
Is milk based or bluepilled? One of my friends has been gallons of milk for years and hes tall with clear skin. But hes an emotional like a woman and has sensitive nipples

what do you think, Jow Forums?

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Personally I like the taste of it

>full of estrogen
it’s one step above $oy

Well, I'm 5'4 and fat as fuck. And I drink about 1-2 gallons of milk a week. The fat part comes from fast food and sweets mostly, not the milk. If I actually worked out and ate healthy I'd probably have some decent muscle mass. I have heard that milk can make you "feminine" I guess it has estrogen in it or some shit?

Fucking love milk though. Have 1-2 glasses every night. It's tasty and I just find it relaxing.

>has sensitive nipples

How do you know?

He was talking about how his ex was trying to lick his nipples and he said how sensitive they are

I love it but cant drink it when on diet. So good for weight gain

I love milk and don't have sensitive nipples

drinking milk right now and I've also got a huge boner.

Raw grass fed milk from pastured healthy cows is based

Homogenized pasteurized factory milk is blue pilled

Wait, what? Milk is fattening? Really? Shit I drink so much of it but I didn't think it was fattening. I mean, it's good for you, right? It's got calcium and protein.

Is it only good to drink if you're actively working out?

>Is it only good to drink if you're actively working out?
yes, It actually help with gains and body size

Same brother I’ll rub one out in honor of you.

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Comes out of a boob, you mommy issue fuck. Just a veneer of masculinity like a beard or a tattoo. Also, lifting weights is soiboi as fuck now too.

So, just don't drink milk at all?

Milk is perfect for building good weight - it had a perfect mixture of fat and protein, and lots of other good stuff

I dont drink when on diet because 1 glass is 190 cals. When u have limited daily calories u get more choosey - so i fit it in once in a while , but genrally dont drink ur calories on a diet

If I am heavylifting should I drink it a lot?

Well, my calorie intake is 1,555. That's my max intake if I want to lose weight, but honestly I started a diet today and I'm planning to cut out all fast food. I was really only eating one meal a day anyway, but I did a lot of junk food snacking, so on top of that and the fast food I was easily consuming over 2,000 calories a day. So it's no wonder I put on so much weight. For the last 3-4 months I've probably been eating over 2,000 calories if not more a day.

I stare at pictures of cow girls when drinking milk and imagine I am suckling it from their tit. Gets me rock solid

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Diary protons are the best protons. Vegan a shit.

I'm lactose intolerant and lactase pills do nothing for me

this existence is hell and I would like to die now

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>One of my friends has been gallons of milk for years
check to see if you any words out

nasty estrogen-filled pus

Anyone who says anything about estrogen is coping. You're avoiding sick as fuck gains because you're paranoid your already feminine body will get even more feminine.

t. a guy who just finished running GOMAD for 2 months and added 80lbs to his flat bench and 105 to his deadlift.
>b-b-but estrogen
anyone who says this shit post body and lifts, I am willing to guarantee that will speak for itself. I'm leaving this shit thread, hopefully this helped OP.

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imagine being this triggered about your estrogen sugar water

post body, bet all that milk has given you some thicc mammary glands.

>check to see if you any words out

You don't even how to type either

raw milk is based
anything pasteurized off the shelf is bluepilled, organic or not

>Vegan detected
>Samefagging detected
>Lots of lies detected
Same old debunked vegan propaganda.

Summary: Your body produce a thousand to tenthousand times more estrogen than what enters your stomach due to milk consumption.

Attached: Debunk - Estrogen in milk.jpg (1054x586, 141K)