Are people really that much into height?

Are people really that much into height?

I mean I google some historical figure (for example Charles De Gaulle, like today) and in a lot of more popular cases they give me an information about how tall they were. Its even more popular when it comes to the today celebrities of cultural icons.

Man, its always nice to have some additional information, but is it that important to have it placed in a front of them? I don't really think so. To be honest, one of the least interesting and useful information is stuff like height or weight. I am not a Tinder princess to give a fuck about a height of people I have never and prob will never see (especially in the case of De Gaulle).

So why the fuck Google wants to give me that information when I google about fucking De Gaulle? I understand if he was some kind of sportsman, but he was a French politician. Wtf.

I know that he was a giant, but is it THAT relevant?

Attached: 240px-De_Gaulle-OWI.jpg (240x360, 26K)

sounds like you're insecure about your height

That post smells fucking manlet lol. Aren't you ashamed? Might as well reconsider your gender by now.

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Attached: napoleon-i-9420291-2-402.jpg (1200x1200, 242K)

It's really kinda important tho. Size and posture have a great deal of play into how imposing and charismatic someone can be. Of course, other factors are at play, but height also does. It's not really the most important information either, but at least it's something everyone has, so from a technical standpoint it kinda makes sense an automated system such as Google's would give it. Hell, how could you standardize and put into simple information someone's background, character, history etc?

I'm 5'9, but not insecure. Rather it makes me irritated about how garbage information I am encountered with when I want to find sonething content-related.

Areas where height were relevant in my life:

>Playing sportball/high-jump
>Getting grills to dance at the school dance
>Seeing over most people's heads to navigate busy areas
>Having qt3.14 gf on shoulders at live event
>The length/width of my snowboard/leafstick
>Posting shitty posts on Jow Forums

I've heard multiple girls say "I only date guys who are taller than me" so meh. If you personally give a shit what others think about your height and let it fuck your shit up, yeah. I'd say it's pretty personally relevant.

Attached: dothedont.jpg (240x320, 35K)

lankets are insecure

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I'm a big boy though. Like big and tall and strong, don't project on me cuck :)

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it's not garbage information you fucking dumb ass. it's all the information available for this person.

someone somewhere could need to know his fucking height, stop projecting your insecurities in every single post of yours.

That's actually more of a compliment

It's really not though.

>invading russia during the winter is a compliment


Te souviens-tu, disait un capitaine
Au vétéran qui mendiait son pain,
Te souviens-tuqu'autrefois dans la plaine,
Tu détournas un sabre de mon sein?
Sous les drapeaux d'une mère chérie,
Tous deux jadis nous avons combattu;
Je m'en souviens, car je te dois la vie:
Mais, toi, soldat, dis-moi,t'en souviens-tu?
Te souviens-tude ces jours trop rapides,
Où le Français acquit tant de renom!
Te souviens-tuque sur les pyramides,
Chacun de nous osa graver son nom?
Malgré les vents, malgré la terre et l'onde,
On vit flotter, après l'avoir vaincu,
Notre étendard sur le berceau du monde:
Dis-moi, soldat, dis-moi,t'en souviens-tu?
Te souviens-tuque les preux d'Italie
Ont vainement combattu contre nous?
Te souviens-tuque les preux d'Ibérie
Devant nos chefs ont plié les genoux?
Te souviens-tu qu'aux champs de l'Allemagne
Nos bataillons, arrivant impromptu,
En quatre jours ont fait une campagne:
Dis-moi, soldat, dis-moi,t'en souviens-tu?
Te souviens-tude ces plaines glacées
Où le Français, abordant en vainqueur,
Vit sur son front les neiges amassées
Glacer son corps sans refroidir son cœur?
Souvent alors, au milieu des alarmes,
Nos pleurs coulaient, mais notre œil abattu
Brillait encore lorsqu'on volait aux armes
Dis-moi, soldat, dis-moi,t'en souviens-tu?
Te souviens- tuqu'un jour notre patrie
Vivante encore descendit au cercueil,
Et que l'on vit, dansLutèceflétrie,
Des étrangers marcher avec orgueil?
Garde en ton cœur ce jour pour le maudire,
Garde en ton cœur ces voix qui se sont tues,
Qu'un chef jamais n'ait besoin de te dire:
Dis-moi, soldat, dis-moi,t'en souviens-tu?
Te souviens-tu?...Mais ici ma voix tremble,
Car je n'ai plus de noble souvenir;
Bientôt, l'ami, nous pleurerons ensemble,
En attendant un meilleur avenir.
Mais si la mort, planant sur ma chaumière,
Me rappelait au repos qui m'est dû,
Tu fermeras doucement m

Civil war when?

Speak englesh looser

pas besoin de guerre civile jupiter est l'empereur qu'il nous faut et que l'on mérite, les frontières naturelles de la France seront restaurées

kill all lankets

Attached: ddd.jpg (2287x1848, 832K)

Speak english you mongrel, you're on a mongolian basket-weaving forum.


...../´¯/..../´¯\...EБAHЫй.../¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.................\................../

...../´¯/..../´¯\...FASCIST.../¯` \....\¯`\
..\.................. /.................\................../

Attached: mstrsk.png (590x430, 23K)

Ok, I understand that somebody is interested in that, but however it seems ridiculous, that his height is placed even higher than his wife, kids or presidency in this badge where we got a shortened information about somebody (I don't remember how it is called). The fact itself that it is placed there is a bit pathetic for me.


You're reading too much into it at this point m8


ur mom?

Attached: Y_kgzeWZJMQ.jpg (200x200, 12K)

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Ecли чтo, я нe вaтник

Attached: bEBBteJzxHE.jpg (1748x2160, 395K)

A ктo тoгдa?

Пoceтитeль фopчaнa. He пoддepживaю Пyтинa или Haвaльнoгo.

I've been thinking of ending it all a couple of times because of my height bit girls here are short, like really short 1.50ish on average so I still have hope

its because people are really into that superficial bullshit. like it matters how tall some ancient ruler or communist leader was. people will talk about how tall hitler was but probably don't even know where he is from or how he rose up the political ladder

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1.50? meters? that's short as hell. most women i interact with are about half a foot to a foot shorter than me, i feel like it would be weird to walk around and have everyone be taller than me by as much as a foot