Friendly reminder that if you are an adult male and cannot squat at least 200kg you cannot be considered Jow Forums.
Friendly reminder that if you are an adult male and cannot squat at least 200kg you cannot be considered Jow Forums
Sit on me, smother me, I DIE HAPPY
LOOKS LIKE BRAPS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T. Faggot with big ass
Triggered weakfag
Thanks for the reminder. I better get back to pushing it then.
what if I can't due to an obliterated knee
Glutelet spotted
>squatting heavy
can't believe this meme is still being shilled
I weigh 210kg and I can easily squat my BW
Democracy must be overthrown and order imposed by those who can squat 300 kg
>not squatting heavy
I can't believe DYELs like you are allowed to post.
>t. Ronnie Coleman but without the Mr. O's
>just because one retarded roidfag got himself permacrippled by not listening to his doctors and continuing to train like a tard means that squatting """"heavy"""" makes you a cripple
200kg isn't even a lot lmao.
Based and redpilled
99.999% of the pussies telling you not to squat heavy are the faggots who's knees start at shake at 185
Start to*
Post 201kg squat ;^)
I don't have any videos of that because I don't record warm-up weight.
Sure thing Ronnie.
Ain't nothing but a peanut!
>t. Manlet that bends 2 inches
>everybody mirin in the background
Cope lol
Real chads do not train legs!
Sure dude, whatever you say.
>degraded meniscus and pulverized cartilage
I can't even squat 75kg without my shit starting to fall apart.
Pussy who can only lift 200 kg detected
Nice try, you call yourself Jow Forums?
you do realize that's an exercise for women, right ?
>tfw got a warning for posting this
is that including body weight?
>he fell for the ss meme
same m8, had my meniscus in right knee removed (just 20% of the cartilage remaining) and a lot of the articular cartilage is kind of fucked up. What helped the most though was actually doing lots of legwork, focusing on unilateral and posterior chain stuff, and squatting when pain free, which I can usually do for 2-3 months at a time. Building up the musculature around the leg is hugely important in preventing long term degeneration of the tibial head.
I've never managed to squat over 160 despite years of training, but squatting is probably the only thing that will really save my knees from arthritis (along with some sort of meniscus implant if the technology improves in the next 10 years). At least you can focus on DL, I hit 230 pretty quickly
Obviously not
>he fell for the SS is a meme meme
I can only squat 295 I'm not Jow Forums :./
>216kg Squat
I’m 29 with a back injury from protecting a couple from a mugging of 3 guys. Fractured L5 from a skateboard to the back. Can’t squat 80kg with perfect form and that’s good enough for me.
Who is this squat thot?
zienna sonne
This is literally the perfect woman
I laughed
Quads bigger than my trunk
>I bent down to feed my cat in the kitchen one time and my friends said"haha user you look like that purple dude from mcdonalds"
>knew exactly what they were talking about .. craving my mcnuggets meme
I feel disproportionate sometimes
Klokov is like an irl fictional goalbody
Yes, women should also squat
stop posting this coalburner
>training lower body
You idiots are just wasting your time.
wtf is that seriously how low you have to go? I was going parallel and I felt good about myself getting 245 after a month of going to the gym and I thought my legs were just freakishly strong. then a gymbro told me to do ass to grass and I had to drop a 45 from each side, I'm definitely not going down that far.
Aside are you supposed to do less weight on a front squat?
well obviously you aren't fit if you're fucking disabled
I did 230kg squat in clogs a couple of weeks ago
245 lbs is nothing, especially on a parallel squat.
No, most people talk about a powerlifting squat wich is when you hit parallell and get Up again. What you see here is ass to grass and mostly weightlifters train this way to be able to Catch the bar as low as possible.
We all know bench is the supreme overlord of strength
>200kg is a heavy squat
The current state of Jow Forums
>wtf is that seriously how low you have to go?
You go as low as you physically can. Once your hamstrings touch your calves, you go up.
If you go down to parallel, you're doing a half-squat.
If you go above parallel, you're doing a quarter-squat.
I wonder how his coach explained him the proper form. Some non-downies have problems understanding it, and he does a perfect hip hinge.
No, most people will never reach that depth because of their hip and femur morphology. Not even most of the oly weightlifters go that deep, klokov is just an outlier.
>when a literal downie has better form than you
it hurts bros
I can't even squat 100kg, I've tried everything. I think I need to accept that there's just something wrong with my body.
Look on my works ye mighty SS lowbar fags and despair.
daily reminder that if you didn't pull 200kg (not sumo) your first day on the gym, you are never gonna make it
i guess you are white
>manlet cope
Cope I'm 188cm and 200kg for anything less than 4 is a warmup
>i guess you are white
Stop projecting, you fucking jewish cuck
egolifting lmao,
Weakfag lmfao