i'm on day 60 roughly (can't remember exactly when i started) and i feel like my life has really changed. my addiction to porn is gone, my fetishes have all dissipated, i'm attracted to normal girls with normal faces and bodies (not caked-up fake tits and ass clowns) and the biggest thing i've noticed that can't be placebo is my performance in the gym is so much better, i feel stronger and more steady on each lift, i have a better mind-muscle connection, my lifts have gone up despite being on a cut, i never skimp on my workouts and my recovery is legitimately so much better, i never feel sore anymore. i've really fallen into a happy medium with everything, i sleep well and just enough, i eat well and just enough, and my mood is much more consistent instead of up-and-down. i'm working slowly on goals everyday instead of making grandiose plans that i never finish.
some may make fun of me for this but i feel pure in my mind, like i'm guiltless and have nothing to hide, i can freely speak my mind because nothing in my mind is perverse or bizarre. i feel like a much more mature, principled man, like i how i always pictured my grandfather being.
i wouldn't say i have intense energy or anything extreme like that, and even for the first two weeks i felt worse, but slowly and surely i feel better than before. i'm very happy i did this bros
I’m about a week on nofap. Not even trying..I was about to fap just out of boredom... Probably bc I got back on Jow Forums. Quit this addiction a year ago. Picked it up last week.
How do you deal with horniness? I can't focus because of it.
John Rivera
>being horny
grow up
Dylan Bailey
Should I fap? I’m kind of bored..
Levi Nguyen
I'm also somewhat above 60 days. Another thing I notice is how even browsing Jow Forums is more enjoyable. Laughter has become genuine. Sometimes I chuckle at not so funny things that I find a bit silly for one reason or another, sometimes I'm in tears of laughter. That bitter irony that really was a problem for me is almost gone now. Just pretending to be mad at someone screwed with my reasoning but now I know how honesty is good. I can feel it. I am more empathetic towards everyone here despite the fact that there are plenty of things that I simply refuse to tolerate. Also I intend to cuss a lot less, here and irl.
Jaxon Wilson
probably on my 16th day
no changes yet tbqh, don't even feel horny
Parker Foster
you hold on till ur first flatline, then it's easy, kinda comes as a relief desu
Luke Brown
I keep relapsing.
The longest I've gone is two week. This sucks.
I want to stop but I always find myself looking at porn after my workout sessions.
Jaxon Roberts
Does noporn include Instagram thots or do I have to go off the grid
Jaxon Hill
Interesting, you sound like people who have had a psychedelic revelation and are much more at peace with themselves
I feel the same man... I woke up this morning and I felt absolutely amazing... the best I felt in months and all I did was do nofap.. crazy. I still get urged but I just meditate/pray and in a couple of minutes they go away and im back on with my day.. good luck user
When you first feel horny/lust distract yourself and do something else, exercise, move, pray, read, do something else. I used to always indulge in the temptation and horniness in my mind when it came up and that was the wrong idea. When you first feel horny do someting else
Liam Long
i'll jerk off in your mouth bro cum here
Cameron Ward
Incidentally I'll add that I fap as I please and trip once every few months and I feel about the same as OP most days
Aiden Foster
Nearly made it buds Been contemplating going 90+ days and just saving the world's biggest nut when I visit sweden in December.
Zachary Jackson
just busted but it wasn't to porn so I feel OK about it good luck everyone
Dylan Davis
fuck off from our women faggot
Isaiah Peterson
gib swedish gf
Gabriel Myers
I guess it’s pretty accepted by now that Sweden is officially not a thing anymore, people are just taking over the spoil
Chase Carter
swedish women are for everyone, user
Mason Mitchell
Saving them for mohammed are you?
Dominic Baker
doing this for that brain reset from all the porn I consume, on day 6 now
...I can't take this anymore when do I get to fap again?
Caleb White
it gets easier. seriously it gets easier and you will be so happy you held out. you don't get to orgasm again until you fuck a girl, and when you do you will feel that all is right in the world
Gavin Martin
about to end 24 hours of nofap right now
Colton Morales
bruh I aint some normie, I'm an anti social borderline autist, with zero irl friends that live in the same city as me. I'm not gonna be fucking a girl any time soon
Nicholas Allen
Based. Screenshotted and saved, I will add your story to the imgur folder later imgur.com/a/g4eGH
holy shit that guy who doubled his test, that's incredible, there needs to be more studies on this shit
Landon Turner
Keep it up OP. Similar spot as you. Fetishes (no matter how ingrained they are) are disease of the mind and can be undone, I noticed that myself on nofap.
Thanks for the advice Schlomo. No reproduction for me!
Liam Harris
Fuck, I broke nofap again. Hate myself. I've been really fucking bad at nofap this year, I don't know how long I've managed, like a month or two max maybe. Up until this year I did like a year and a half nofap or something. This last nofap period only lasted about 3 weeks.
Aiden Phillips
Day 2 here. Nothing to report. Yet.
Nathaniel Hall
What helped me was getting a journal. Write about it, see where you fucked up, train your mind to never be triggered by such mistakes again. Make no mistake, the greatest battle in the nofap journey will be your own mind which will try to trick you in a million ways, but you have to brainwash yourself otherwise and bring it to submission so it goes by your will.
Not him but I feel a lot better in bed, stronger erections and more sensuality. I feel "closer" to my wife, mentally and physically.
Ian Gutierrez
About the same amount of time. Got a date with the qt barista that i get coffee from everyday. Back when i fapped and watched porn I thought she was too good for me and i wouldn't have a chance but now she seems like the one who's infatuated with me. I know it's weird to attribute this to nofap but i haven't had this kind of female attention since elementary school which was when i """"coincidentally""""" didnt fap or watch porn. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'm on day 10. I was struggling a lot last night, but I came across this passage in Epictetus which gave me the kick to keep going. We're all gonna make it lads.
>When you are struck by the impression of some pleasure, guard yourself, as with impressions generally, against being carried away by it; rather, let the matter await your leisure, and allow yourself a measure of delay. Then bring to mind both of these moments in time: that in which you will enjoy the pleasure, and that in which you will repent and reproach yourself after you have enjoyed it; and set against these, how you will rejoice and praise yourself if you abstain. But if you feel that it is the right moment to embark upon the action, take heed that you are not overcome by its enticement and its seductions and attractions; but set against this how much better it is to be conscious of having gained a victory over it.
Jonathan Cruz
fuck that's a based quote, what epi book?
Angel Carter
>The last time I remember being genuinely happy was around 16 before I shut myself in and started masturbating a ton. Hmmmmmmm indeed.
Bentley Fisher
good to know and god bless you user
Justin Clark
while on nofap I thought about all things sex related much much more than normal. I don't want that stuff on my mind all the time. Nofap is stupid
Grayson Johnson
>t. tried it for a week then gave up at least six months to see true gains u simp
Leo Mitchell
How do you guys deal with being horny all the time? Just started nofap and sex/porn/masturbation is always on my mind
Kevin Cooper
I tried nofap and failed many times, I fucking hated browsing Jow Forums and seeing a pair of heavy milkers. It would ruin me instantly.
I'm ok now. It's just easy at this point. One thing that changed is I had an experience with a girl that taught me about devoting yourself to a girl. It makes you think about the type of girl/woman you'd want to openly show that you're a slave for her. In the end that is what women want, for their ideal guy to proclaim that he can't live without her. Then they feel like they've been gifted something special :)
And that beats any old wank to a pair of tits.
Leo Wilson
have sex :^)
Asher Long
holy fuck this is the most beta cuck shit I've read on fit.
Charles Richardson
Obvious bait
Colton Gutierrez
I know this feel...I've started working out and doing extra sets when I linger.
Sebastian Edwards
Made it to 70 maybe 71 and I just cracked like an old addict. That’s the most important battle. Not the day 30s or 40s but the one right before the finish line. Stay strong cause it hits you hard as fuck and makes most fail
John Evans
At this point I can’t tell who’s trolling and whos serious. We trolled people so good we can’t even get them to accept that it’s a meme. Kek
Sorry user, it's all placebo. And your going to get prostate cancer. I bet you still haven't even approached a girl huh? Thought so
Ryan Torres
Just relapsed after Day#19
I planned to meet this girl from tinder for sexy time and just didn't want to finish too fast, since my dick felt like it's just gonna explode on the first touch so I just jacked off in the shower.
Well I lasted a lot longer after that and don't feel too dirty (maybe because of fapping without porn? or just the sex idk).
In the gym I didn't feel anything "too" extra in these 3 weeks, maybe I just had a bit better endurance. I also maintain(ed) a blog (nofapbodybuilding at blogspot) if you are curious about these days.
In real life I was the same procrastinating person (also I only masturbated like 2-3 times / week before this experiment so it wasn't too extreme or anything)
Cooper King
Day 11. I did around 30 days a year ago and it was a nightmare. I was horny all the time and it would drive me crazy. I hope this time I wont relapse. Good luck to all of you guys.
Brody Nguyen
This much salt from people who know they dont have the willpower, and they feel threatened that other people do
Kevin Murphy
Day 30, feeling great Kinda salty I never went so far with it for the three years I knew about it but I honestly don't care, nofap lets you be free from saltyness
Andrew Torres
haha thanks rabbis, i'm happy i have you to remind us dumb goyim to keep cranking it to trannies, you truly are our greatest allies :^)
change your browser setting, change your habits, resolve not to come here anymore, and stay on noporn. you know it is the best way forward for your life
Cameron Stewart
>started nofap as i got antidepressants for the first time >1 week everything feels easier. i know the medicine is doing the most but i feel like i'm able to take a more dominant position in my own life with decisions, social interactions, and goals/activities. what exactly does nofap/noporn do to cause this? does it get better? what happens when your body gets accustomed to the lack of cheap thrills? its fascinating.
It mostly has to do with dopamine, androgen receptors and prolactin. Prolactin in specific causes complacency, sleepiness and depresses your body. When your avoiding prolactin and not frying your brain with dopamine all the time, the result is more general energy and sensitivity
Christopher Green
I thought no fap was a huge bs. I'm only just on 3 days but holy shit when was the last time I've felt clear headed. Placebo maybe but fuck it I'll try it for a couple of more days see how it rolls out
Angel Mitchell
>Tfw supposed to be cutting but now that I don't have fapping to distract me I'm thinking about food a lot more
Fuck, what do I do?
Grayson Martinez
Holy shit I haven't played this game in like a decade.
Here's your (you)
Austin Diaz
>16 >Elementary school
Alexander Ross
I was relating my own experience nerd, not quoting his
Tyler Torres
really feel like fapping, been 48 hours and I just watched a pretty suggestive asmr video
how to fucking fight this? my cock is literally burning
Jason Parker
cold shower, deep breaths, hurt yourself somehow. etc. do all three pussy
Tyler Clark
Let it burn, asshole. Just let it burn and be a man.