Is it a bad idea to have sex with a girl who is sick?
Month of NoFap brehs I need the pussy
Is it a bad idea to have sex with a girl who is sick?
Month of NoFap brehs I need the pussy
Do you want to get sick as well idiot?
>literally risking your gains
Just wish her quick recovery and hit her up after 2 days.
She's not gonna be sick forever. If you've made it a month, what's 3 more days? By the weekend she'll be better, and you can fuck to your heart's content.
Easy answer
Do you want her to be your girlfriend, or is she already your girlfriend? Then yes, caring for her when sick will score you major points
Is she just a thot for you to get your dick wet? Nope, not worth getting sick over. Just wait a few days
Simple really
well said.
>should I just hand over my gains to the gains goblin
Do it user.
>catching the cold ever
Your immune system is shit m8. I had H1N1 for a grand total of 2 days even though I lived with my gf and her family, who had it for about a month.
>make immune system gains
>never be a sick cunt
Based and thotpilled
>I just want some wawa mac and cheese and someone to play with my hair
>Caring for a girl you're not dating
That's how you turn into a pussboy
Don't this OP, don't be a fucking moron.
Only care for a girl if she's actively dating you, not a friend you're trying to fuck.
nice reading comprehension faggot
It's scary how accurate
Shes not that sick dude.
Let her suck and nurse on your cock for nourishment.
Kys brainlet
i fucked this girl for a bit in college, was bretty gud
Based Flying Dragon trips.
when you're sick the last thing you wanna do is have sex. Blowjobs though....
Ok which one of you guys is responsible for this?
you're not risking anything from genital contact during sickness, just keep kissing to a minimum
And dubs confirm that the Flying Dragon trips are indeed..
So there you go OP. There you have it, let her suck your cock.
Mirin that 42’ vert
>catching the flu
>good immune system
Pick one
if its just a cold, bone her. Don't kiss her though. You can't get a cold from dick to vagina contact
I’m with you 100% but it’s the girl on the left’s profile
>moved back home to sheetz country after 3 years in philly
Fuck i miss wawa
I had sex with a girl that's had chlamydia 4 times and I'm okay so yeah stock it in boiii!
Ironically you two are the brainlets. Read the first sentence again
A formerly ill person can be contageous for a week or two after symptoms disappear.
it can be asymptomatic bro, you could have it
What is wawa?
Met this girl at punk house show, fucked her then accidently gave her the clap once
Just wear your gas mask bro