Why are normies so obsessed with (((success))) and (((accomplishments)))? I want none of this bullshit...

Why are normies so obsessed with (((success))) and (((accomplishments)))? I want none of this bullshit, I just want to live a comfy and stress-free life

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Because many people wants to leave a legacy.

While I do think normies definitely over focus on achievement, it is important to improve no matter how fucked your situation may or may not be.

Because of capitalism. Duh.

Dont (you) me.

>I just want to live a comfy and stress-free life
You only say that because you're a loser

The worst part is a lot of the pro-capitalist robots on this godforsaken forum will unironically support capitalism (aka the most normie and Chad friendly political system there is)

The life I want requires being a billionaire AND living about 1 million years in the future.

I want space travel, I want to be rich and afford to space travel safely and properly.

Thats the problem. Nothing interests me on this earth for what you can have as a normal person. So I dont bother.


1. Should have been born 1 million years from now

2. Should be born into rich family

Thats what I needed.

But for what I have? The 1 chance ? Its not possible, so ima just relax and not bother.

I rather be a fucking hobo than support this shit and be a good citizen.

The problem isn't any specific economic system. The problem is employers hire based on their fee fees and fire based on their fee fees. Make things less feelings focused and more productivity focused. Normies would keep us down in communism too.

>The problem is employers hire based on their fee fees and fire based on their fee fees

The problem is that there will always be dozens of applicants to any job who meet the requirements perfectly, and you have to be picky and choose people you think will be friendly and fun around the workplace, and not a weirdo autist who likes making jokes about racism. If you don't have autism your fee fees will be a perfect guide to hiring people.

I am autistic. The problem I have s human nature. You leftists will talk about our economic problems yet keep us in the same position and take away any type of independence. If your workplaces are going to be socially based our problems remain the same and there's no reason to join you. You also want high inheritance taxes which would leave a lot of us fucked over.

The Aspies who made it are self employed and own their own businesses. I don't care for this don't buy anything or don't multiply your money the easy way for the sake of a population that hates you meme.

If leftists aren't going to stop the actual practices that make it harder for Aspies in the workplace we shouldn't join you. My issues are caused by NT discrimination not any specific economic system.

>You leftists

Why are americans so blinded by political dualism?

Because that's what you talk like when you say it's okay for autists to be discriminated against and kept from employment because of fee fees and racist jokes.

comfy stress-free lifestyles come after success.

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Fuckn commie

These commies support the same types of hellish workplaces based on strict social norms that hurt us. They are no friend of Aspies.

>wagekeks doesnt want an basic income

Attached: 2b7.jpg (312x342, 32K)

We can brand it as the negative income tax to sell it to capitalists.

>the problem isn't any specific economic system
This is correct. The problem is every specific economic system in this modern world of global connections. No system and no government is going to be perfect, and many of them are shit. You can adopt an attitude like this but then you're just giving up and still playing into whatever system. The fact is that you were born wherever and whenever you were, you didn't get a choice, you are a part of the system. All you can do is try and use the system to your advantage and create your own self-exodus from it, like creating your own homestead to live self-sufficiently on.

I couldn't give a damn about status or money or my legacy, I just don't want to stagnate. This time next year I want to be even more athletic than I am now. I want to be even more confident. I want to be even more knowledgeable.

I'm an asocial NEET so I'm not part of this system. I don't even know what's on the radio or TV.

But where does your food, water, electricity, internet and shelter come from? You're on this fucking board so you have to at least have the internet, electricity and a device to access. You ARE a part of the system whether you want to believe it or not

I'm not mentally a part of it or socially a part of it.

they lack genuine hobbies. the pain and hollow left by boredom they attempt to fill with sociality.

I mean you are right but this wasn't really about philosophy or society. It was about economic systems and one's involvement in them. Anyway your replies show you never really read and internalized the shit I wrote so whatever, keep on leeching

Yeah I agree, I don't like that people have to have "value" or else they're literally left to die.
It just shows that humanity as a whole can't actually love each other unconditionally and actually enjoy suffering of fellow humans

*I assume that's why people care about success and accomplishments

because living expenses are super high. You're not going to live a cozy life working minimum wage and living with parents/roommates all your life. You need to succeed if you want to be able to afford nice clothes, water filters, fixing your car, good food, going out, videogames, hobby stuff, new computer, etc while living on your own.

Because people have worked hard to create the life you're living. If you simply want to drift on by, they think you're being ungrateful and not contributing anything meaningful in your own way.

If anything, normalfags are the nihilistic ones who only care about pleasure and having fun. That's why so many millennials are unemployed, depressed, and directionless. Real men are the ones who have ambition and want to do something with their life. All great things in this world have been the product of men who worked hard and rose above degenerate nihilism. You must be a low test soiboy nihilist, OP. Kill yourself.