I need to hit shoulders today but im feeling sleepy as fuck. I don't have any preworkout. What do?

I need to hit shoulders today but im feeling sleepy as fuck. I don't have any preworkout. What do?

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>Not having a bottomless well of energy sustained solely by willpower and not caffeine
Never gonna make it

i dont even use caffeine

This shouldn’t even be a post you faggot.

Get up and go to the gym now. Never forget that no one cares what your story is, just work harder

if i was sleeping on a row of naked womens torsos i wouldnt want to get up either

home gym masterrace here faggot, i can lift whenever i want and this is why im asking how to fix that sleepyness

Still sounds to me like you don’t want to make it.

fuck that looks comfy

I keep this article printed out-
Gets my mind straight if not feeling it.
Thinking about changing it and making one for nofap and work bc this sht actually works!

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>“I just took a shower and don’t want to get all sweaty.”
This has been a problem for me before since showering too much or just staying sweaty both damage your skin, but how the fuck can you justify skipping the gym for that?

Cold shower

hitting shoulders too today, don't be a pussy user, this is the best day

Always shower post gym on gym days

Stop at a gas station get some sip formula and blast this shit you fucking baby

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you can stop posting faggots. I only asked about protip to snap out of this sleepeness and you homos started implying that im looking for excuses not to lift. I got home gym to lift every day.

i already did shoulders and hit pr on ohp

I do, but I train arms 6 days a week and sometimes I have to shower in the morning and train at night.

>not having a baggie of coke tucked in your sock for when you really need to get shit done

Holy shit op you are a faggot

post body

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Drop a dumbell on your foot, it would help you wake up

Take the leap of faith, just do a few sets, believe me the exercise will bring energy, you dont believe that right now, but it will. Try power partials, a nice addictive movement that will pick you up. bodybuilding.com/exercises/power-partials

Plz no bully

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