*Mexican waifu walks in*

*Mexican waifu walks in*

"I'm into you user"

What do?

Attached: Dulce_María_People_en_Español_2016.png (348x430, 321K)

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looks huwhite enough to me

Call ICE.

look down and stutter "h-hola"

Ive never seen a mexican that light before. Maybe her grandma was mexican lol

Park my car on her chin and leave her a tip

>being attracted to women

Attached: 1510597484884.jpg (250x250, 42K)

>*Mexican waifu walks in*
she will be a fat goblina by age 23 or her first child. dropped

*Door slams open , other Mexican waifu walks in*

"No ,I'm into you user"

Attached: download.png (599x546, 371K)

>A castiza is fine too

Attached: 1475609646034.gif (275x197, 3.69M)