Reminder you're being poisoned

reminder you're being poisoned

Attached: iodine.jpg (1920x2607, 3.06M)

Other urls found in this thread: Water Filters&utm_term=water softener&utm_content=Water Softeners

I'd like to know more

same bump

i don't crave salty foods and am a leaf is it different for me?

hm. interesting

Don't care lol

lmao, kike mods nixed a post from an user about him supplementing. reminder you're being censored and lied to, too.

Not sure exactly how accurate this site is, but they have a shit ton of sources so I'm slightly inclined to believe them.

I live near an asin market I'll get some seaweed after work tommorow and incorporate it into diet. Thanks OP.

>americans are just now discovering that iodine is an essential mineral

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I drink a lot of tap water, yet I don't crave salty foods. What does my body mean by this?

A guy actually swung off me when I explained to him why iodized salt was not good for him.
>tfw he asked me why he was getting bloated despite his "electrolyte intake"
>tfw this shithead was putting 2 tablespoons of table salt in his water
>tfw he ate a half loaf of enriched white bread a day
>tfw he only ate processed sandwich meats
>tfw he claimed sea salt was a scam by the hippies
I'm an American, but the level of belligerent retardation and ignorance is astounding. What's really weird is that it's actually worse in big cities. People out in the country are pretty well read and take things into solid consideration. In the bigger cities it's a fucking echo chamber of dumbfuckedness.

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It means you're full of chlorine. The FDA finally admitted that flouride, at the levels they were putting it in water, is extremely toxic, so they decided the next best way to keep the public water clean is to heavily chlorinate it. You're basically drinking pool water m8.

kill all Jews and bad people when?

Attached: angriest pepe.jpg (680x680, 140K)

I saw "shareblue" and immediately stopped reading.

>bad people
Bruh we might as well go Adam and Eve if that's your goal.
>buy a Pur faucet filter or some other fuckass brand if you're noided out on big brands
>buy a box of a dozen filter replacements for $60~
>you now have a years worth of clean drinking and cooking water
On top of all that shit, look at replacing your water heater with one of these new electric ones. They're expensive, but the shit they put in water softeners is fucking scary. I miss living on a farm with a natural aquifer and showering in earth water. Water Filters&utm_term=water softener&utm_content=Water Softeners

Tell me more user

We iodize our salt in Canada.
They don't in the US.
I worked at a field camp in Alaska one summer and all the Alaskans refused to use the iodized salt I brought out because it was "weird".

Isn't it also bad to consume too much iodine?

it is. people who takes the advice from the pic in op are the same ones years ago attempted to create crystals using a tutorial found in this website

Any cheap way to know if you're deficient or not? I'm thinking about giving up soda and fast food so should I make up for that with more tablesalt?

>heh OP recommends taking recommended dose of something
>b-but if you take too much you'll die!
>kek I knew op was one of those tide pod challenge pranksters trying to kill us
You guys have autism and should feel bad

Uh, not true. Most of ours is too.

literally just season your foods with a little bit of iodized salt and you'll be ok. op's pic is sensationalized

>it's actually worse in big cities


>reminder you're being poisoned
oh no
>japanese have the highest iodine diet in the world
oh nevermind then