Justify why you aren't learning to program

Justify why you aren't learning to program.

You spend all day on the computer, you may as well do it honing a tangible skill

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But user I'm reading The C Programming Language right now!

You new to programming?

Cuz I can give you the rundown on C if you want, it's a bit of a unique case

Too stupid to code, i dropped out of my programming course at uni because i am terrible at it

Yes. I know a bit of python from another book I read, but I decided to get this book because I believe it will serve as a better foundation.

Give me that quick rundown, if you may.

Is it even possible to be terrible at programming?

I do a lot of programming, and I'm going to open you up to the possibility that the people that explained it to you may have just been shit at it

Programming is one of those disciplines with a heavy predisposition towards people that were just born into being good at it. And because of this, they can't really explain anything very well because they've never had to think about it

They know that functions have lexical scope and they know how pointers work and they know that float point math makes implicit type conversions. Why these things are the way they are and why they're a good thing, they don't really know

If you find it very confusing, it could be because you have the ability to appreciate the complexity of things like this and how in over your head you are. This could actually be a good sign

Actually learning C right now, feels good

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give it to me user
that's the only time you'll ever hear *that* said to you

Alright, here's the jist:

C is one of the best programming languages ever made.
It's made up of relatively very few features and essentially allows as much freedom as possible with how you write your code.

It was invented in 1969, and it has stood the test of time incredibly well. It continues to be regularly used for all manner of things, and just lags behind in popularity behind the big boys in systems programming like C++ and Java that have had millions and millions of dollars of R&D shovelled into them.

However, half a century later and it's still starting to show its age in some ways. Some of the syntax is weird and arbitrary, booleans are literally just 0 or 1, arrays turn into pointers when you pass them into functions (you'll meet this roadblock when you come to it), and most importantly we've come to the unanimous conclusion that there are errors that are easily creatable with C that you would quite literally never want to have, and more modern languages have eliminated them entirely.

I'd say it's about the best language there is for getting acquainted with computer hardware and how it works.
However, I don't think getting acquainted with computer hardware and how it works is ideal for someone that's new to programming.
The reality is that computers are complicated, and the kind of information that you take in when you're learning about the fundamental way computers do things isn't very productive. It requires you to take in the big picture, and I'd say you need to be remarkably intelligent to be able to take a look at the fundamental way computers perform computations and be able to extract that into concepts like polymorphism and higher order functions.

You have to work backwards.
I'd recommend starting off with something like Python or JavaScript. Get acquainted with the basic way that code works and how it's interpreted by computers, and then a good 6 months or so down the road start dealing with systems programming.

I have a degree in it and don't know shit. You want me to waste more time on it?

>starting with JavaScript
what a madman

I think C it's a good way to start, sure it's complicated at first, but I think it teaches the basics well.

>tfw going to get the degree soon but I think I'm a fraud for not knowing shit...

"programming" disturbs me a little. I'm essentially making artificial intelligence even if my programs would be simple on/off switches. Call me pleb, I don't care. I don't like artificial intelligence. And I realize I'm using it to post.

Ur a faggit desu

I think you'll stop being scared about the premise of artificial intelligence once you realize how fantastically stupid computers are and how they completely shit the bed if anything isn't communicated in exactly one precise way.

"Programming is teaching a computer, the stupidest thing in the entire universe how to do something" - Gabe Newell

it's as intelligent as a light switch nigga, better rip those out your walls, lest you find out about dimmer switches or circuit breakers and you just burn down the local home depot to stop the rise of skynet

career in programming -> computer science -> shit at math -> learning programming is useless

>be best teacher in the world
>tell everyone to just google everything

>Justify why you aren't learning to program.
I dont love myself enough rouse into improving my life. I used to hope something would change that. Now I just hope something kills me quickly and relatively soon

I'm learning a trade. Should I just learn to program instead ??? would anyone like to teach me?

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Its for in your free-time but over saturated in the field of work.

>tt. college fags regretting taking CP

It might be a little strange to ask now but could you give me a comprehensive rundown of C++? Basically it's history, what platforms run on it and what are the most used/ well known compilers. It would be great if you could list some sources to read on that stuff as well.

I would want any job in tech. Any helpdesk guys here?

I'd love to start but i don't know where, anyone can help me?

there are websites that are essentially a university couse in programming but online and dont come with a degree.

you can do them for free and learn to program as well as someone who has huge ammounts of school debt

>there are websites
such as?

Because I am a stupid retard

I don't want to be a programmer.