i thought you said dating gets easier around 30...
I thought you said dating gets easier around 30
she hasn't realized she hit the wall yet
well at least she's honest
the fucking sad thing is she'd still have hordes of dudes messaging her
>28 years old
>Still single
I wonder why
Only because not a single one of them thinks they won't fuck. Women say that shit all the time. I've gone home with multiple girls who were adamant "we aren't going to fuck okay!? i just want you to realise that!" sure sounds good and then you get them into bed with some wine and suddenly she's taking off her shirt because it's "hot" and before you know it you're sucking her tits while she rubs your cock.
Women are goofy and I bet this ugly little monkey sucks like a hoover.
nigga she is the wall
t. never been in a long-term relationship
Sup projecting incel. I've been in several relationships spanning years and was even engaged at one point. Have you ever been with a woman? That's how they act.
>he literally thinks a one-night stand and a long-term relationship have the same sexual dynamics
Confirmed virgin.
idk bro I've been married for 6vyears and I certainly know my wife doesnt act like that.
If anything, I do...
This has to be shopped lmao
I'm proud to say I've never had an ONS in my life. Eat shit forever faggot.
Doesn't act like it now or didn't act like it then? Women like sex just like men do, they just don't want to be seen as or made to feel like a slut.
I'd literally never continue a date with some trash that says some shit like that while we're out...much less marry them.
I dont think anyone was arguing a point that women don't like sex, user.
They all say it. "Nothing's going to happen" until something happens. It's odd saying that would make you run but I assume her telling you she wants to fuck immediately would turn you off too. Make up your mind.
>I dont think anyone was arguing a point that women don't like sex, user
Okay user :)
>dating women your age
She's a garbage looking SEA she doesn't realize east Asians are the attractive ones she thinks that she is wanted/desired but she isn't. It's her pathetic understanding of race that caused this.
I'm saying that only actual gutter trash would be babbling about their pride of not fucking(or loving to fuck), than by actually showing it.
I couldn't care less when someone gets taken to bonetown in a relationship.
If you've never had a ons then don't use the term incel. All you are too is glorifying sex as the highest while simultaneously insulting whitoids. Incel is a Jewish word like alt right. Call them beta males.
Women don't want to feel like whores you nimrod. They say that shit to protect themselves, but the mere fact that they're saying it means it's on their mind which in my experience all you need to do is non-verbally assure them the slightest bit of comfort/discretion.
You sound like a spergy virgie.
But to call them betas is misleading because there is more to it than that and I assume you're saying only whites are incel which isn't true either.
She's not. Women like that usually give it up the second a man of even slightly higher SMV gives her some attention. She's pretending to have much higher standards than what she actually has in hopes that it fools some guy into see more in her than actually exists.
Fuck niggas in almost 23... Is this shit only 3.25 years away???
The hard truth is, unless you marry a virgin qt when you're a young man and start a family, you're 100% fucked. All that's left after that are carousel riding thots than have been run through 100x or more by you don't even want to know...