Antidepressants actually working

>antidepressants actually working
>happy as shit for no reason 24/7

Thanks, antidepressants.I love youl

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OP what antidepressant are you taking? tell me now i need to know this now i've tried wellbutrin and shit but none of them worked

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45mg Mirtazapin, i used to get prescribed xanax but i told the psychiater it only makes me feel nothing.
Now this shit makes me sleep good, feel good when i wake up and feel good for the whole day.

Thats great news user

Good for you OP! Keep it up and maybe you can finally get 20 GBP!

>took antidepressants a decade ago
>hated them at the time
>desperate and am considering taking them again

I took a few different kinds and they all sucked. Have you tried more than just Mirtazapin? What were the differences?

Xanax made me numb,wellbutrin did nothing, paroxetine made me feel good for a good 2 hour.
The thing is, that shit makes me feel hungry but if im hungry i just smoke some cigarettes so i dont have an appetite.
I really recommend taking Mirtazapin tho, its a whole new level.

what the fuck>? the most commonn side effect of this says sedatio long have you been tkaing them? it's been years since ive tried anitdepressants but i'm really thinking of going to the pharmacy and picking up a box of that right now...does your dick still work?
this is me now

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Yeah my dick is still hard as shit if i jerk off, i still have a healthy libido.
I have been taking them for about 2 months, but i started feeling happy as fuck all the time after about 1 or 2 weeks taking it

what the fuck
>I really recommend taking Mirtazapin tho, its a whole new level
what the fuck? another mirtazapin preacher...what the fuck is this shit you're not shilling are you? i need to fucking try thsi...that was me xanax and everything else made me feel more numb than i ever was, i felt like i could go homeless and starve and i simply wouldn't give a shit or care and just kinda sit down and chill out and die
what the fuck my dick literally died i didn't fap a single time or get a single boner for a month and a half, in fact the entire time i was on welbutrin i never fapped or even felt the desire to even think about anything sexual at all

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Am also on 45mg mirtazapine.
Whilst its not had the same drastic affect on me as it has on other anons reporting it certainly has helped.

I'm condsiering taking ssris because my Adderall makes me feel no emotion or personally. what am I in for.

they're just a placebo for me desu. the fact that I'm taking antidepressants made me feel better because I felt like I was doing something about it. it had nothing to do with the drug itself.

How many have you tried? I tried like fucking 6 and they did fucking nothing, if anything they just made me worse.

what about this video:

and qutoes from these people who are on it / have taken it:
"I was on mirtazapine for 5 years simply for back pain and sleep. I'm on my 3 - 4 week of cold turkey. What a nightmare. Week 1 - things appear okay, you start getting manic by the end of week 1 but don't realize it. Week 2 - holy shit me. Manic. Pain. Anxiety. Depression. Memory Loss. Mania. Want to die. Insomnia. Week 3 - flu like symptoms, insomnia, waking up in panic, hot/cold, more panic attacks, remorse, racing thoughts. Week 4 - I just drove 8 hours to get home after getting stuck visiting friends not understanding how Week 3 would still suck bad. But, I think I'm on the other side. This drug is the devil. You can get through it"

"Mirtazipine is a horrible drug...helps a little a first then boom you get mad thoughts and you think is iam thinking this or is it the drug making me think like this, I've only took 7.5mg for 3 weeks...I am getting off them today."

"Psyc gave it to me for insomnia, and anxiety because of insomnia. Ive been on it for 4.5 months and I also have had intrusive thoughts, like you say: I also think things like: Am I here? I can kill myself very easily. I am still alive? The pysc told me is not the med but the anxiety itself, I don't know, I had never had suicidal thoughts before ADs. but I had not had anxiety either. so I couln't tell."
what? i don't fucking know...i've only ever taken a single pill of adderall once ever and it gave me an allergic reaction and i was getting ready to go into stroke because my throat started closing shut and i felt like someone was stabbing my heart and chest with a 15 inch long needle all over shit was fucked never ever again ever

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Interestingly enough there are some drugs that have been shown through studies to work by enhancing the placebo affect.

If you're wondering how that could be done:
Gave placebo to patients - told it's a placebo. No affect.
Gave drug to patients - told it's a placebo. No affect.
Gave placebo to patients - told it's a drug. Baseline placebo effect.
Gave drug to patients - told it's a drug. More effective than just the placebo.

Placebo effect is weird as shit.

I'm on 45mg mirtazpine for severe depression - the highest dose they'll perscribe. I've been on it for over a year now. Like I say, it's not been a miracle cure but I didn't expect it to be. It did help stabilize my mood some. I know that forgetting to take it for the night can make it really hard to sleep but that's been my only issue with it. Over the course of the year my mood has been declining slightly but I don't think that's the drug. I think my condition is just worsening slightly and if I was off the drug i think it would be notably worse. I've yet to try and come off of it but it is possible that might be a bit challenging. However I imagine if you just cycle the dose down to 30mg and then 15mg it shouldn't be that bad.

As with all drugs you should work with your doctor to find the one that's right for you. I didn't start off on mirtazpine I started with fluoxetine but that was having an actively negative affect on my life. The brain is a chaotic system with a significant amount of variance between brains so it's perhaps unreasonable to expect the same drug to have the same effect on two random people.

But yeah, I'd say it's worth a shot.

Also, holy shit that guys worse changes a lot in the video when he clears his throat.

Oh yeah, I also gained 5kg but I'm still within the healthy bmi range.

Wellbutrin makes me want to fuck for hours, can't tell if I'm actually happy tho

ikr i feel like i could eat all day.

I take both, do you take magnesium with your Addy and exercise? I find that helps. I'm on 15mg A/300 mg WB.

To go more on the weight gain point.
If you're thinking about taking mirtazapine to help with depression but are concerned about weight gain then you could try the following.
If it works you will hopefully feel slightly less lethargic and have more energy. You can use that time reclaimed to get into doing just an hour or two of more exercise a week. Doctors keep banging on about how important it is to exercise when you're depressed so it kills two birds with one stone.

That's how I manage it at least.

I manage it with smoking to be fair, im too lazy to exercise.

I was on antidepressants as a kid and all they made me get was manic episodes and hurt more than they help, I eventually dropped them when I was 12. I would like to experiment with anxiety meds though, that seems like what I still struggle with most.

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