will be good for questions and resources. The primary languages you'll want to learn are Javascript, CSS, and HTML (with potentially Python/Ruby/PHP on the side, but don't worry about those for now). The most important part of this phase is doing small coding exercises every single day. To start, see if you can complete a problem for 30 consecutive days. Google is your friend here. I'd also shill Unix here, simply because nearly every tool that exists for modern web development will run on a linux server. At the very least, consider running dual-boot on your workstation.
3. Once you have the basics down, time to start with simple projects. Start with creating a single webpage that you can host locally. Gitlab will also have free options for hosting small projects. Think of things that might be useful in your day-to-day life and try programming those, like a calendar or a stop-watch or something to host your resume. By this point you should start learning about broader tools that aren't just the language, like AngularJS/NodeJS/React/Gulp/etc.
4. By this point you probably will most likely have an idea on what you're looking for, and you can probably get your foot in the door at an entry-level position somewhere. Keep in mind that it will be a numbers game, if you don't have a degree in CompSci it may take a while. But someone will eventually give you a chance. Eventually it would also do you some good to learn about the backend side of things (not just your website but how it functions on a server), but that's another monster entirely.

Source: Work at a website that gets ~40k visitors a second.

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Don’t do it because you’ll inflate her ego. You’d be doing the culture a disservice.

best of luck brother. we're all gonna make it


Congrats fren.

Lost mine at 18 after I gymmaxxed. After I worked out for about 6 months, the number just started snowballing and getting more and more lays. I was skinny fat but was always a really talented athlete and had several world class (top .1%) athletes in my family. Looked like a roided kunt after 6 months in what takes most people years with roids.

Slept with more women in that 1 year than women I had spoken to in all of my life prior to that.

Where did you meet the girl? Tinder?

Interested to see what I get. Rolling

I relapsed today again after a 7 day streak. At the very least it wasn't to disgusting fettish porn i used to watch and just a pov porn with the girl shaking her ass at you.

In other frontiers, i'm still keeping a fairly stable routine of daily studying(at least 50 pages a day for a month now) which is a huge deal for me since i've only ever managed to get myself studying 2-3 days before an exam usually with bad results or failing. Exams shouldn't be a problem for me now.

Also, I've been doing some calisthenics but considering i should get a gym membership and sticking to a routine since i'm only 63kg at 180cm.

Any tips I can get from Jow Forumsizens on how to screen for a virgin woman? I don't want to end up with a used up slag later on in life.


garbage OP pic


Interesting, roll

About 3/4 of that pic is me, excluding the illegal stuff. How do I change?

Come on dude, you know already. The answer is really simple. It's not a matter of "how".

I'm retarded, please elaborate

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cant be caught fucking the hog bro

>get a good buzz almost every night
>make great lifting progress

>start cutting alcohol back considerably for a couple months, and be more conscious of diet
>lifts stall, and am constantly tired


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>don't miss her just tired of thinking of her
>miss being held and loved
>need to learn how to be okay on my own, like myself and do well

Lonliness kills, tired of thinking of shitty ex, got a crush on a qt in my program hoping I don't blow it, but first want to be happy on my own and love myself

any tips anons? Thanks and God Bless

bro this is adult add

>using steroids
Do it legit like the rest of us you fucking cur

Prioritize the qt. Most people say you shouldn't talk to exes, i don't agree, it can be worth it sometimes, however if it's a shitty ex just don't.
Wanting to be with someone doesn't mean you can't be happy on your own and love yourself. I learned this when i was in a similar position, and angry at myself for wanting a girlfriend. Realized that i was happy about many things, and that a girlfriend would be the whipped cream on top of my cake.

if you've been drinking on a daily basis for a while you're going to have issues when you quit, stay cold turkey for a while and it'll pass

I'm about to make an excel sheet with my goals of the week on one side and a weekly calendar with all the shit I have to do on the other.

In other news: my knees hurt when I squat and I could never squat very heavy, I think it's a lack of that knee fluid so I'll stop squatting and get into swimming.

Echo Charles: "Letter from a listener, he wants to be happy on his own and love himself."
Jocko: "...be happy on your own and love yourself."

If you can't find a reason to even like yourself, then create one.

I use google calendar on my phone.
You can set repeating events so things like bills, work, and chores can easily be setup.
It's a little tedious to do much more than that but it is super helpful.

I use the notes app on my phone to track whatever I think of on the spot to write down and go back to later. It has a cool checklist feature too so I use it for weekly grocery lists.

Please help me defeat procrastination. How do you do it? How do you study for Uni?

don't study at your computer

shit pic OP

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This, struggled through school autism and this has saved my uni life

Man not doing my daily routine for three days straight really makes me feel down as fuck.

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I use To Do by Windows on android for the small daily things. Otherwise I have a whiteboard as a calendar that I use to organise everything major.

Thanks man

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I agree scooby

I posted in this general a couple of days ago about being too socially anxious to go to the gym, I've booked myself a gym induction for tonight so I can get used to it and not just get thrown in the deep end. Thanks frens for the support.

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good pic, thank

>be med fag
>be alone
>live with parents while making twice what they both earn together
>have no plans or prospects in life
>probably a genetic dead end
>only washed up thots are interested in me for a stable lifestyle
>not interested in socializing or going to clubs/bars
>feel like killing myself

I already lift 4 times a week. What else should I do to improve? Considered going abroad to get some prostitutes but it feels like too much of a hassle.

You actually used that shitty advice for the OP.

You are a weak, pathetic excuse for a man.

Rent rates are so high in my hometown and salaries so low that even 27yo couples can't afford to cohabit. 90% of people my age live with their parents. It's sad but considered normal.

Kill yourself with a morphine overdose you pessimistic spoilt piece of shit.