It looks like a good time for a Wheyfu Wednesday
It looks like a good time for a Wheyfu Wednesday
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cutting her hair made her go from a 9/10 to a 5/10. she looks like a butch dyke now.
>Wheyfu Wednesday
I like it.
t. tastelet
Nice, brother
I want to tongue punch her fart box
>tfw I will never have a Varbie gf
Should I stop roiding and end it
I fucking hate Varbies, natty muscle girls are ugly enough already, add Anavar to them and they turn into ogres. If you're attracted to these girls you're literally gay, I don't know what else to say lads
get some var and make your own varbie desu
Pic related is my gf's delt goals. She's on her second var cycle and and it's the best sex I ever had.
Understand you will never have her and weep
>if you're attracted to these girls
>you're literally gay
user, i don't think you understand how this works
The ones that obviously used steroids yeah
It's the body of a man retard, it's pretty gay. Straight men like feminine women with feminine curves
if you think they're too big you're probably too small
yeah boy you wanna fuck that manpussy you see
aint nothing gayer than that
literally gay
you in the back
That is probably stronger than her tbhf.
Go back to
Keep coping homos, you like men and that's fine, just tell your boyfriend to wear a wig tonight so you can pretend to be straight.
Did you see that nip? That "chick" has a Y chromosome
got the gear but still need to find a cuty to sculp into a masterpiece
Life is sad :/
>haha you're all gay for liking women
>haha It's gay because having muscles = man haha
every fucking thread.
Looks like Nick's Strenght and Powers Twin Sister. Would fugg.
These girls are like 5'2 maybe 140. If thats too big for you, then fucking yikes
swole sophie makes me diamonds
pic a cardio bunny from the gym desu
Except you don't like them for being women, you like them for having muscles. It's literally the same fucking argument homos use when they say that traps aren't gay. You are attaching a masculine body part (penis, large/defined muscles, etc) onto a woman then fetishizing that specific body part, but because it's on a woman you try to claim you're not gay. Normal, high estrogen, healthy women do not look like this. Men are designed to be attracted to large breasts/ass/thighs, not large biceps and delts. If you're attracted to large muscles, I've got some news for you:
You're gay
Funny how you keep thinking anyone cares about the height user, maybe you have some size issues of your own you're projecting?
Post body.
I think you might be mentally ill mate
it's ok to be jelly user
if you start lifting now you can look as good as the girls itt one day
I'm not gay like you faggot
So you can shop some tits on me and jack off? I've already got long hair, it'll be easy for you homo-user
Does this count as a chick in varbie threads? He's got long hair and big muscles, seems like a lot of you anons might want to suck him off sometime
Thats not you. Guarentee you dont even lift
Are these the kind of men you like to look at user? Looks to me like you're pissed off that these girls don't have dicks.
>Except you don't like them for being women, you like them for having muscles
Holy fuck you're a moron. You're literally claiming to know exactly how i think like you're in my head. You honestly think i don't find women who aren't muscular attractive either? I think muscles look sexy on a woman, but it doesn't fucking control me. I've known more than my share of buff women who are unattractive, lacked any femininity, or had shitty personalities and them having muscles didn't make up for that. You're making an ass of yourself, fuck off.
>this thread
>has pictures of naked men saved on his computer
>calls other people gay
Daily closet fag thread
look at this samefag
If that's the same girl she looks like shit here.
who? that is a nice fuckin body
>I think muscles look sexy on a woman
You're making my job too easy for me user, you're bi at least and closet faggot at most
Never said it was, I'm certainly not posting pics on a board filled with gay guys like yourself
Based and trappilled user
I want to look like him, not at him, unlike you fag-user
I want to be a wheyfu. How the fuck do I even start to get those arms?
>Never said it was
you literally responded with that picture to a guy telling you to post your body
Women should not have visible abs, slight ribcage is fine when arching but basically if you see lean muscle she is notably underweight.
If you think this is hot you are gay
thats a completely different person you moron, can't compare the two
>You're making my job too easy for me user, you're bi at least and closet faggot at most
Yes, preferring to stick my lulla in a vagene makes me closet bi/gay. You're a riot.
>I want to look like him, not at him, unlike you fag-user
You want to look like a guy with long hair? That's pretty gay user. Long hair is a female trait.
Will I look like a man if I start taking it? I still want to look feminine
>Can increase the risk of cancer
Mental Illness: the picture
My wheyfu
Being attracted to male body parts makes you a fag, I don't know how else to say it retard. If you like normal women then maybe you're bisexual or something, but you sure as hell aren't straight
Lmao no one on Jow Forums actually posts their own pics newfag
Well said fellow straight man
More like Varbie Trashday
You will look very, very manly, that's literally the only reason chicks take it. Your shoulders will also bloat up more than you expect as well. If you want to be a cute wheyfu just lift naturally and have patience.
>Men have long hair for tens of thousands of years
>Women have big muscles for the last few decades after performance drugs become popular
Hmmmm, which one is unnatural here?
Ntm the dude has a beard
>>Men have long hair for tens of thousands of years
Cope faggot.
But some of the most masculine men ever have had long hair
No one in this thread is talking about male body part. Your posts are slowly boiling down to "Only men should have muscles, so it's gay."
That's been my point all along homo, by talking about large and defined muscles you're talking about a male body part. Grafting it onto a female doesn't make your attraction to it any less gay
Pic related is my gf before and after 16 weeks on 10mg Anavar. The only side effect was that she was horny all the time.
>user sees a thread of men talking about things they like
>comes in to shit it up
>like a standard fucking cunt, ironically
pic related
>women don't have muscles
Did you finish school?
who is she user
Scratch that, you're going narrower, now it's: "I don't like muscles on women, so it's gay."
you'll probably look like a lot of the women in this thread. You won't start growing a beard unless you do more androgenic steroids, but your skin quality might decrease, you might lose fat in your face, etc.
if you want to look like this or this or this , that's what anavar does.
anavar is associated with prostate and liver cancer. I wouldn't worry about the prostate if I were you, and wikipedia says that it isn't as hepatotoxic as other steroids, and is primarily metabolized by the kidneys. If you have reason to be worried about your liver then maybe you shouldn't use it, and you might want to avoid binge-drinking. However if you don't overuse, it's very unlikely to result in cancer
If we were really gay, wouldn't it be way easier to find a gay dude than a girl with a manly body?
Just trying to make sure everyone knows you're gay, and that these threads don't represent straight men.
>large and defined muscles
Did you even read my post user?
My preference is irrelevant, when it comes to biology men are naturally attracted to feminine women with feminine bodies. If you're attracted to a masculine trait then you're gay or attracted to men, it's that simple
It's coping, no one wants to admit they're gay, especially on a masculine board like Jow Forums
>It's coping, no one wants to admit they're gay, especially on a masculine board like Jow Forums
>tfw I've been lifting 3 times a week for two years and my arms don't look half as good as the after picture
>tfw I'm a guy
this is Jow Forums, where liking girls with muscle definition or strong jaws are gay, but liking abominations with "feminine penises" is straight
don't know who she is, but i'm claiming her
Sauce me lads?