Looking to hire a hooker for the first time. Any advice? My biggest fear is getting v&

Looking to hire a hooker for the first time. Any advice? My biggest fear is getting v&

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Just from looking at those texts you have no idea how to talk to a girl. Rent a girlfriend instead..

That's not me, that's a random post I pulled from my folder. I'd sooner kill myself then ever get close to that level of autism.

Don't do it OP, sure you wont be a virgin but it wont fill the void you have in your heart.

Doesn't matter. Don't take the easy way out. Learn how to talk to girls before you pull the trigger.

But there isn't a void in my heart, I just want to know what sex is like.

That's a shitload easier said than done. I'm in college so there's plenty of opportunities to meet people, I just don't know where to even start.

That's why I'm saying to rent a girlfriend. You pay to meet up and have a conversation with a girl.

You don't have to learn to talk to girls. If they are attracted to you then they don't care what you say. If they aren't attracted to you, nothing you do can change that.

So you're better off hitting the gym, getting your jaw surgically widened, your legs lengthened, etc.

That's not a terrible idea. Not sure how I'd go about that though.

>You don't have to learn to talk to girls
>So you're better off hitting the gym
This is literally women logic. Women don't know you exist until you talk to them. Men have to approach. Going to the gym won't help you talk to girls. Talking to girls does.

Just go online and look for the services. It's basically being a sugar daddy except less commitment.

I'll give it a shot, it's not like I have anything else to do.
I'm trusting you, user.

Wrong. Women sense attractive men like men do women. If you're attractive, then they want to fuck you before you ever speak to them.

Talking to girls doesn't matter when they've decided if they are going to fuck you before you even open your mouth.

Yes but very few women have the guts to approach you. Even if she's jerking it to you everyday she's not going to do anything until you make a move first. There's a reason why men are traditionally the ones the ask the women out. This is where talking to girls comes in handy.


Chad is approached all the time, by all sorts of women. It's not that women do not approach you because they are shy. Women don't approach you because you are not attractive.

No dude, women don't approach you because they're shy. Considering how the majority of men are too scared to even approach women, what makes you think most women have more balls than men? You would know if you actually went out and talked to girls instead of reading shitty blogs by pseudo pickup artists.

So why do these women approach attractive men? Either they suddenly stop being shy as soon as they see someone they think is hot or they actually arne't shy at all.

Because 1% of women have enough testosterone to approach men. Just because you see one girl do it doesn't mean every girl does it. These women just stand out more.

No. All sorts of women approach Chad. Basically, women treat Chad like most men treat women: constant, unending, and often unwelcome attention. Every Chad I know gets sexually harassed by women on pretty much a daily basis. Not that I feel too sad for them but yeah.

take it from someone who did this to lose his V. you absolutely WILL regret it, and NO it's not worth it.

That's because that person is outgoing enough to initiate conversations with women. Chad isn't Chad because he's physically attractive. Chad is Chad because he goes out of his way to get what he wants and isn't scared of rejection. If he was sitting at home jerking off all day then nobody would know who he is.

>Chad isn't Chad because he's physically attractive

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>Chad isn't Chad because he's physically attractive
Nope that's pretty much it

>starts using memes to insult people instead of using counterarguments
This is why you're still a virgin

How else am I supposed to respond when someone says something so hilariously retarded?

Honest to god, I don't know what the guy in the pic supposedly did wrong.

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