>get married to azn
>have children
>start engaging with Jow Forums
>try to bluepill people
>end up getting redpilled
>and racially aware
>but still in a mixed marriage
what do?
>get married to azn
>have children
>start engaging with Jow Forums
>try to bluepill people
>end up getting redpilled
>and racially aware
>but still in a mixed marriage
what do?
Butt sex
lol no
But I made a vow.
Get your little Elliot to pick a better target than the first one.
breed some bastard whites, never tell your wife.
Jow Forums has got the wrong attitude to race mixing. The white race is inherently cucked. You want your offspring to be as successful as possible. The only way to do that is to make sure they have good non-cucked genes from azn qt3.14's
I married an Asian. She's got red pilled. What's the problem
just carry on your life, shes your wife and there are worse mixes than asian white
Marriage is not as sacred as you think. You'll realize that when your rice wife leaves you because you're no longer able to bring yourself to spawn mixed children knowing the internal suffering you'll cause them by destroying their ability to effectively identify with others. Don't listen to hapa shills, stand with your values.