Q, /friends/; it is time

The time is now, the universe has spoken. Absolute state of humanity. Ultimate awakening pill, the dualism of our existence.

Shills are both evil because they try to bury truth, yet good because the release of the video is part of a much larger hypercomplex picture. As are most global events.

Validity of video will be confirmed and more by /ourguys/ when the time is right. This pertains to "Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear." So for now; ITT we connect more dots with more crumbs, it is cicada level. Expose more names of the people connected.

Hillbitch, Billdawg, HUMAnless, Podestas, Anthony kid dick, Ofaga, Joke Alefantis, Demonic Family, Peter noBalls, Peter Tilford, Clement Freud, Jeff Epstein.
Add more names to the list. [THEY] can be anywhere as they are high functioning psychopaths, can infiltrate anywhere from corporations to governments, to religions and academics. [They] make (they) nothing more than jabronis.

Make jokes of their names as the main thing that hurts psychopaths is being forgotten, made feel inferior, reminded that they are beneath the dirt, that's why they do what they do. Sexual attraction is partially rooted in what your subconscious thinks as taboo. If you have a conscience, the pursuit of the hedonistic vices is rooted in what is actually feasible without causing harm to others. They have no conscious, thus the worst of the worst is what excites these people because it feed their grandiose sense of themselves, and since their psychopathic families bred them with money and power, nothing is not feasible.

Make no mistake, this game is all of humanity versus the entirety of the universe after this.

Death to the betrayers of man and all that is good, death to pedovores.
Never let these posts die, always bump with the words /Q we are ready/.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Video format for some more general enlightenment for the normies. Watch these, in order, skip if already know/seen. once done and enlightened enough bump thread with /Q we are ready/.


Morpheus here are /oldfags/, yet all of /us/ together are Neo, as he is a representation of the common man, and our strength against evil when united.


The fact that sociopaths are aware of the dualism of the universe whether learned or through intuition, leads them to be what I call the Key Exceptional Individual, as their free will and their consciousness will dictate if they shill good or evil. psychopath is obviously the one with the most inclination for evil as they have little to no conscience.


WE are the ONES
[They] are kill.
This is what is happening right now.


How to rule over people, the basics of sociopaths that leads to psychopathy. Based on an old book called The Prince by Machiavelli.


This is mostly for /Q/ as they are more the one than anyone else. I know this might be a gamble, but remember not only is the win more savorable, memorable and definite, but clearer near the end.


This is a speech by Charlie Chaplin, have some hope, but also know that this has gone on for a long time.


This video explains pretty well what is essentially going on with frazzled.rip. Start from minute 10 if you just want fast base info on this happening. and why now is the time.


This is what will end up happening if justice is not had. Sooner or later, one or many, good or evil. :D

We are at the most dangerous, cunning and powerful, but also at our most loving, understanding and wise, right when everything hangs by a…..


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Oh yeah? start bumping threads with /Q we are ready/ and watch what happens in a couple of days.

Charlie Chaplin? You want me to listen to a literal Jewish multi millionaire communist? Do you have any other filthy rich kikes that want to tell me how to share what little I have to make the world better for them? Please , I want filthy rich semitic oligarchs telling me how best to serve my hook nosed masters.

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see. also this is about more than (they) as even (they) are infiltrated by [they].

semper fi

Okay , i'll bite, who are [they]?

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