ITT: sad birthday stories, I'll start

ITT: sad birthday stories, I'll start

>be me
>be 21 for 2 days now
>be depressed as hell
>hate my birthday
>love other friends' birthdays bc I can do something nice and make them feel loved
>people for some reason don't remember mine and never want to do anything

small backstory first
>never really held a party since my 15th bc I don't like having people over at my moms house bc she just gets cringey and stupid around the little amount of friends I had
>16th bday I held a small party, not much going on, just me, my 2 friends and some alcohol (legal drinking age was 16 at the time)
>17th bday a few more people, celebrated it on Halloween eventhough Im born in September bc I felt like shit at the time
>confessed to my crush, she told me to watch some anime but we still kept on talking. Later on I had a short relationship but that never really lasted, maybe a story for another time
>18th bday I got into a big fight with my dad and had one of the worst days of my life. Ended up crying and eating with my two siblings and mom. Afterwards I went to a bar with 2 friends and got really drunk and cried again.
>19th bday didn't really do anything, think I just hung around with some friends and called it a day
>20th bday I spent with 4 friends, had dinner at my bro's work and we would go to a small party one of my friends organized for me and another friend who is also born the same day
>friends I was with wanted to skip it and I was kinda okay with that
>ended up going to my hometown, smoked some weed with my best friend and called it a day.
>People would rather go to the other friend's party than hang out with me
>felt miserable

be reminded of all this every year

to be continued

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Fast forward to last week
>friends know I don't really like my birthday because of all the shit I get reminded of
>feel like they also don't give a shit
>sorta mention it to my roommates but again don't really want to do anything
>don't plan anything for the day itself because I know everyone is broke, doesn't want to make time or is just busy
>don't look forward to the day desu
>go in with the lowest of expectations
>just want people to care about me and appreciate me, even just a little

Ff to my actual birthday, 2 days ago
>at midnight at my best friend's house with two other friends
>best friend gives me the lamest felicitation, just a regular 'happy bday', no hug, nothing
>other friends do the same and idk it made me feel like shit
>other friends begin gigantic beef in groupchat
>no one congratulates me at midnight
>go home sad and smoke a j to sleep it off

Next morning aka yay21.gif
>wake up
>300+ messages
>'did people finally remember?????'
>sad again
>people ive known for 3 months wish me a happy bday earlier than almost every one of my friends
>around noon some friend birthday wishes start rolling in, but probably just because facebook reminded people, not because they care
>groupchat name finally changed for my birthday
>go on with my day
>throw some ideas to friends about dinner or drinks today, just something small but still nice to do something for this age since it is a big deal in my country for some reason
>no one has time, not even my siblings


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>at around 6pm shit hits the fan again in the groupchat
>already felt like shit
>they change the fucking name of the gc
>a small detail but it makes me feel less and less loved and since I already had a bad day it hits me right in the gut
>especially since for other friends the name stays like that for their entire bday, from midnight to midnight or even longer at times
>leave all chats
>have a small breakdown in the bus
>really fighting my tears
>put on sunglasses so people don't notice
>go to supermarket, get a 12pack beer, junk food and some ciggies
>2 seconds before I get home I get a call from my sister
>didn't want to cry on the phone but did anyways
>she comforted me but she still couldn't make an effort to do something today
>after call just crying on my carpet
>realize that my best friend doesn't do shit for me and doesn't actually know whats going on
>realize that I don't really have any good friends and that their way of acting today proves that
>feel alone as shit
>don't have food in my house so I order something
>do some chores bc needed to do laundry anyways
>when I get to my livingroom some of my housemates are there
>tried my best to conceal red eyes from all the tears
>they start singing the bday song
>I break down and burst into tears, something I never do in front of people
>finally feel a bit loved
>talk to them a bit about how I really hate this day, every year
>after my solo dinner go hang out with them and watch a movie with some beers

>tfw my housemates whom I've known for such little time help me better than the people I used to call friends
>tfw they made my bday slightly better
>tfw I love them so much rn
>tfw realizing who my real friends are

I broke all contact with my friends the next day. They didn't even say anything. Even my best friend told me that I shouldn't be such a depressed piece of shit and that I should enjoy stuff more, that im just in a negative spiral and I should do something about it.
>easier said than done

So in the end I had to come to the conclusion that all my friends are shit on my birthday and im lonelier than ever.

So how do you make new friends robots?

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First of all that was painful to read.
Second of all you are a complete wishy washy insufferable faggot. I wouldn't be surprised if you had BPD.
Third of all if this was bait you've outdone yourself my good man.

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fucking wish it was bait my man

It's not your friends. It's you. Fix yourself. Don't pull any easier said than done shit on me. Just strive to be less of a faggot and keep re-evaluating your priorities and you will get there. It's just an iterative process and it takes time.

>It's you. Fix yourself
lmao okay so it's my fault i put effort into my friendships and get nothing in return, not even the smallest amount of thought..? That my friends dont think about me when i do so much for them?
Im already in therapy to 'fix myself' but even my therapist can confirm that this time it really wasnt me

happy l-late birthday user

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happy belated birthday user
originally of course

Happy belated? birthday, birthdayfren!

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Why would you expect anyone to really care about your birthday? Everyday is another persons birthday, we can't be bothered to care about such a common event

already told yall that i always do shit for other ppls bdays and i wanted to feel at least a tiny bit loved by the people who i considered friends.... 21 is a big deal in my country for a stupid reason so yea

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thanks frens, i appreciate you ;_;

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I appreciate you too, birthdayfren.

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Oh wow. I hate my birthdays because they always remind me of how worthless I am to others. I haven't celebrated my birthday in a long time and no one actually cares anymore but I'm so glad I'm not a little bitch like you OP

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You know what I've noticed, user?

That the people who get remembered on their birthday...make abso-fucking-lutely sure that nobody forgets that their birthday is coming up.

IOW, you think that people don't care about you because they don't remember your birthday, but they DO remember others' - but that's probably because those others imposed themselves on everyone and forced them to keep them in mind.

Nobody wants to remember ANYONE'S birthday, dude. It's trivial, and annoying. But the bratty girl who wants a $20k Sweet Sixteen birthday party has been in everybody's shit about her birthday since she was about 10. She will make totally sure nobody forgets.

>Tee hee, I really hope somebody gets me that thing for my birthday!
>Tee hee, I've been wondering where I should go on my birthday!
>Tee hee, Stacy's parents took her to the Ice Capades for her birthday! I wonder what show will be in town THREE WEEKS TODAY, ON MY BIRTHDAY!
>Did I mention that my birthday is in three weeks?

Birthdays were a mistake

spot on user, 7/10 times they make people feel like shit

what the fuck, this guy has multiple friends wishing him a happy birthday, even spends his birthday with his friends, and he's crying on r9k?
Have you ever had a birthday when not even ONE (1) person said happy birthday?
Or when you forgot your own birthday and had to be reminded by an automated email? You're a little bitch dude.

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funny how youve missed the entire point, i didnt even spend it with friends. I spent the final 2 hours of the day with my housemates who i know for 3 months.
Im sorry my life isnt as miserable as yours!! I just thought i was surrounded with good people but apparently not and that is the main point my man

happy belated birthday user
i almost cried
this world is cruel sometimes

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Personally I curse the day of my birth. I don't even want to remember this date, but I've got hurshly reminded every year by my mom who remembers. Besides, I don't have a clue when are b-days of my family members or friends I have or used to have. I just don't give a single fuck about it. It's just a casual day form me and there is nothing to celebrate.
Am I getting more and more bitter?

>Be 21st bday party
>Don't actually turn 21 for a few days so no drinking tho
>Parents get a big thing with the family together at a restaurant
>Aunt decided to set up a surprise blind date for me with this girl she knows and told her all about how excited i am to meet her
>We try talking a little bit but conversation quickly dies off into awkwardness.
>And decides to get the spark moving by saying aloud "What's wrong user, Don't you think she is cute? She was so excited to meet you"
>We both die inside
>The ride back home I get told all about how rude I was for not talking to her more.

>Be 24th b day
>Friend of mine invites me over to hang out
>Have massive migraine so can hardly move without puking
>For a good part of the afternoon a couple of my friends "fellow bots"
>Sorry cant make it
Mfw they had an entire surprise party planned out for me and i missed it because of my chronic migraines.

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why do people get so hung up about birthdays? Literally the dumbest shit ever. Congrats you lived another year woopde doo. Just because you are one year older doesn't mean you deserve some crazy important party or anything.

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big oof. happy late birthday OP

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im honestly crying a bit bc of your sweet words anons :'(

can relate a bit, i hate the day as well, i just want to feel loved even a little bit

i feel bad for you friend :( family aint shit, especially when they try to force shit on you and im so sorry your aunt is like that. My aunt did kinda the same, just not as fucked up as yours. She said that 'now is finally the day i mature, so it's the day i finally bring back a gf', while wishing me a 'happy' birthday

sad that you couldnt go, but sometimes you need to take care for yourself. The thought that they organised an entire party for you is super nice and i really hope they do so again in the next couple of weeks!

again, just wanted to feel loved by people that i love but that didnt happen, which really breaks me

>be me
>be 11
>invited to birthday party
>pick a gift at the store and go
>pretty fun
>feel happy
>fast forward to today
>have not been invited to a birthday party since
>"friends" have not responded to anything for the past year
>birthday today
>only me and mum
>no one shows up

And life has gotten worse and worse ever since I left that birthday party when I was 11

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what happened at the party??? Something that would 'ban' you from following parties?
im sorry life treats us frends like this :/

>Turned 20.
>Didn't want to be around family.
>Had some money.
>Go to strip club.
>All those bitches.
>None of them were even pretending to be nice.
>Got a lapdance from this greasy latina.
>She finished and I just left without making eye contact.
>Got this nasty chick with stretch marks maybe on her 3rd crack baby.
>Felt gross.
>Get an over priced can of pepsi.
>Get lap dance from this uh Korean or something chick.
>She had dead eyes, she didn't want to be there.
>I didn't want to be there anymore but, let her grind her bony ass on me for money.
>Figure enough is enough.
>Walk out of strip club.
>Sit on curb feeling deep despair.