You aren't skipping the gym today just because it's Halloween are you Jow Forums?
You do realize the gains goblins are out in full force tonight, and unless you lift big you're going to be skeleton mode by tomorrow.
You aren't skipping the gym today just because it's Halloween are you Jow Forums?
You do realize the gains goblins are out in full force tonight, and unless you lift big you're going to be skeleton mode by tomorrow.
Can i ask who are the gains goblins?
They come under the cover of darkness to steal your gains
Check’d satan
Why fear the gain goblins when you’re the goblin slayer
Goblins, huh?
Won't have much time today, so I'll do heavy romanian deadlift and heavy DB pullover, maybe superset.
Based goblin rape sim poster
B...b...but what if Wednesday is my rest day
this is me when I dont have much time to lift but still come to the gym
>celebrating Halloween in 2018
Are you 12?
trips confirms current year
I am fasting op.
No use lifting heavy.
Did Jow Forums remember to tip their gains ghost this Halloween?
Just had a killer leg day bitch
i dont have any friends to party with sp yeah i guess
I decided to train while wearing my Goku costume. the goblins won't win this time.
I wish I was skeleton mode.
Just remember everyone, if you miss a workout you can just push it to tomorrow and there's really no harm done. The gains goblins switch to defense mode for a whole turn after they attack and their defense is zero.
>minor injury on forearm, couldn't lift today
>going out of town until sunday
>only 2 days of liftan this week
Wasted trips on a fun hating incel
nope, broke a PR too