Hi I'm an awkward weird autistic guy but I'm very good looking. Consequently I've had sexual relationships with 7 girls (I'm 24). Also natty kind of muscular. Naturally high quality hair.
My dad was 8/10 level handsome, my mom was 10/10 before becoming a fat pig. I got some of those looks without trying.
Now, I can't keep the girl around after a few weeks, but I still CAN score.
Sounds like you were gifted with aesthetic gains but absolute no personality gains. You may not be looking in the right place for keepers either.
Owen Ward
Yup, so fucking annoying having thots ask why I'm quiet or ask them to tell them a joke/story. I'm not your personal jester bitch.
Josiah Morales
I'm literally a mentally ill autist lol. I suck. But thank God I'm 9/10
Isaiah Foster
Ethan Wood
It doesn’t work that way. You’re autistic because you’re ugly.
Post face I fucking dare you
Justin Rivera
no I don't want to get doxxed you stupid sperg
Connor Lee
Samuel Young
girls stare at me a lot but im too autistic to tell if it's because im ugly or because im hot. i also cant make eye contact with qts and i think that's a huge turnoff for girls
Justin Clark
If you were a true sperg you would have no online identity. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or tinder. You’d be a nobody.
You’re just phony. You like to use the term “autistic” because it is convenient.
What kind of phone is that? Russian? You look russian.
Kayden Fisher
>I'm very good looking >Also natty kind of muscular >Naturally high quality hair Am i getting trolled here? No one can be this deluded looking like that
Ryan King
Pic actually is related, that dude talks about tearing dick skin and pissing to get laid- he would scare off most women
I'm not trolling I'm just confused as to why everybody is laughing? I get the girls, probably more than most of you. That's the funny part.
Josiah Hernandez
This here
I’ve posted my face on here many times, then again I am an actual autist shut in hermit with no online identity or real life identity and have nothing to lose anywya
Camden Cruz
Timestamp next to face, I just woke up my family laughing and crying
Zachary Kelly
I don't give 2 shits about you. This thread goes out to people like me who get laid only by looks and are autistic.
Christian Moore
that's the troll, I am not posting my face, look
Chase Garcia
You know what.. I think I’m gay
Caleb Parker
Austin Parker
Posted too soon. And also I promise I'm better looking in person. Probably more than you too. Post a picture faggot.
Justin Edwards
Chase Reed
Gavin Turner
If you were autistic you would have nothing to lose. You’re just some failed normie who thinks he looks good and is deluded himself into thinking that. I bet the 7 girls you’ve had sex with were all fat ugly sluts
Logan Cook
>still won't post face Fuck off the thread is over. Give up.
Charles Ward
Op here. It must be so tiring to troll on a site like this. My life is better than yours. I wake up every morning and take a breath of fresh, in fact it’s more like a snort. You can’t imagine what it feels like. To be able to smell flowers from 400 yards away.
>If you were a true sperg you would have no online identity. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or tinder. You’d be a nobody. Don't call me a fucking sperg.
So you're poor too lol Yeah dude I'm sure you have such a problem talking to girls when they approach you holy fuck. Why would you not say that the first time someone asked you to post?
Nolan Morris
I don't need to approach. Girls randomly approach ME and sometimes we bang.
Eventually girls realize I'm a sperg and dumo me.
Ryan Thompson
Mason Reed
put me in the fucking screencap
Samuel Rivera
I said when they approach you fucking idiot just read for fuck's sake. You're ugly, have no confidence, poor, a liar, and an absolute retard. Have you ever talked to a girl?
Mason Foster
FINE! Here's my photo. Had to ask my mom for hers.
I’m in the same boat but I’ve only had about 23 sexual partners. Honestly most of them happen before I lost my fat and gained muscle. I’ve been told I’m a solid 8.
Jack Evans
You are weird. Study this thread and know this is not how normal people act.
Xavier Ross
Hey, whoever's the real OP, I'll post a picture of a real autist if you post a pic of yourself. I'm talking about myself.
I have a few friends who are good looking but not "autist" material & I'm actually interested in what a good looking autist looks like. I'm definitely not a looker but hopefully itll convince you to post a picture
Brayden Long
Ayy lamao
Nicholas Sullivan
not posting, sorry guy
Tyler Collins
pls. i'll post a cute anime girl for you c:
Kayden Russell
I think I'm kind autistic. I get mutiple girls interested in me all the time but I never do anything. Last semester I had 3 girls that wanted some and I was very aware and deliberately did nothing. Like I can interact with people fine and I find women attractive but I can't see myself with a gf. The idea of having to have to care about someone is alien to me. I have two brothers that I never see and call because I'm not really that interested in their lives. I like them and all but I don't need to be part of their life. Same goes with girls. I like them but I don't want to be part of their existence.
Joshua Edwards
Just talk to them, idiot. I'm a total retard talking to ppl but a girl who thinks you're hot will lap up whatever BS you say.
Just make out or bang. ffs.
Cooper Phillips
Yeah, I'm 6'4,28, normie level ripped(test e fake gains) and handsome.
I guarantee this guy is Dutch. I've never seen a more Dutch looking face.
Brandon Price
I've slept with only 10 girls at 28. While having been a complete shut-in for a total of 3 years intermittently and both 1-year and 4-year dry spells. But the thing is I didn't initiate with most of them. Highschool "girlfriend" asked me out, kissed me. Date for grad asked me out. Three different girls tried to seek me out for sex at highschool parties but I was oblivious until after. Girls I've made out with when out, just came up to me and started dancing. Often groped by others. Girl in college just walked me to her room and blew me in the morning, tried to come fuck me later but I was oblivious to it and too nervous. Two girlfriends I've had both messaged me first (normiebook/tinder). First sex was pretty much 3 minutes after I met her, just happened. Three tinder hoes and one prostitute have been the most I've initiated but easy in all cases, tinder girls pretty much did all the messaging and work.
I feel like it's a blessing and a curse. I was probably one of the top 3 attractive guys in my grade at highschool. Never realised I could use that power and that girls who talked to me were interested. My dad tried to tell me the same thing happened to him but didn't really listen. Now it's like I have some experience with girls but have never walked up and asked a girl out. Trying to change that and I'm already far more outgoing than my father. Sad because I've not got receded temples and thin hair but I just find that ironically funny. And I still get looks and smiles when I'm out so I don't worry about it anyway. Growing into myself and not giving a fuck seems like the way.
One thing is, drinking with friends is a short-term help with social awkwardness (which I think it is in my case, not full-blown autism; probably the same for most people here despite claiming autsim). 2-3 Ecstasy (MDMA/speed) snorted or orally plus drinking is pretty much a complete short-term cure for it haha.
Daniel Russell
bro that's not bad
Ayden Robinson
10 is OK
Carter Thomas
>it's real Are those really the best pics you can take? Like honestly rofl
Those dry spells though. And comparing myself to guys who have fucked over 100 girls by early twenties, girls who have double that; is sad. I basically went back to being a virgin for 4 years after my first time. haha.
Aaron Walker
Those Eurasian tiger eyes, true chad
Eli Hill
>my mom was a 10/10 before becoming a fat pig
brah u can't make those reckless claims of her being 10/10 without posting pics
before or after we won't judge brethern
Connor Gutierrez
lmao dude this better not actually be you OP
I 8 the b8
Luis Carter
would suck your dick, no homo
Juan Foster
not very good looking nor autistic, just slight good looking and introverted/shy. all the times i go out i'm too nervous to make a move and the girl does it first
Kevin Smith
i feel similar to you op. Not extremely handsome but kinda good looking, not diagnosed with autism but never been tested. I showed all the symptoms as a kid and have always been reclusive and shy. can anyone confirm I'm not just delusional and hella ugly?