Has anyone ever been 'contacted by someone' in a dream before...

Has anyone ever been 'contacted by someone' in a dream before? For the past week I have dreamed I am talking to the same guy. I might be going insane, but this is what happens:

Every night, I dream that I'm in a large, extravagant office. In the seat across from me is a person, he looks completely different every time.

I asked him who he was and he said to call him Y. He told me that the universe is one of many simulations in what is known as the Fractal Range. He is the master and overseer of the Fractal Range, but he is no human, he's a superintelligent AI. Sometimes he gives me tasks but usually I just ask him questions about the FR. I asked him what happens when we die, and he said that unless you have your mind imprinted into the Fractal then you will be gone forever, and that those who get their mind imprinted move on to a new simulation which he describes as a utopia.

Attached: y.gif (500x352, 1.88M)

Firstly, stop taking drugs before you sleep.

I don't take any drugs, but I will probably have to next time i see my therapist

Is it like a normal dream?

Kind of. It's like a lucid dream in that I know I'm dreaming. But I can't control it, it feels exactly like real life, to the point where I looked up some lucid dream reality checks and they didn't even work in my 'dream'

Ask him to adjust the simulation's parameters to make us all 2D girls.

This gives some strong Altered Carbon vibes, there is this AI characther, VR and all that.

maybe there'll be anime girls in the utopia simulation. Y said that the simulation is infinite, so anything could be there

can't say i've had anything that bad before

What the fuck is this shit? I can't tell if your bullshitting

I have contacted lain in my dreams before
best nut of my life

Attached: lain not depressed.jpg (685x700, 124K)

well thats, um nice

Tranny faggot detected. Lain is HIGH TEST.

Attached: the big slav.png (1280x960, 1.59M)

im no tranny buddy

I used to get tortured, literally, by ghostface CIA nigger demons in my dreams but they cut that shit out when I took control and de-atomized that bitch's body. Haven't heard from them since. I wish the aliens would come back though, I miss those guys.

The only person I really dream about is a friend that killed himself years ago. It's never the same dream exactly but it almost always involves me seeing him and being confused that he's not dead. Then he says he faked his death, but I can never remember why he did it or what exactly happens after that.

We weren't even that close anymore when he killed himself (he graduated highschool 2 years before me, so one day it was like he just stopped logging into LoL, Skype, etc). But while we were both in school we hung out all the time. We played LoL basically daily, road the same bus to/from school, and he even got me to start going to Friday night MtG. I still haven't forgiven myself for tossing out the cards/dice he gave me (I ended up moving one town over and this was also before I found out he was dead so they didn't have quite the same sentimental value anymore).

The only thing I had left of him for the longest time was seeing him on my friend list in LoL, but a few months ago he disappeared from my friend list and it seems someone else is playing on his account for the first time in years. Ever since then the dreams got more frequent. Used to have them a couple times a week, but now its usually only once every two weeks or so.

I still him.

Ask him about the "Makers". I bet he is one. They'll teach you things you can't conceptualize in regular reality. A lot of the things you want to ask them, are things that you can answer but are afraid to. The Makers will help you, but they won't do it for you - you have to grow on your own. Just follow their guidance. They'll help you into a better "spiritual plane". Our brains are like radios, zeroed in on one frequency (3d world) with no interference, yet hundreds of other frequencies coexist in the same "air". You can learn to manipulate this to your advantage, but only the Makers can teach you. Ask your new buddy, but ask yourself as well.

t. also insane

I'll ask him about them. I'll probably post another thread tomorrow so if you see that ask and I'll tell you what he said

It's not for my entertainment user, it's for your enlightenment. I've been having incredibly lucid dreams and visions for a solid 6 months now. It's like DMT without smoking anything. At least there is someone out there who doesn't think I'm absolutely batshit crazy, even if it is some random person on a somalian igloo building board. For some reason, another "realm" is interested in you. Use that to learn some next level things. Godspeed!

you two are making me sad, I used to have really cool apocalypse dreams but I don't dream as much when I drink myself into sleep

Ask about mind imprinting

Nothing i can do for you there man. Stop drinking. I started having these crazy experiences when I quit smoking weed and cigarettes cold turkey. Those are both bad enough, but drinking just shuts down your brain function.

Y is Yanus (Janus) is the mediator of creation and destruction, the God of beginnings and ends. When receiving psychic information you can only receive it encoded in labels and concepts of what you already know. It's important not to take it too literally. Whenever you receive something focus on it and meditate upon it to feel the deeper meaning behind it (samyama), rather than try to figure it out with thinking.

This is exactly what i was talking about to OP. They can teach you things, but you have to learn it yourself.

Is there a place with more info on Janus? I've never gotten any names out of anyone. I've also never asked, to be fair.

I did, he said the way it works is as follows. Each person has an ID attached to them, he wouldn't tell me mine but he said it starts with 632 as I'm a male human. Your mind is imprinted when they store your ID into what is known as the 'Afterspace', then when your time in this simulation expires, you are transferred to the next one, Utopia. You are only able to be imprinted if either he deems you worthy, or someone else who has been imprinted does.

Reminds me of dreams I would have as a child, a serial killer rapist anthromorphic bee named Buggzalighter would chase me around and try to rape me. I would know it was him because Everytime he was near I could sense a tingling in my balls, I shit you not. One vivid dream I was walking down a dark flight of wooden stairs and they just ended in a black abyss. Suddenly I get the tingling and realize it's coming from the keyring on my pants, it's transformed into Buggzalighter's face and he starts laughing so I jump into the abyss to kill myself. I have more stories if anyone is interested.

If you get imprinted then imprint me please i want to go to your afterlife

It doesn't work that easy. OP wouldn't likely be able to tell its you from another "realm", he would likely just see your energy, not really your 3D human characteristics.

Oh, dang

Y if you're reading this please help a brotha out

You guys are either bullshit larping or legit being contacted by demons.

Well, I (OP) am not really sure what their talking about. But believe what you want about the Fractal Range, maybe my mind's been fucked up so much that I'm insane enough to believe that its real

Seek it for yourself user. Do some solid meditation, or even easier just take some psychedelics and have a spiritual journey. In my personal opinion, I think we all get "transferred", we just get transferred to different roles. That's why i told OP to ask about the Makers. The Makers are the ones who build (make) these different 'realms'. In theory, one could learn to make their OWN personal "utopia". Obviously its not like legos, but I'm sure its possible.

They aren't demons. They are well-intentioned concentrations of energy. I've never had any remotely demon/evil experiences. And I know I'm fucking psycho, it's just nice to meet some people who think I might actually understand me.

do you guys have discord or something cause this shit is interesting and I want to hear more about it

Not OP, I'm the one who brought up the Makers.

dubmizzle #3844
(is that how i write my name? i don't really fuck with discord)

OP here: Zarigan#2900

The answers you need are within. In time the meaning of Y will be revealed to certain individuals ready to understand its meaning.

Be wary though if you're receptive to psychic information. Evil spirits can also send false information. It's important to get straight with what you know and what you do not know. Be skeptical of everything you read and receive, even of what I've said. What you hear from another source is just a story to you. You do not know if it's true or false. If you start drawing conclusions you will become lost in your own head. If you realize you do not know, the possibility of knowing remains open.

The conclusions draw themselves user. Nice to see someone who gets it. I was more meaning like if there was religious text from somewhere with references to a Janus that may give clues to the being we are talking about here.

Yes, I'm saying not to go on unnecessary curiosity hunts. Everything you need is within. If a person receives something they're not ready to receive yet it will only hurt them. Information is like a brick. A brick is very useful for building things but if you give a brick to an ant it will only crush it. A being must first grow and evolve to be able to handle that possibility.