The traditional letter thread

The traditional letter thread.
Letters written by robots.
Letters for everyone.

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welp forgot this was r9k

Dear David,

I don't actually know you, but thank you for reading this. I hope you do better at life than most of the other Jow Forums posters.


My feelings towards you swing back and forth. Sometimes I have an epiphany and realise you were completely malicious in your behaviour, only for me to remember a tiny detail that contradicts my new stance on who you were.

I still love you, when will this stop?



I write to you in every one of these threads. I know you'll never read them cause hell, I'm not even sure you know what Jow Forums is. I hope you're doing well. I do miss you and miss what we had, but you hurt me big time. We're maybe not apart of each others lives anymore but i still think about you sometimes. I'm starting to run out of things to say now. Maybe this might be the last time I talk about you. Maybe, just maybe we'll either cross paths again one day or I'll contact you again. But until then, it is what it is. Sorry it ended up this way.


Why am I lost again.
I thought I had the map.
Why am I fucking everything up.
I know I'm responsible. I know. I know it.
But why is this all so difficult.
Life, people, everything.
Why do I have to feel that pain now. I just want to sleep but it doesn't let me.
I know it's fucking pathetic, but could someone just help me.
I know it's probably always been my fault, but why do all these things that start off nicely just fade away too soon.
Will I just fade away someday too.
If I only had that I would be so much more happier. But I know that it's selfish to ask for it, with these kind of cards.

If you're not writing me today I'm gonna writing you tomorrow (or I'll do my best to try).
I don't know what can I say, but I miss you a ton.

you're the most awful roastie i know lol

We're boring if we don't argue. I realize this now. That's the only reason we talked. Sorry about that. You're just too different though. Your music taste is too different, you still watch TV and I've moved on, you despise this place and its just now starting to really grow on me. You've also just eclipsed me in so many aspects of life that its pointless for us to even speak. You're on a whole different level. I'll shoot you a few messages here and there to humour you but it can't keep up

thumbnail looks like a girl pooping out a huge buttplug

that's all I have to say

Everything would have been better if we could have done things together. I dislike that I'm over you before anything good happened between us. Sometimes I like to think of you like a placeholder for some other name and face. I forget so many details about you the more time goes on all I remember was the stuff I didn't like. I'm not sure why I ever thought any of this could have been good for either of us. I know I could have done some good for you. I'll probably forget what you look like one of these days. I still like to think what your flat little ass would look like with my hand print on it. I know you'd get wet thinking about it when you sit on it. You probably wouldn't even know my initials anymore than I'd recognize yours either.

Since you told me where you are time has stood still. I cannot do anything anymore. I can't talk to my friends, I cannot do what i normally would on the internet, I cannot play video games, I cannot do anything. I just feel like such a failure and my eyes are so tired. I can't sleep and fix this, and I can't even fix it by waking up. I'm just eternally tired. There is actually no way to fix this other than to put a bullet in my brain. I should've done it that one chance I had the other day where you could bear witness. Would you want to watch someone's life end? I feel like old you would say yes, find it interesting. But you've become a compete normie, nothing at all like the person I once loved and respected, and I guess you see me in that same light. If you would like to see me end my life, please just message me and it can easily be arranged, I cannot imagine myself staying here much longer, on earth that is. Its time to move on. I'll head onto the site for the Church of Euthanasia and be deemed a saint before I off myself, that way at least somewhere I'll be remembered, idk. Hope to hear back from you in a few days, goodnight

bumparino because i rike these threads

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I'm always just talking to myself, aren't I? But somehow I'm content to do that. I must be, right? I'd make a change otherwise, but I never do.

i've been staring at it for 5 minutes and can't see this


I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING. I LOVED YOU, I LOVE YOU. IM SO DUMB, IF YOU CAME BACK NOW AFTER ALL YOU DID I'D TAKE YOU BACK BECAUSE YOU MEAN THAT MUCH TO ME. HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME THAT QUICKLY, HOW CAN YOU DO THIS. how can you break my heart like this. its been a few weeks and it doesnt get easier. i think of you all the time, i cant distract myself.

i cannot even think straight enough to write detailed letter in this thread. my head is constantly spinning, i dont know what to do anymore. you made such a positive impact on my life, i was the happiest i've ever been. now im the saddest.


Wanna talk about it user? What happened

do you thin k i have not tried this? she just ignores.

meet girl of my dreams, love her so much, more than anything, want to marry her, she want to marry me, never mind she doesnt want to be with me anymore, bye

Is she from here user? Or where?

Also Mia if you're reading this I'm gonna share everything


I don't even know how to talk with you properly. You are so unique and amazing.
I'm such a failure as a human, you are so smart and focused. I really wish I had something to offer to you, I really wish I could help you be even more than you already is.

I really wish I was a functional human being. I don't want to lose the chance of having you, but I don't know what to do.

I wish I was a normal person. I wish I could ask you out. I wish I could agregate something to your life.
But I'm nothing. And I have no idea of what to do

When was the last time you spoke to that person? How many days?

its been a week since weve talked. probably wont talk ever again.

You looking for someone, user?


I hate you just leave me alone. Stop hurting me i cant take that much. Just leave me already for your new friend who is better at everything then me i get it you dont have to tell me at every chance you get. I know that you are forgetting me more and more everyday replacing me with your new friend. But everytime we talk you are so friendly with me im am happy for a moment before you start talking about your new friend how cool he is and how he is better at everything then me and how much better his taste is then mine. It hurts so fucking much i cant take it anymore. Pls just leave me alone and stop torturing me.

To myself,

Hehe you messed up again didn't you. If you are going to keep messing up then use those fake $50 and but a carton of Marlboros already. You're fucking dead inside but at least those things will give you a taste and feeling of something once you start using them.


Dear A
I still hope you aren't homeless or dead or something

I'm moving into my new place on the first of the month, gotta spend this week packing my shit and getting utilities in my name and all that junk
I'm excited that I get to have a kitchen of my own again, no more going out to get fast food just to avoid being in the "common area" lol

Oh and I almost forgot my initial.


Hey, we haven't spoken a word to each other in almost a month, but somehow I always manage to think of you. We had the same taste in music, and we both had a bunch of cute apu's saved, every minute I spent talking to you I was really happy, so happy in fact that I guess that I got too excited or something and just totally sperged out. I miss hearing you sing me Joyce Manor songs, and chatting with you for hours over the phone at night. I think it was the first time I've ever actually had like a huge crush on a girl haha. When I got really sappy, and told you about all of my problems you didn't care about those things at all, and said you'd always be there for me anyways. I wish you could've seen that stupid smile on my face when I first heard that coming from your mouth. I miss you so much A, I'm so sorry for leaving, but I thought you were getting disinterested in me so I left before you might've said something that would just crush me. If you ever read this A please send a message my way.

im listening to the song we would always listen to. the one you couldnt help but sing along to. youve ruined music for me. ruined movies for me. ruined donuts for me. when i think of those things, theres your face. your beautiful face. theres your smile, your shrug, your laugh. etched into my mind, i wont ever get it out. it's hard finding enjoyment in things. it'd help having someone to talk to about this, but it comes across as whining. you were all i had. i love you, dont forget me.

>ruined donuts for me

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she wouldve loved this image.

Kek >ruined donuts for me
What are you a fatty edge lord lmao

no she just really liked donuts

She'd love my donut MY WEE WEE

BTW Mia if you read this you own me a donut or I'll call the cops wtf I want donuts with speed
Any anons want to give me some money I can post my paypay..I want speed and I want it RIGHT NAO

[Just random nonsense don't expect much]

To A.G.

Sometimes when my eyes are red
I wish I could leave them-
all behind & maybe then
they'd think I'm happy

"But the sad truth being is
only then would they know-
how sad you truly are."

So I keep on this damned doomed path
With certainty oh how it will end.
What did I -
do to deserve this?

"Nothing, but that doesn't matter now."

This mind-numbing racing. Here. There.
Here. There... But I cannot go


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I love you~
Why don't you try messaging me sometime somewhere in my millions of social media accounts and shit?

I notice you peek at some of my stuff. Might as well just come out and play with me once again.
Just do it privately this time. I wanna admire you in secrecy~

i just dont know what to do about us

You know what to do.
All you really have to do is make sure we never get seen, then we do whatever the hell we want.

We are unstoppable. You know that as much as I do. Our love and hate both conquer this miserable world. If we teamed up for a little while? I can assure you everything would surrender to us.

Letting you go is going to be hard. But I don't want any of these feelings.

dear j

please get out soon. i don't know how much longer i can be without you. i feel like you took a part of me with you that night, when i begged you to stay, but you had to go. you had to go. it was important to you. it's fine, i keep telling myself that it's fine but i miss you and every time i wake up without you i feel a little part of myself dying and flaking away. i can hardly sleep. every time it rains or the temperature drops or i look at the leaves changing colors, i think of you. please get out soon. please get out before i forget myself.

love m

You have a very fine ass.
Please let me touch and play with it.

I don't know why you still haven't responded to me. At first I thought it might've been that you just needed time but I see you coming and going online as if I haven't said anything. Its been weeks and I miss you.


I'm sorry for clinging on to you and refusing to let go like a leech. I wish I was able to cope with this world but I'm so overly sensitive I can barely even go outside. Everything hurts and I wish I could be stronger for you but I can't. I know deep down you probably hate me and I don't blame you for that. Would you prefer if I were dead?


>Would you prefer if I were dead?
might want to leave that part out you silly person

you sperg clinged to a girl and creeped her out so she moved on, she does not think about you any more and does not want you dead, she just wants you to leave her alone


We look so similar, that when I look in the mirror I can't help but think of you. It's driving me a bit crazy. I don't want to admit it but I miss you already

I'm not going to send this to her, don't worry

oh ok cool, might want to get some therapy desu, i did and feel better

Remember me. Haven't talked in a long time now, but maybe i can understand why. You've probably grown tired of hearing me talk about how shit things have become in my life. I was probably poisonous to you anyways with all the negativity that would come out of my mouth, but its alright. Even though you said we'll still be friends when you leave overseas, we both knew that being able to remember each other would be impossible, but i still remember you and how much happiness you made me feel, even for a little while. I guess you've completely forgotten about me and it's fine. Hope you enjoy the life you're living now with whoever you're bf is, if you've even got one but of course you would with how pretty you were last time i saw you. I just hoped that it could've lasted a bit longer. I just hoped you wouldn't have forgotten.
Oyasumi L.


I'm a strong dose of anti-depressants (200mg Zoloft) and I'm getting therapy once a month. Just hoping it works eventually since I'm pretty much a broken person now

Talk to me on discord again.


I miss you. Please come back. I'm sorry I kept trying to push you away.


- C

I wished you'd gone through and rode your bike to mine so we could've slept together. I just wanna hold you and tell you everything gonna be alright

- J

P.S. When the flying fuck are you gonna make out with me, its driving me mental.

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Hope college is going well, you went off to the one I always wanted to go to. I feel bad that I never actually said I wanted to go out, but then again Im pretty sure desperation radiates off me like stink lines. Hope you enjoy Chicago, see something at the Music Box for me.

Ching Ching Choo Choo,

Forgive me for the birthday present. The lego train set that required you to build it. Next time, I will give you flowers. We will be happy. Maybe we will fly together like old times.

Most gracious remarks,
Creamy White Boy


I hate you



I want to hatefuck you and pull your hair and fill you up with my cum over and over again to punish you for being a degenerate slut. Deep down you want me to use you. I will degrade you and still love you, but I won't forget you're a dirty whore.



I wish I could read, or see how other people perceive you, how they treat you, how you treat them, I really do want to know more about you than what you let slip.
what are you doing with your life?

Is S your handle or you actual name? :

Actual name

Good, for me at least. Why do you hate them though?
To hate someone is letting someone you dislike live in your head without paying rent. Life's too short for hate.

Actually that's a very funny word play you chose there, I'm wage slaving and actually paying their actual rent

Thanks, it's not original. It's from Alan Watts I think.
But why're you paying their rent?

They can't afford it on their own so I tried to help and now its suffocating me, it's been a couple of years already. I brought this upon my self and now I despise them because of my own decision , madness isn't it..