What does MDMA feel like?

What does MDMA feel like?
Just curious to know haha

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I haven't tried it however my friend did at a festival.
It was a sort of fair-type festival with rides and shit and he took a tab and had a major panic attack and tried jumping out of one of the rides.

Nice digits user
It's also really nice, makes you feel light inside and sensitive, like you're lifted up to a happier place

Love and energy.

>panic attack
Wan't MDMA and probably wasn't even acid either. Probably some very dangerous research chemicals. Buying drugs at a normie gathering like a festival can be deadly.
Amazing. Doesn't just make you happy, fills you with complete positivity about your life.

>Buying drugs at a normie gathering like a festival can be deadly.

Maybe in the US.

Felt like I was one with everyone, if that makes sense. So much empathy and love. I never knew what 'ecstasy' and 'euphoria' were until I did MDMA. I can't recall a time I felt that happy.
Also touching things or even better people felt orgasmic

Despite all this I've only done it once and haven't the interest to do it again. Just doesn't feel right

warm tingley feelings throughout your whole body, more energy
you will act much more affectionate and have much more empathy, you still have complete control of what you do and say tho

oh and your jaw will probably move on its own, just get some gum to help with that
sometimes it takes along time to kick in tho

t. did mdma 5 times

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It was great I popped it at like 2am in the city got it from some random guy who offered it for free, one of the best feelings on the train ride home. The downside of it though was the comedown, when the pinging started to wear off I had a cone and instantly crashed on the couch barely able to move or talk fell right asleep but it was worth the couple hours of being high and happy with life, 8/10 would try again

imagine yourself but with ADHD, after taking a piss you held in for a long time, and without grudges/vendettas against anyone. that's basically what it feels like.
it'll make you feel almost invincible: no inhibitions, no hate, no fatigue, and no depression. you'll also have at least a slight body euphoria while you're on MDMA.

it's the most major-joy-friendly feeling you can get. It also somewhat negates pain, like if you bang your elbow on something the pain barely registers. Your pupils dilate so everything seems brighter. Anything tasty tastes more wonderful. Touching and hugging people feels amazing in a completely non-sexual way.

In my case, there's a come-up glitch where I feel a strange dread & paranoia that it's not working.. but then it comes up and Wonderland appears.

Makes you feel really happy, have lots of energy, love everything and makes every tactile sensation feel amazing. But it each time you take it the feeling gets less intense, until eventually it does nothing for you. So save it for a special occasion.

I've heard it makes you feel like you want to die the day after, because you've got no serotonin left. is it true?

How's the come down?


Everyone here seems to have a positive experience with MDMA. I on the otherhand did not enjoy it the multiple times I've tried it. First time was at Ultra and then in Vegas and then one more time at EDC. Each time was unenjoyable. I think it has more to do with me as a person. I prefer cocaine and alcohol to weed. Weed always had this paranoia effect on me that felt like a ride I wanted to get off but couldnt. Under alcohol and coke I feel more in control of my thoughts. MDMA felt like a mix of adderall and weed. It takes about a half hour to an hour to kick in but when it does it hits really hard and pumps serotonin into your bloodstream. This makes you super energetic and euphoric for about an hour and then it wears off. The comedown is weird, feels like you are sweating and real mellow. Most people don't realize you arent supposed to do MDMA back to back as it burns out your serotonin stores and leaves you incredibly depressed and tired. Took me almost 2 days to recover from the body exhaustion because my friend wanted to do it again a second night. There are pills you can take to help you recover your depleted stores but I didnt find them to be effective. Each experience for me felt like how it would be on the 4th of July igniting all your fireworks at one time instead of slowly enjoying each one. My own personal experience does not seem to be the norm as most of my friends love it. I just know for me personally the high does not meet the costs to my mood after that initial hour. Just giving my experience, dont let anyone sell you on a drug being amazing for everyone. Some drugs just dont mesh well with certain personalities. But life is about trying things once at least, just dont set your expectations too high I guess.

Nah, comedowns only start to get bad if you're an idiot and start taking it on a weekly basis.

I did it for the first time last month, alone in my room at night, and I'll tell you MDMA feels like heaven on earth. You should try it at least once, you will feel reborn for a night.

I can only speak for myself but I have a lot of self-hatred in myself, a lot of insecurities, a lot of cynicism and fatigue. I feel lonely, stressed and always on guard when I am forced to socialize in class or at work. I hate how ugly I am and my perceived lot in life and am bitter at the world.

MDMA took all my insecurities and all my self-hatred and put that away for 4-6 hours. I was like a little baby, my thoughts were pure. I was filled with love, total love. Total absolute love and compassion. I have never felt something like this in my life. I kept whispering to myself "I am so happy right now... I am SOO happy right now!"

The euphoria washes over you like this awesome wave, you feel giddy with excitement, just breathing in and out makes you writhe in pleasure, it's like an orgasm, except it doesn't feel as dirty as an orgasm it feels pure and blissful. The urge to talk to people overwhelmed me and I started texting acquaintances in my life. I got highly emotional and felt very open about sharing highly private emotional stuff that has been going on inside my head for a long time. This kinda fucked up my "friendship" with two acquaintances of mine, who have been texting me way less after I sent them extremely long rambling message after message full of extremely private thoughts at close to 1am on a tuesday night. I kinda regretted it the next day and cringed at all the personal stuff I revealed to those two people.

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Feels like a really mild orgasm throughout your entire body. Everything you do feels good. Touching the grass feels good. For me it started with feeling very giggly and happy and like everything was easy and then that very pleasant feeling.

It must depend on the person or something, I didn't feel bad afterwards (although I am also very depressed normally so maybe I am just used to it.)

I also texted my mother, who was sleeping in the other room and told her that I love her and that I apologize for always being so rude and terrible to her. She was obviously happy the next morning when she read it but I was kind of back to my old self with only a minor afterglow, so it was hard to keep up the lovey attitude, because my problems with my mother reach deeper than what even MDMA can fix.

Later that night while still peaking on MDMA I went into the bathroom and I looked at myself in the mirror. My pupils were huge obviously but something else was different too. I looked for a moment and I couldn't quite put my finger on it until I realized it: The self-hatred I normally experience when looking at myself was gone. I looked at myself and I actually liked the person looking back at myself. I felt like I looked better, I didn't look ugly at all. My skin had such a glow to it and I started smiling from ear to ear, such a big smile. I hadn't smiled like this in YEARS. And why should I have? There was nothing to be happy about. But now I was happy. I was SO happy. It was incredible. I loved looking at myself, smiling like this, it almost made me tear up out of joy. My cheeks were puffy and red from the pure joy.

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>just breathing in and out makes you writhe in pleasure
This, and closing your eyes and looking around feels good too.

If it lasted only an hour you got some bunk shit and you probably did it wrong.
Ur supposed to take about half a pill, then redose every hour or two with a quarter or less to keep the high going. U fuked up

Also OP, I didn't get any of that feel good emotional shit, probably cause Im not emotional. But it did make me dance like a motherfucker for 5 hours straight. Best time of my life. If u really want a good time, candy flip with LSD. I've heard it's fantastic

I was intermittently posting on Jow Forums and had made my own thread to chronicle my experience because I was so happy to talk and share my joy with people (and because this website is my only real outlet for socializing). Some random stranger dropped his email address and I sent him a huge rambling email wanting to be his friend. Re-reading that mail the next day made me cringe so hard that I decided to just forget I ever wrote that mail. So while I would say that all my interactions with other people were cringy, I don't regret the overall experience. I had done a lot of research before taking it but nothing could have prepared me for the wave of euphoria I experienced. I felt well-prepared to take on all side effects like bruxism but the one thing I was totally unprepared for was the emotional openness. If I could offer one warning to people who haven't done it yet but plan to is try and hold back from oversharing to people who don't know you well. Maybe turn off your phone.

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Did you listen to music while rolling?

Depends a lot on the person, some people don't get too affected and other get a nice afterglow instead. But feeling down is pretty common, google "suicide tuesday"

I had the same experience multiple times from different sources, each time was pure mdma though. I didnt dose multiple times though so I guess I didnt keep it going but I probably am glad I didn't. If one strong hit made me feel terrible I dont want to feel multiple hits all night.

I did yes but I gotta say that I didn't really experience the urge to dance on it. Maybe the next time I will listen to music more intently and actively try to dance.

I have had experiences with other drugs, like shrooms and 4-aco-dmt, where I felt waves of euphoria while listening to music that made me want to dance. Before I tried those drugs I was usually not a person who took great joy in dancing but after those experiences I did it a lot more, even while not on drugs.

But on MDMA I was more focused and overwhelmed by my own internal emotional processes and too distracted to pay close attention to the music, I don't know why, maybe because I was sitting on my bed. Next time I will try to put more focus on music.

I was listening to this sort of stuff:


which is stuff I enjoyed moving my body to on psychedelics but it didnt do much for me on molly. Who knows. Generally people love dancing on MDMA and I'm sure I'll get to experience the joy of it as well when I have more experiences with it, I've only done it once so far.

Yeah it was similar for me, I love music more than anything and especially while high, but with MDMA I was satisfied just doing absolutely nothing. I want to listen to this though

>maybe because I was sitting on my bed.
You have to do it outdoors in the sunlight and the fresh grass dummy.

I feel like setting is almost irrelevant on MDMA, obviously some settings can enhance the experience quite a lot but I believe even a run-down abandoned building filled with garbage and used needles would feel like a heavenly sanctuary while peaking on MDMA, there was almost nothing I could imagine that would have ruined my mood while I was on it.

Interesting that the experience with music was similar for you though, I already thought my reaction was very atypical.

mdma feels like true happiness and fulfillment. honestly its better than anything i experienced normally.

X feels great. U feel warm and in the zone. Floaty and happy.
I haven't had a bad comedown but then I don't take it every weekend or whatever. My muscles get a bit twitchy and the gurning gives me serious lockjaw the day after. But then I find myself sensitive too muscular issues when I tried SSRIs that also mess with your serotonin as well

Its a great drug but its not automatic happiness like most people describe. If youre a really depressed robot its possible that you can have a depressing or panicky roll especially if alone. You need to be with people you genuinely like to make the most of it.
I had a panic attack on legit mdma once, its very possible. any amphetamine can increase anxiety under the right circumstances