Physique rate please. Bulk/Cut?

Physique rate please. Bulk/Cut?

Is this good enough to pull at least 5s on tinder? This is by far the most natural least autistic photo I could come up with to be plausibly shirtless

Asking for a friend

Attached: shitt.png (1000x1333, 2.01M)

You'd have better luck on Grindr

looks pretty good. are you going to tell them about the accident?

that granny in the background looks stronger than you :D

>living in socal yet still that pale

You're fucked, fucked for ever. Every single one of your priorities is wrong and you're going to die a miserable lonely wretch you useless fucking weasel.

> chest saggy, legs short, can't even do a flyaway
have fun with your 2s and 3s

Michael you’re a faggot I’ll outlift you any day of the week

these comments are heavily damaging to my self-esteem and I want you to know that



Kek we did it lads

Attached: 1540352228643.gif (500x384, 719K)

I hear lifting is really good for self esteem

ITT: shitskins sperging out about skin color

OP is not even too pale

Enjoy skin cancer and looking like 50 at 30 tanny faggots

Attached: intothetrash.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

>white guy talking about others aging bad
lmao bruh

Why the hell are you on here looking for validation?
What on earth do you expect?

"Guhhhhh if I lift a bit more maybe I'll get a nice lady 1 day huungnghghhhhuhuuuhu"

You stupid motherfucker, you're pale because you almost never leave the house. Your personality is probably fucked and you've made no effort in any other aspect of being a better person than lifting and hoping that brings you out of your miserable little hole. Get off this website, get the fuck off it now and be a real human being.

It means the dipshit hardly leaves the house in a part of the country where it's sunny almost all the time

He's right though. Like go surfing or something damn.

Attached: 1488340842941.gif (380x210, 860K)

Autists in here worse than any polcel or SJW

>if you aren't 6'2, 8 inch dick, warrior skull, 250k salary, NW 1 hairline, sub 10% bf at 200 lbs, AND NOW have a perfect tan, you have no chance with women

Attached: topkek.gif (230x175, 1.94M)

Your Tinder success depends greatly on your face.

ever heard of a CBT you attention whore?

>tfw u never had reading comprehension classes

ok brainlet

>asks for honest opinions on an anonymous image board
>gets honest opinions he doesn't like


Whiteoid beta cumskin with a genetic defect

You belong in a cave away from the sun fuking casper ass

T. Fat shitskin with gyno

Attached: whiteoidbeta.png (720x1280, 566K)

stop doing silly pull ups and shit and use the traveling rings to your left instead.

Calisthetics once again proved to be best for aesthetics

Arent you asking for a friend?

Whoever took the photo needs to get closer, the DYEL in the center of the photo is distracting.

Looking good for the age though man!