Why are modern young adults so afraid of an honest day's work?

Why are modern young adults so afraid of an honest day's work?

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Hard work is for suckers.

I have a government job that's 37 hours a week and I feel that this is an absolute maximum a man should have to work.

Most aren't afraid of hard work. It's just the pointlessness, unfairness, and misery of having a job that gets to people. I'd gladly work my as a off for something I care about, but not for some shot hole job that makes me want to die.

because they aren't given an honest day's pay for it.

>honest day's work
because there's no more honest pay for said work

That doesn't make any sense. Employers pay whatever they need to pay to get a worker who can do the job. It's not like they're being evil and deciding to pay you less money than you're worth. If an employer offers less money than the going market rate for a job they're trying to fill then by definition they aren't likely to successfully fill that job. And whatever the highest paying job you're able to reliably secure is, that would by definition be your market worth. There's no real decision making involved, what your worth is what you're paid and what you're paid is what you're worth.

>It's not like they're being evil and deciding to pay you less money than you're worth
that's wrong though, wages haven't moved in like 40 years.

If you can get people to work for you today for the same wage 40 years ago then you pay that wage. There's nothing wrong about that and there's no rule that says wages must go up with time. If employers really needed to pay workers more they would pay them more. It's not really any different from the prices of grocery store items. You charge what you need to charge, you pay what you need to pay.

yeah sure i'm going to sweat or work a mind numbing job so my boss can buy his 16 year old daughter a porsche

fuck off

Work for Mr. Shekelberg's soulless corporation for pocket change. sounds like a great idea

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ahhhh, now shekelberg, that's some good semen

>wages don't need to increase at all despite inflation and increased cost of living
also you
>why don't people want to work these days?

Bullshit. Employers fly in h1b shitheads and routinely hire illegal immigrants who work for a fraction of the price local workers are will, which suppressed wages for actual citizens across the board. This in turn raises the price of housing due to increased housing competition, and artificially inflated cost of living due to government provided welfare and section 8 housing.

Eat shit and die, normalfag.

Well you get to decide between making no money or making the money you're worth. It's not that complicated. Complaining that your worth today is the same or less than the worth of workers in the past doesn't really accomplish anything. It's simply a fact you aren't worth that much or else employers would pay more.

What consists of an honests days work exactly?

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Now we can be sure this is just bullshit. You are just trying to harvest (You)s

>Employers fly in h1b shitheads
Is using the H1B visa illegal? If foreign workers are willing to work harder for less pay, why SHOULDN'T they be hired over lazy American born workers?

yeah clearly a jew thread, sage and close

How is that bullshit? Do you believe employers should be forced to pay extra money for no fucking reason? What part of this is the market rate that actually works aren't you understanding? If businesses can get people to work for them at those wage rates, why would they pay more than those wage rates? That doesn't make any sense at all.

this and the soulless jobs tend to be ones that can be automated anyway. also man is spiritual just as much as he is economic so making money for someone else feels pointless because there isn't a larger purpose than chasing money even though you can never stop chasing money theoretically.

The requirement of a h1b Visa says that the employer can't find workers to work at their specific job due to lack of qualified personnel. Instead, those employers commit fraud by lying and saying that there are no available workers. They then proceed to ship in some pooinloo and his 15 family members, and then pay him 60% of what the average salary is for that job, which in turn continues to lower the average for all jobs and still leaves ACTUAL CITIZENS without jobs. All the while, the pooinloo doesn't care, because he has 15 other family members living in one house and sharing the cost of living, despite that being illegal in and of itself.

the subject of the thread was 'Why are modern young adults so afraid of an honest day's work?'. You've been given an answer. Ignoring your presumption that the 'market' exists in a vacuum, people are also free to find other ways to finance their lives outside of work.

Because for an entire generation hard work has been portrayed as something only idiots do while all kids are told should go to university and become doctors because thats what smart people do. Now we have kids getting degrees for fucking nothing and we're stuck with that same mindset. And yet we call the people with PhDs who work doing manual labor losers, perpetuating this problem.

if people will work if whipped, why don't we just give them whips? doesn't make any sense at all.

>all people are created equally
Get a load of this dumb civic nat boomer

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Mike Rowe pisses me off because he acts like he is a hardworking guy, but has never worked a day in his life. When he does those jobs on dirty jobs he only does them for an hour or two at most and only once every week or two. Maybe I am just butthurt because I am a wagie.

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I work fifty hours a week. It's not that i am afraid of a long day at work, or two. It's that i want to start saving money for a family, a car, or something similar. And i can't. My current job pays well for my single self, but won't cover me and a wife with a kid. I feel like i work for nothing more than staying alive. I don't want to be a robot. I want to have some spare time for myself.

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he's done actual work before and after the show ran
iirc he has a degree in mechanical engineering

Mike Rowe larps as a blue collar worker.

He was born to a multi-millionaire family and became a theater major. With no work experience in his young life except being a part of a choir and barbershop quartet.

The first time he worked a day in his life was on the set of Dirty Jobs, where it was all documented and he was paid an entire man's yearly salary for one day's "work". Giving the people he worked alongside with nothing for their added content and appearance on the show.

Then he shits on young people, who statistically work more hours than their parents and get paid less for not working hard enough like previous generations. Because of his warped perception on the modern labor force, a market where he's never even had to try to get a job in and compete with automation, millions of migrants from the third world and globalized markets.

The ultimate boomer.

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Wonder if you actually believe this boomershit.

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No. I believe the key to riches is risk taking not hard work. Like Mark Zuckerberg devoting his time to inventing a virtual product and becoming a billionaire or the people who put all their money in Bitcoin and ended up rich. There's no ladder to success so you need to launch yourself by rocket.

You are so full of shit. He went straight into the entertainment industry during college. He has never worked a labor job outside of his shows, it says so right on his website under the bio section. Even if he does have a degree mechanical engineering doesnt mean shit because he has never worked as an engineer. And on his bio it says he has a degree in communication studies. I'm so mad after reading his bio, fuck this guy he had it so easy.

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This. 50 hour weeks here too, I even did 70 hour weeks for 8 months last year. I've worked hard and cut expenses for a long time yet I'm still poor. There's just no reward, no motive. You bust your ass only to make your boss and your landlord rich, there's no point.

The fifth one is actually reasonable. Wonder how it got into this list.

> degree in communication studies
What the fuck is communication studies in first place? Yeah, I know it's somehow related to liberal arts stuff, but it's indistinct and vague even for that field.

the easiest degree at school