Fat feels thread

>tfw you're so fat not even faggots will suck your cock

110 kg
170 cm

I'm not joking. A faggot refused to suck me off tonight after seeing my profile on Grinder. Should I just an hero?

Attached: fat suicidal Wojak.jpg (983x752, 100K)

Just lose the weight you lazy fuck. What a petty reason to hero yourself. Hope that you never get any real problems in your life.
Calculate your TDEE, start tracking calories, stay in a daily 500 calorie deficit, weigh yourself once a week and update your TDEE accordingly.
And in about 1 or 2 years of no cheating (+cardio), you'll be a twink that will have a constant flow of people on Grindr desperate to suck your dick. It's that easy.

I've been trying to lose weight for 7 years now. I just yoyo between 90 and 120 kg.

So what goes on inside your head when you decide to eat more than you should and exceed the daily calorie limit?.. Knowing full and well that it WILL mess up your new diet lifestyle and the weight goal.

Just get on the fat fuck version of grindr.

Not much desu. If I eat correctly, I go down to 90 kg and get stuck there. My body is so fucked up from being obese that it thinks obese is normal, and stays there. I just give up after being stuck at 90 kg for a while.

Using euro metrics should be a bannable offense

anyone follow this hambeast amberlynn reid? bitch is like 550 lbs and lies about her weight constantly is in general a psycho bitch truly worthy of the title lolcow

perfect /fph/ material

Attached: hamberlynn reid.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

I live in Canada. Everyone uses the metric system now. It's almost 2020 for fuck's sake.

How about you start eating a shit ton of fruit instead of potato chips and soda

Shit's tasty and fills you up

I actually eat very well. My body is just damaged from being obese. I became obese after being proscribed anti-pschotic medications. I never recovered.

dude i was you almost 2 years ago (not a fag tho) now im 72kg and 15%bf just eat at a 1000-1200 deficit and lift and do cardio, your calves are going to be massive if u were fat all your life.

>1000-1200 deficit

>how to be so hungry you can't sleep

>the I'm not even fat just chubby
>but I have been chubby so long I cant picture noy having a flabby chest
>I continue to try but its hard to work towards a goal I cant picture.

Any canons have any advice.

Then you aren't updating your TDEE like I said you should. It's literally impossible for your body to not continue to lose weight if you keep being in a deficit. You're just tricking yourself into making whatever excuse to overeat again. You will never succeed until you start dropping all the excuses... All of them.

My phones auto correct has fucked any meaning I meant out of this so just forget it.

Down 50 lb and qt friend of mine says I'm looking good. Need to replace every pair of pants because they're falling off me. It can get better bros. You just gotta stick with it.

Attached: ritsu_yea.gif (500x484, 950K)

You can deficit all you want, but if you can't sleep at night from being hungry it's not going to work.

Jesus, another whiny excuse. Even if that wouldn't be unavoidable, so fucking what? It's only temporary. You will sleep at some point, the hunger feeling will readjust itself once it get used to not having the stomach be full 24/7, you'll build up a much stronger will-power and ignore the hunger-feeling, your stomach will shrink and fill up quicker. Stop being a bitch and start getting used to not being comfortable all the time. Imagine how it was back in the day when people could go many days without eating before finally killing some animal. Feeling hungry is not dangerous, it's a signal to your brain that you aren't getting what you're used to. So you shouldn't worry about "dying" either considering that you're still fat.
And being hungry before sleeping is completely avoidable if you just make sure to have some calories left to spare on the evening. Avoid calorie-dense food and eat more vegetables that have very few calories per 100g. It will fill up your stomach all the same and relieve the hunger feeling. It's not fucking rocket-science.

7 years man. I have all the dietary information in the world at my fingertips via the web. I'm still a fat piece of shit. Something is broken, either in my brain or in my body. It can't maintain a healthy weight or regulate my appetite.

Only your will and self-discipline is weak... That's it. You're basically trying to tell me (or yourself) that you're the exception to the laws of thermodynamics and that it magically doesn't apply to your body once it reaches 90kg (scientists should look at your body to solve world hunger then).
You mentioned that you get stuck at 90kg, admitted to giving up and going back to 110-120... You see right there, that's just you getting lazy and comfortable again. Choosing to go back to your old eating habits. Because why wouldn't you just stay on 90kg if it truly was just your body somehow being "stuck"? 90kg is certainly better than 110-120kg, right?
You can keep making excuses and wallow in self-pity but then you'll never change. You might as well take a long look in the mirror right now without your shirt on and tell yourself that this is the best version of you that there will ever be in life. It'll just continue to go down-hill from here and get harder as you get older each year.

>Only your will and self-discipline is weak...
That's a brain based problem.

A psychological one, not a lobotomy.
Discipline and will-power can be slowly improved to the point of being able to completely ignore all the uncomfortable signals in your body. How else do you think athletes are able to improve themselves? Certainly not by feeling comfortable. The feeling of hunger is a joke compared to what athletes are pushing themselves through.
Self-defeatist attitude only sets you up for failure before you've even begun. It's so common among fatties. People also find it very repulsive. You should probably get some cognitive-behavioral therapy before/during losing weight. Seriously, positive thinking is mandatory to achieve anything in life. There's nothing to lose by getting it.

7 years. My entire twenties.

lose weight, ya dummy
I lost 13 kg in about 2.5 months
start working out bruh. it helps.

Lost 99lbs since the beginning of the year
I had the same thought process as you, Thinking that I simply couldn't lose weight and that my "set point" was simply around my old weight
Here's a tip
Starvation mode, Slow metabolism, Set points, what your body thinks etc. are all lies.
Its what people tell themselves to make them feel better becuase they don't want to admit they can't stop eating.
Just count calories, What you drink, What eat, Everything.

You say faggot but have Grindr and want some dude to blow you

>hw 332
>sw 286
>cw 175
Since I started recording calories I'm shocked at how accurate CICO is. CICO is so accurate that I had to input fake exercise into my spreadsheet to account for the week I had bronchitis. When I hit 200,000 total calories deficit I should be at 155 lbs.

Attached: 2018-10-31.png (2049x1276, 234K)

>Starvation mode, Slow metabolism, Set points, what your body thinks etc. are all lies
I try not to assume malice for things that could be attributed to ignorance. Fitness and morbid obesity are new phenomenons. Our culture has only been successful enough that young teenagers were obese for 40 years.

That being said, the data is in now and it's conclusions are clear. We eat too many carbohydrates.

>Something is broken, either in my brain or in my body.
Get gastric bypass surgery. Life is too short.

People abuse food like any other addictive stuff, you can compare it to drugs.

You're an addict and a food junkie and you need to accept that.

You need to accept that food is something that you use to comfort yourself under pressure or when sad but you're actually just destroying yourself.

But in the end its up to you if you actually want to live and like living.

You are sick and might need psychiatric help.

This. Listening to "what your body tells you" is the worst mistake you can do when it comes to losing weight.

Instincts and feelings have nothing to do with counting calorie numbers.

>actually eat very well.
Too well obviously if you're overweight user.

Is it normal that you lie to yourself all the time ?

Stop pretending like you're a victim. Who are you trying to convince, yourself ?

I'm canadian too and it's kinda weird here. Technically we're metric but outside of work and official business myself and everyone I know uses imperial. I weigh myself in lbs and measure my self in feet/inches.

gotta learn two fuckin measuring systems in canada

Fat people logic.


join us

UK is similar
Since everything we get is American we use imperial sometimes
Weigh ourselves in stones which is just a weird version of lbs
And for hight usually use a mix of cm or feet/inches
I'll use kg/feet/grams while my sister uses stone/feet/cups