If i take steroids, do i have to stay on them forever to maintain the gains i make from it?

if i take steroids, do i have to stay on them forever to maintain the gains i make from it?
i dont want to get too big, j just want to get to a certain level and then fuck off...

also what do i take, where do i get it, and how many times do i take it

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more pictures and yes

Yeah, maybe.

yes idiot, it gets you to inhuman levels and also kills yourballsack so your twice the amount of fucked if you stop

>ITT retards

No you don’t have to stay on them forever OP. One 12 week cycle will increase the myonuclei in your muscle, so when you come off (with proper PCT) and train as a natty your muscle memory (no it’s not a meme) will allow you to keep most of your gains from your cycle.
Keep in mind I’m talking about a 500mg Test pw cycle, not some Mr Olympia level shit
t. Physiology

Yes you will have to stay on Gear forever. In fact many people who did steroids and then had to quit, never got back into a gym because they can't stand the fact that they will never get as big with natty training as they wear with steroids.

Your natural hormones production will be fucked up forever. And I'm not talking about the pist cycle effects, I'm talking about forever.

Now this is interesting, two EXACTLY opposite answers.
Any good medical source to confirm your claims ?

>t. dick hanging lower than the balls

This. Also what is that 'level' you would try to reach OP?

>who's the girl??

I'm P1: muscle memory and keeping gains
> Anabolic steroids have been shown to increase the number of nuclei (34, 35); thus, the benefits of using steroids might be permanent and should have consequences for the exclusion time after a doping offense.

P2: 500mg Test pw wont permanently destroy test production

dropbox.com/sh/j41mqhcoejs4jfn/AABcYoBNnzrEVprS_dkP77_Va/AAS Knowledge?dl=0&preview=William_Llewellyn_Anabolics_9th_Edition.pdf&subfolder_nav_tracking=1
>Post-Cycle Therapy It is called the "post cycle crash': and is one of the more unwelcome aspects of steroid use. As the saying goes, there is a price to be paid for everything, and in the case of steroids, one of those prices (a temporary one anyway) is your natural hormone production. What happens is quite simple; when you take steroids your body stops making them. Once you stop taking steroids, you can be left with a gap until your body starts making its own again.

the gap is supposedly 1-2 months according to most steroid forums; hardly the permanent shutdown of test production
bottom line is, if OP is asking these questions he should not do steroids until he can answer them. Retards give juice a bad name. (DISCLAIMER: I am not a roidcel and probably never will be)
again, t. Physiology fag

there u go bb

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stop making a case for roids, I'm afraid of needles :(

Personally I’m too afraid of going bald

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Liberals anally DESTROYED with facts and logic xD

Not OP , nor with intentions to roid. But it's great to see some proper info behind any claims. This is how things should normally be
Thanks a lot user

that ship has sailed for me, so

If you haven’t reached genetic potential and you do a cycle, you’ll lose some size after cycling off (most do) and keep some of the size but that’s a best case scenario and only if everyone goes 100% as planned, including my keeping up the same training and way of eating.

No problem fella, when I finish my degree I hope to do either medicine with a focus in endocrinology so it’s worth my while trying to learn about it early (thanks for reading my blogpost)

A good starting point for people interested is pic related (not shilling)

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No. The androgenic effect needed to create supraphysiologic muscle mass is not as high as levels needed to not catabolize it.

You aren't going to be able to maintain professional BBer levels of mass off of steroids, but you can maintain a physique well beyond natties for years without another cycle.

>Liberals anally DESTROYED with facts and logic xD
BEN SHAPIRO skull-fucks liberals family and pets with LOGIC and FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>P2: 500mg Test pw wont permanently destroy test production
The hardest thing will be to have a self restraint to not jump on the next cycle.

True that, another reason why I think I shouldnt hop on - I'll be a retard, never come off and do some damage to myself

>500mg Test pw wont permanently destroy test production

That quite honestly had fuck all to do with test production.
That talked about MUSCLE MEMORY a byproduct of living a healthy life and maximizing your test.
Once you've been on, you're never natural.

Secondly, 500MG is way more then a newbie needs and there is not a single solitary thing anywhere on the net that actually backs that specific fucking number.
It's just put out there for no reason.
Lastly, that will shut you down, and you will more then likely never have high test levels ever again. Your shit will be peramently lowered.
Your virility will be fucked forever. There will be cells in your nuts that will shut down and never come back on no matter what drugs you use.
They're done and dusted.

>Your virility will be fucked forever. There will be cells in your nuts that will shut down and never come back on no matter what drugs you use.
Proof or you are a faggot who just made that up.

final point before I leave; my P2:
>500mg Test pw wont permanently destroy test production
while being true, studies into this area are scarce (why i referenced a book) due to ethical concerns in experiments (rules stating they cannot give proper doses like 500mg pw) so most of the studies out there on this topic are from abusers who used too much and did affect their post cycle T levels negatively, probably being studied as they were being treated in hospital

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muscle memory is a byproduct of being muscular in the past - having more myonuclei. The muscles dont care how they got there.
as for your other points - show me a study where this has happened. the only studies that can be found are on abusers, no shit they shut down their test
although I strongly agree on your point on 500mg being arbitrary. Noobs should try maybe 300mg pw and see their response - being able to up the dosage and play it safe - everyone reacts differently to steroids, i never disputed this

i typed before i read your (you)

forgot pic

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>there is not a single solitary thing anywhere on the net that actually backs that specific fucking number.

Well, it's within the range used in clinical studies of testosterone. Doses at 600 mg/week produced superior gains than 300 mg/week, though both bump you into supraphysiologic levels.

Is there an EXACT reason for using 500mg? Not really. It's a nice "round" number in our hand counting world. It'll bump you into serious gains territory without crazy high sides. Could you use 400 or 600 mg? Sure, yeah, whatever, it's a trade-off between gains and side effects.

>rules stating they cannot give proper doses like 500mg pw

I mean test has been given to healthy men in clinical studies. I think that's probably changed a bit in recent years as some risks have become noticeable.

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,22&q=supraphysiological doses healthy mudcle&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&p=&u=#p=NXgt_JDHD68J

300 mg/ week, 600 mg/week for 20 weeks

scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,22&q=supraphysiological doses healthy mudcle&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&p=&u=#p=VJx6ErombDwJ

10 weeks at 600 mg test/week gave serious gains to those lifting. Still gains in those not active

Doing steroid cycles is like loaning a supercar for cheap.
After you've tried it you never want to go back to driving your shitty car, and it will ruin any motivation you had to train natural.
Keeping all your gains is also very hard, practically impossible for normal people. This is why you will eventually want to stay on them forever, because you realize that doing cycles where you're having cortisol and estrogen rebounds coming off, combined with all the PCT drugs, might actually be worse for your health and it ruins what you've worked for.
And there are side effects, but people react differently, I know someone who had their vision reduced due to high blood pressure which expanded the blood vessels in the eye. Stuff like that you never hear about, but it happens because hormones regulate so so many different processes in the body, and it's basically impossible to prove that the steroids caused this and that. They indirectly affect things in your body which is why you can't say that the steroids caused certain things.
You should think hard about your goals in life and what it means to start doing these drugs. Maybe it's for you, but probably not.