Attached: Filthyfrank.jpg (975x600, 73K)

when are you gonna stop being a faggot and post more edgy shit again

whered you get pink guys suit

when are you gonna act in movies,not as a comic relief but as a serious contender

when the peace lords stop trying to rape me
i didn't get it. it's just kinda there.
it's like his skin or something.

Why did you leave me

no goddamn clue
i'll post more shit when the peace lords stop chasing me.

give me pussy please boss

when i'm done with all of you
y'all are gonna be pussy MASTERS

Why did you leave me like my father? I thought things were gonna be okay for me. After all that hard shit I had to go through I would come and watch one of your weird videos. You were the bright sunlight dawning on my darkness filled void of a life. Why did you have to leave me, I understand you wanting to pursue a music career but at least If you posted... I dunno something real shitty and short like a 4s video of you saying "eyy boss" would be enough to make my year. I don't want much from this life, but everytime I wish for something remotively simple and positive for me... It just... fuck it whatever. I just realised I don't have much of a reason to live. No one to love me and no one I can show my love to. Anyways at least I want to thank for all the good times Mr.Frank, tell Pinkguy he is loved too and don't let shitheads like Chin-chin to from pursuing your own happiness... Thanks for everything...

Dude we need to feel your presence again, not just as a youtuber. Idk I you understand but the sensation that you are around and active is very soothing. We have very few guys like you.

All this "lore" shitturd ruined your channel
You shouldn't have gone that way
Your occasional videos were fun you shouldn't have put do much thought into it
I enjoyed the mindless vids like that contest where the one who ate more cabbage won and that 1.20 minute vids with some random song.
all the vids after fried noodles where fucking shit reddit tier garbage.

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in the end, chin-chin turned out to not be such a dick

i don't know what the hell you're talking about but i hope you stop being such a faggot
in time
(OOC: Underage b&)
chin chin's a fucking asshole

do you keep in contact with the tubers you collab'd with?

Fuck you man why'd you leave us. Youtube has gone to shit and we need the filth back again

When you say "gimme deh boosy" is it a play on word to all that debussy you use in your videos?

Will there be a deadly twister 3?

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nice larp
i wish he'd come back just for a vid a month or maybe a music vid like the old ones

music videos were the worst, but still better than nothing.

riceballs and fried noodles was pretty good in my opinion. i also really enjoyed the lore because of le 195 iq brain

You abandoned me father.


i already told y'all. the goddamn peace lords are after me.
i don't say that. Pink Guy does.
(user this is a LARP thread)

Why was your book so shit?

Ey boss, I have da cancer

How long have you been coming here? What got you here?

i don't know. i didn't write it. some peace lord faggot did.
no. you ARE the cancer
since the show started.
i don't even fucking know anymore

Did the real Slim Shady ever stand up?

I want you back, papa Franku
You were a man of truth and funny

That channel is shit.
The characters are stupid.
Why does anyone watch that dumb channel?
It's le xD tier shitty comedy for kids who just entered high school.

Attached: our sun my disgust.png (499x484, 244K)

Could you post a timestamp with your face to show you're real?

Timestamp or GTFO. Prove you're real.

>people are falling for this shit

I WANT summer to be OVER

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Do you like the occult? and why are you depressed?

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summer is over dumbass

my dad left me too big deal quit being a faggot. He has his own problems and why should he cater to someone he doesn't know. Be grateful for the closest thing you have for a fathers figure and move on with your life. Quit feeling bad for yourself over stupid ass shit and focus on your current situation at hand

why is frank so much hotter than joji?

Whats up with the series youre doing with rich brian on youtube???

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Come back to youtube ples

>the virgin joji
>indie tryhard internet musician
>wears faggy clothes probably a /fa/g
>doesn't shows his feelings is just serious all the time no fun or anger just a tryhard fag
>thinks he is superior to you just by existing
>his literal existence is an apology of his last persona behaviour
>his music sucks and he knows it vut pretends he is a genius
>Multiple friends who sometimes appear in his videos
>Plays with a shotgun in his mouth
>bullies weebs
>hunts his food (rats and shrimps)
>geniune isn't afraid of being edgy or show his humor to people
>gets fireworked in the ass even if he doesn't lose the contest
>can walk up to strangers and talk easily to them
>can write the most stupid sentence and can turn it into music

Stop making music, and get back to making good content thats comments on today's society

shut up i just want to see pink guy scare japanese citizens

summer is not over until the 22nd

>papa franku would come to r9k for this
>not demanding proof from "papa franku"
neck yourselves faggots
just to hedge my bets though...tell me more about the peace lords father
what have they done to you?

prove it larping fag

seconding this

prove ur the real deal or gtfo

when you making more fake cgi videos? you hate making music........ all you need to do is post one funny/meme video on your main meme/funny channel and you will be happy in your life again lol ^_^

Who's the guy in OP's pic? And what's filthy frank? Is that a meme I missed out on? Sounds pretty new because I would've been on top of it otherwise.

Anyway, hope you can answer my question OP, or someone else, I'm easy.

some youtube faggot who does "ironic XD" videos, though this guy is a larping nigger so

Why are you on r9k?

Captcha took like 18 tries

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this was a pretty clear rp thread.

Have you been living under a rock the last 7 years? origanimo