I Can’t Do a Chin-Up to Save My Life

>use the gravitron machine for two months, get up to 20 pounds assisted
>do negatives for 3 months
>STILL can’t do one fucking chin-up

All my lifts have progressed except this one. Why?

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Check out convict conditioning for babysteps. Strict pull-ups are a fucking heavy exercise.

>can't do chinups after all that training

>being THIS weak
LMAOing at your life dude

I’m not a woman, but when I started lifting, I was benching 40 pounds. Yes, less than the bar.

I’m at 115 pounds now, but chin-ups have stalled. Should I switch to barbell rows?

You should do the negatives proprerly, Since you obviously aren't doing it now

How can you even be unable to do a chin up?
I could maybe understand if it was pull ups, but chin ups involve a truckload of muscles.
Start doing more rows, deadlifts and even curls until you manage.

How fat are you?

Too weak core more deadlifts and rows

Literally how fat are you? I was doing 5 reps chinups at 100 kg mate. Make sure you're losing that shit, you're literally dragging your body upwards using the force of your upper body alone.

good luck on your journy, frond. and i thought i was stuck in Auschwitz mode

I’m 160 pounds, 5’11”

Try grip training. I was this about 3 months ago and I could do chin-ups just fine. Was just getting fit too.

Try some squats and oats. Bulk at least 20lbs.

Add volume or eat more protein

im 180 pounds 5ft11and I started 2 months ago. I couldn't even do one pullup but now i can do 5, I just used the latpulldown machine a lot till i was able to pulldown my own body weight.

Unironically fix your form. I thought I sucked at chinups even after a year of on-off training. Turns out I was relying on my biceps too much and I wouldn't even engage my back. Ever since I realized biceps were just there to help the back do the work, I've been doing them like crazy.

i even could do atleast one before started training and more than 210lbs body weight

Homie I look like a DYEL and I can do a fuckton of them

>I just used the latpulldown machine a lot till i was able to pulldown my own body weight.

yep. this is the way to do it

This explains everything. You're probanly close to your genetic potentional and won't be able to progress much.

When will they learn?

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I'm the exact same height and weight and I started in February. I could always do pullups, but never more than one chinup. I went from 1 chin up to 10 by supersetting almost every chest and shoulder lift with chin ups. When I can't do any more I move to flexed arm hangs with really slow negatives. My lats are sore more often than not and they got visibly larger pretty fast.