Jesus Christ tinder is a joke. How can it be this skewed for women that even trannies are getting 100 percent matches...

Jesus Christ tinder is a joke. How can it be this skewed for women that even trannies are getting 100 percent matches? I've swiped on hundreds and hundreds of people and got like three or four matches.

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maybe its because you're ugly. ever thought about that user?

That's not my point. Tinder is skewed in favor of ugly women too. I don't want to post the pic of that Trans but she does not pass well at all.

>How can it be this skewed for women
>blames women instead of the disgusting males who would honest to god fuck a tranny

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It's tue. What the fuck is wrong is men? How can one creature be so horny.

>even trannies are getting 100 percent matches?
Genderfluidity, unlike being trans, is a bullshit myth started by attention whores.
If you don't feel physical dysphoria, you're not trans and you need to shut the fuck up about your "gender identity."

men should stop swiping left for trannies then

>Daily reminder that human garbage like pic related is allowed to pollute the gene pool to her heart's content.

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She/they just looked like all the other trans people I see on tinder that's why I identified her/them that way.

>I don't want to post the pic of that Trans
Post it, the fuck?

>implying simpering men aren't just as much to blame for ugly women having inflated egos

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>I love being a fatty buuuut I can't be with a fatty
Haha the industrial revolution was a mistake

fat people should be culled tbqh

No lie, my friends cousin is a fat 3/10 native american girl with a deformed fupa. she downloaded tinder and got matches from chad's within an hour. really handsome guys with abs, outdoorsy photos, and good looks.

it's only going to get worse

Hey, I didn't say they aren't. The two aren't mutually exclusive, but rather necessarily dependent upon one another. Right now, the balance of power is ruthlessly and unambiguously tipped in favor of females, but it won't be like this forever. We'll probably all be dead by then, but then again, so will they lol.

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whoever made this is completely delusional. feminism/equal rights/social justice is a new concept, no one knows if we're going to revert to some islam style society again

We also aren't shifting into an agricultural society lmao.

It's only a matter of time before the robot wives make dating obsolete.

I just pray I'll be around to experience it

>some islam style society
Surely you've heard that there's nothing new under the sun.

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>biologically designed to breed
>biology kicks in
>caves and small settlements form
>average pass is still getting pussy and the far outliers rape and usually get killes
>make cities and transformative social norms
>suddenly women, the over protected sex who only had themselves to offer, no longer need a man but it is now by choice
>women have high standards they wont admit to and go after high value males
>average + job aint good enough anymore, gotta get muscle, gotta not give a shit, gotta treat women like objects they claim they hate being treated as
>more and more men go alone without physical intimacy
>prostitutes dont fill that void and its retarded to advise a man to fill the void with a whore anyway
>men get desparate

I don't have a lot of experience with women but like out of the five women I've gotten to know as friends/girlfriends have wanted an asshole and they said this explicitly to me. I'm wondering if there are women who aren't into that or if it's just them lying and it makes it hotter for a guy to think that she doesn't want an asshole and still behaves that way anyways.

don't really see the problem with liking being fat but not wanting to go out with someone fat.

it seems about the same as liking being a dude but not wanting to go out with a dude.