Why do females gotta be so unforgiving of their partners?I get it when it comes to cheating or really fucked up stuff...

Why do females gotta be so unforgiving of their partners?I get it when it comes to cheating or really fucked up stuff,but a literal moment of impulsiveness or a misthought text/word, which you don't like and you will literally just dump everything for that?Dear femanons,not all of us are chads who had 100 partners by the time they were 20,so we don't really know how to express our feelings/how to react to certain things/how to make everything pleasant for you 90% of the time,so yeah,you being a little more understanding with bad reactions would be helpful.Is it because you have countless options and you literally don't have to deal with anything?

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>tfw femanons are too busy gathering orbiters in their 'tfw no bf'/'tfw fembot' threads

Basically, yes. I'd advise you to drop any woman who behaves like that with you because that means she values her own feelings more than yours, as she is used to having males cater to her. She basically doesn't see you as en equal but as someone who has to put her above yourself.
I'll admit that it happened once or twice that I got really offended by something my boyfriend said even if it wasn't his intention in the first place, but when that happens we just talk it out and I explain why I got offended. (As some background info, we're both 23 and only dated one person before back in high school so it's understandable, and I'd rather have it that way).

Woah, everyone stfu. Would I say the nipples are what? Talk to me man, what is Aruna on about?

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>I got really offended by something my boyfriend said even if it wasn't his intention in the first place, but when that happens we just talk it out and I explain why I got offended
He's lucky if he even had the chance to tell you about it.Some of you will just block or ghost for anything you don't like.
>Basically, yes. I'd advise you to drop any woman who behaves like that with you because that means she values her own feelings more than yours
I can't even begin to imagine how rare persons opposite to that are,I think they are too used to having males cater to them nonstop so they won't put up with anything for the well-being of a relationship.

We will never really know,unless you make a female profile and match with him and bring up nipples as the topic of discussion.

>Is it because you have countless options and you literally don't have to deal with anything?

Why are you asking a question you already know the answer to? Funniest thing is there hoes will never find their perfect 10/10 ultrachad who who has fucked 100 girls and will change his ways just for them and commit. Though honestly even if he did they would probably try to find someone else. These people will never be happy with what they have.

You gave my life a purpose. Thank you, stranger.

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Maybe he was going for the futurama joke that ends with "the erotic part of a woman's body?"

Well, he's my boyfriend and I do love him so of course I'm not going to block or ghost him.
While it's not my case, I have girl "friends" who'll look for any excuses they can to drop a guy they are seeing if they're more interested in another guy, so in the end it doesn't really matter what you say or do. If a woman is genuinely interested in you and not in feeding on the attention you give her then she won't behave like that. Don't waste your time on anyone like that, either they're not interested or they have an overly inflated ego.

It will be a hard journey,but you seem the only one who would manage to make it.
Maybe already found the answer though.

>If a woman is genuinely interested
I kept wanting to make a thread related to female interest,but since you're here maybe you can help.Usually when you females lose interest is it like gone for good?Or is there a little something left?I kept encountering girls who just completely lost it forever,and I don't think me,or any other males,for that matter are like that.Is it a female thing?

>talking to girl
>things are going well
>we have some good conversations
>don't talk to her for a few days
>she sends me some pictures of herself
>send each other some messages back and forth over a few days
>I try to keep the conversation going but her responses get shorter and shorter
>she doesn't respond to my last message
>a few days pass with no contact
>she sends me a good morning and tells me to have a good day
>send her a "Thanks you too"

Pls explain

>>a few days pass with no contact
>she sends me a good morning and tells me to have a good day
She's trying to reach out for you again I think,which is good.Your reply was kinda cold I guess,maybe should've said some faggy shit like 'yeah it will definitely be a good day after this text'.But im not the femanon in the thread so don't really know.

I won't speak for myself since I've never really been interested in dating anyone before meeting my current boyfriend, but from what I've gathered from girl friends who came to me to talk about it, your theory is correct.
I think it also stems from the fact that most women know they can always find someone else interested in them to give them attention. Unless you two have actually been a thing in the past, then most females lose interest forever.

I think the first time you stopped talking for a few days is where you fucked up because you stopped giving her attention. Everytime she approached you was like a blow to her ego so she most likely got mad at you for not giving her constant attention. Her telling you good morning and to have a good day was most likely said in a passive aggressive manner. Then again, if you're interested in a long term relationship you're probably better off without someone like that.

>I think the first time you stopped talking for a few days is where you fucked up because you stopped giving her attention. Everytime she approached you was like a blow to her ego so she most likely got mad at you for not giving her constant attention.

That doesn't make any sense at all. She's the one that stopped replying to me so why should I be the one chasing after her and giving her constant attention? I don't think you understand what you're talking about

Because women are like that. I know it's hard to understand because we've had this conversation with my boyfriend and he had a hard time wrapping his head around it too.
Most women want you to cater to them and chase after them because that's what they're used to. Keep in mind that there's a possibility that she was also talking to someone else at the same time, giving her more attention.

she wants you to ask her out on date ya dummy

females don't banter it's a minefield talking to them.

>Most women want you to cater to them and chase after them because that's what they're used to.

Of course that's what they want. They need another backup in their army of beta orbiters. Just because that's what they want doesn't mean you should give it to them

>banter with my gf
>she takes everything I say dead serious

Fucking bitches man. I literally need to stop trying

I agree. That's why I said that if you're looking for a LTR, you should look somewhere else. This kind of woman most likely doesn't value you as a person but as an attention giver so as soon as someone else comes into the picture that can give her more attention, she'll drop you.

Sadly, that's also true save for a few exceptions. Though I noticed that women who grew up with older brothers are more prone to bantering.