Meet cute girl on okc

>meet cute girl on okc
>instantly click
>move to discord after a few days
>talk all the time
>play a few games together, have a fun time
>"user, I think I'm falling for you"
>don't quite feel the same yet, but starting to really like her
>she says she'll be working over the weekend so can't talk much
>we plan to watch a cute movie together when she's back

>she doesn't reply my message at all for the weekend
>That's fine, she said she was busy
>Monday, message her asking if she's okay
>Message failed to send
>Think discord is down
>Message someone else
>Look on steam
>She's gone
>Look on everything else we used

She's blocked and deleted me on everything and I'll never know why. What do now? It's fucking killing me inside. Literally 0 signs of her starting to dislike me or anything. Last few things she said to me were how I have become so important to her.

Attached: sad.jpg (500x259, 13K)

You probably didn't show interest and she got scared and self conscious

I don't think it could be that, I definitely showed a lot of interest. She was very forward but I told her I had feelings too and stuff.

Probably some super conservative parents or maybe she just got tired of only online dating

She met a Chad that weekend, duh.

she has a ton of anxiety and is mostly gay so I don't know, but maybe she did meet someone else. seems super quick for something like that though

Maybe the parents thing. She deleted her okcupid after we started talking because she met me.

Could be trying to see if you'll chase her?

I feel like that might be the thought process of a stalker.

Ah, now that you put it that way, maybe so. Ignore me, my bad.

aha, it's cool. I did to a lil googling and stuff to try and find her but I realised it wouldn't be worth it. If I found her, then what? I can't imagine this would ever make for a good relationship.

I think I just wanted to vent to the void.

You got catfished.

They strung you along, laughing at you the whole time, until they couldn't string you along any more. Then they deleted the fake online presence they had created for their sport.

This is what I worry about the most. They were fucking good at it, seemed so real. Just one thing though, their steam was quite a few years old and had a ton of games on and stuff. It's not like they coulda faked that?

Sure, but a Steam account can be called anything, right? So they can use an actual live Steam account and just claim "My name is Tabitha" or whatever

True. Fuck. I just don't get why someone would do that, it's not like I sent them nudes or money or anything? We were just happy together for a bit and then nothing?

>she has a ton of anxiety and is mostly gay so I don't know, but maybe she did meet someone else. seems super quick for something like that though
Wow you really don't get how flakey women can be. "She said she loved me then forgota about me and fucked some dude she just met" is a common story. This is especially true of the less social ones. Let this be a learning experience.

But user, I AM a women. None of the previous girls I've dated have been like this

I don't know why your friend would do it, but I will tell you why I sometimes do it: Out of loneliness, boredom, or habit. The last three times I've done it to prove to myself that I've still got it, even though I'm getting on with the years.
Plus, it's always a learning experience, you get to peer into the unfiltered thoughts of someone so desperate for oppositesex attention that they reveal a lot more than irl people do.
In a way it also feeds my desperation for human contact at a very deep level, which must be why I put so much more effort into building my avatar backstory than I do in stuff like personal hygiene or social awareness.

Anyway, you shouldn't feel like it was a personal attack on you, you just were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Keep a chin up bud.

Thanks. Kinda makes me feel better, but I'm curious as to why you don't make friends as yourself? Wouldn't it be much better?

>But user, I AM a women.
Being a woman doesn't mean you have a good grasp on female behavior in an objective sense. This is common with women, I'm surprised you have noticed given you have been dating them.

the anxiety probably led her to overthink something and then ghost you
in which case it's her fault and her issues, not really anything to do with you, so I wouldnt worry about it. Don't expect her to come back though, she might want to but would be too shy/anxious for that too.

I already have online friends who I meet irl sometimes, but I started catfishing way before I worked up the courage to make friends and be social irl, so I think I keep doing this out of habit and because it's a "skill" that provides some form of entertainment in between vidya sessions.
Also with those irl online friends I can't be romantic/deep or else one of us might get hurt and I rather like the way things are between us right now.

dont u ever feel guilty

I still feel bad for ghosting my first guy. Sometimes I wonder what became of him.
I actually met him on Jow Forums back in 2008, we talked on skype once because he didn't believe I was a girl at first.
J if you're still out there, I am sorry. ~signed: K