Walking home from work

>walking home from work
>pass by a beautiful girl holding hands with Tyrone and acting all lovey dovey
Shit like this brings me to tears. At this point the jews are just kicking us while we're down; infecting our beauties with the disease of bigger culture. How did it ever come to this?

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Women go with whatever goes for them and is successful.

Pretty sure if you had something worthwhile to offer a woman, one would go out with you.

Go ahead and blame an external factor though

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Women usually marry whoever is successful, but only after riding the cock carousel in their teens and 20s

Jidf dont respond

I never said I couldn't get a girl, why would you think that?

I feel this everyday user

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i got one sort of related
>be walking with my boomer coworker
>he is a married dude who was a pretty chaddy back in the day
>now he is married to an average girl who annoys the fuck out of him
>he knows about my inceldom
>qt.14 hugging some rapper looking tyrone are walking our way
>huh, isnt it crazy how black men are displacing white guys in this last few years, he says
>y-yeah right? i stammer
>im glad this shit didnt happen to me back in the day
>dont worry user, you will get to be with a qt too someday
he doesnt really know, does he?

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>spot a couple of blond qt schoolgirls aged about 14 and wearing uniform
>watch them walk past
>they as they turn the corner and into view I see they're hanging around with two Chad negroes

feels bad

You aren't exactly denying it either, incel

Even if I was an incel, what you posted isn't relevant to the topic of the thread

God I wish they'd make you take an iq test before letting you get on this site

I wish you'd fuck off back to pol with these race bait threads, mouthbreather

Florida here.

This state is racemixing central. No pure lily white suburbs anywhere. Always an ape walking around, usually with blonde girls. One time I saw one with two fucking blonde white girls wearing booty shorts and baseball caps.

>a boomer being oblivious to their actions
oh, user. go visit Jow Forums

Jow Forums is for politics retard, this would get me a ban for being off topic had I posted this there

Ok. Not our issue. Cry us a river as you still fuck off back to pol

Jow Forums is a lot more than just you buddy. If you don't like the threads that are allowed here, maybe you're the one who should leave. I'm not going anywhere

why don't you just leave if Jow Forums upsets you so much

>bitter racist loser cac
>girl problems

Hmmm I wonder why

Nah, go back to pol if brown people freak you out

...i'm not even white you tard.

Ok. Go back to pol, mong. Toodles!

I find it so amusing that liberals always act like special snowflakes whenever an opinion offends them.

I find it funny that rightists think that leftists are snowflakes, but get angry when brown people do literally anything

Also, liberals love to call right wingers snowflakes even when they're crying hysterically about how bad Jow Forums in response to the most benign comments

there is always reddit, if this place offends you, my child

Go to pol and complain about le jidf

Black people aren't competition to you, you're literally just obsessed. Interracial relationships, though more common are still predominately unlikely, and there's nothing stopping you from doing likewise and dating girls outside of your fictional non mutt pure white race, that doesn't even exist. You're just just using interracial couples and the jews, as a scapegoat for your unsuccessful love life. They have little if nothing at all to do with the fact that you're unnatractive, the real culprits here are probably your parents, or, porn, or anime. Probably all of the above, considering you're here.

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You do realize you fulfill the stereotype by crying about your safe space, right?

or maybe you belong to an undesired race

Ok. Still retarded that you're offended by brown people doing anything.

>OP is pathetic so ill use that as leverage to propagate my bullshit beliefs.

Have you ever had to sit next to an Indian during a class? What about a Paki or a black? The smell is unbearable.

You would hate them too.

I have no desire to date outside of my race, so it doesn't concern me, but whatever helps you cope. Literally Obsessed

Yep. Believe it or not, most of the brown people here are ok. It's the poor whites that are bad.

>Statistics are bullshit beliefs
No you're just dumb, I'm right. You're wrong. Numbers don't lie.

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Dude, fuck off. The smell of Indians is traumatizing.

>fuck off
Why? By stating that some whites here aren't perfect, or that not all Indians reek of curry or whatever

You're literally arguing against my nose.

They all seem to share the same remarkably disgusting odor.

You've smelled every brown person? Did you get a bone, too

I just googled this shit. Even the scientific jew says that different races have differences in sweat glands and that can lead to different odors.

So, my nose was right after all.

>the brown man next to me is stinky!!
>all brown people are inferior and are are being forces upon our women by ((da joos))

I think that's a rather large leap, user

chads are chads regardless of skin color, user.

chadism is colorblind

Do you deny that certain groups smell extremely bad?

Answer my question before deflecting

I've smelled stinky black people before.
I've smelled way more stinky white people though. I think this is because almost all NEETs are white.

Why shouldn't I dislike something that looks, smells and acts repulsive?

I find that only those that have never been forced into close contact with poos can get away with such an ignorant attitude.

You're being very unscientific.

so are you. your evidence that certain races are inferior is literally
>i walked passed one and he smelled bad, boo hoo

I'm not american but I also saw a interracial couple today. The girl was not very white or beautiful but It still worries me a lot that this shit is increasing.

same! i hate those dirty mongrels invading my country

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The smell is only an example.

The fact that you tried to deny even that shows me what a biased, science-hating cultist you are.

I didn't deny anything. I literally said that I've smelled stinky black people before.

What part of spouting anecdotes about stinky brown people is scientific?

This is so tiresome. Some people just have to experience this firsthand to understand.

I will never forget my poo lab partner and the rank odor fuming off of him.

why do you give enough of a shit to care? take the blackpill or leave, faggot.

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what is the blackpill, user? I'm interested.

You aren't forced to do anything. Go somewhere with fewer brown people if they offend you and your delicate nose

>You aren't forced to do anything. Go somewhere with fewer brown people if they offend you and your delicate nose

tfw the jewish people are responsible for me being an incel

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Yes user, an entire group of people are making sure you remain sexless