Does breakfast actually helps with energy/gains? And should it be big or small proportions?

Does breakfast actually helps with energy/gains? And should it be big or small proportions?

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Depends on you. I like a tea/coffee and a light bite before my day starts otherwise i feel bogged down digesting stuff.

no, just do what's more convenient for you. for some people a big breakfast makes them more productive and energized, for others it makes them sluggish.

at the end is energy consumed vs energy spent.

if you lift in the morning keep it light

>Still eating breakfast in the year 2018

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Breakfast is a meme

I have to force myself to eat something in the morning, so i make it an RX Bar.

It's good to force some carbs into you in the morning. Something like nutella on some healthy bread is pretty good because it's simple, can eat it on the go, and you get both simple and complex carbs

Always eat meat and eggs if you want to stop being a twink

No. Stay as far away as you can from that oily garbage, may as well just put straight up syrup on your bread

Just have a protein shake

>he fell for the shakes meme
why would I drink shakes if I can get the same ammount of protein just eating?

Easier, faster, cheaper, doesn't make you feel full.

I just don't have time for breakfast. I start work at 5 in the morning. I'd have to get up super early to cook breakfast. I could try cereal, but I feel like it's fattening. I don't know if there is any quick/fast healthy breakfast. Of course I could try pre-preparing my breakfast.

Straight syrup would be fine too though, yes it's a lot of simple sugars but this is the ideal time to ingest them



That depends on what's eaten, and full nutrition. …

Nutrient timing, properly, is beneficial; but carbs are insulin responding, which pulls nutrients to the muscles, and signals stopping fat-burning – so it's best before / after lifting, and plausibly only in small amounts (100 Cals -ish maximum) because of hypoglycemia increasing GH.

Protein is what's most utilized though – that's where the greatest fullness and energy are.

Whey is quick protein for muscles (pre- and post-exercising). Casein is absorbed for a while.

There are dozens of basic options for cold-made entrees and drinks – mousses, creams, cakes (from Tiramisu to crumbly), brownies …

Stevia …

while fasting raises HGH and helps healing inflamation, I think the significant rise in cortisol caused by fasting is a bad trade-off, so never fast more than once or twice a week.

you should eat fat and protein as soon as you can upon waking up. so many faggots here don't realize how their mood would improve if they ate some protein and fat withing 30min of waking up. they wake up in a sad or angry mood, don't eat breakfast (or eat carbs, which spike your insulin and shouldn't be in your first meal at all), then spend all day miserable thanks to it.

wake up, eat some protein with salt and fat, wait a while then eat your carbs. your mood will improve ten-fold.

OMAD is the GOAT.
I'll never go back.

You dont have to eat breakfast, but make sure you dont eat anything before sleeping. Try to keep the times you eat as low as possible.


Jesus, you sound like a faggot and a retard.

lol what

Depends on what you eat, how much you eat, etc. I don't eat in the mornings anymore. It doesn't really help me much.

Anecdotal evidence but everyday I've had a pretty huge, healthy breakfast I felt bad for the rest of that day. Never again, fuck you and fuck breakfasts.