How many actual push-ups can you do? I can get to about 7 before I feel like I'm dying

How many actual push-ups can you do? I can get to about 7 before I feel like I'm dying.

I want to be able to do 25 every morning and night, but it seems it'll be awhile until I get there.

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op u tubby

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I'm 175lbs at 6'2", so yeah I'm trying to lose weight. I actually ride my bike 7 miles to work and back everyday, but have put on weight because I'm eating more as a result and I mostly end up eating unhealthy junk. The work out is so I can ride my bike faster than I do now and hopefully burn more calories or something.

About 20-25, but for what I know it's better do them in series rather than all together.
If you wanna get better you should try 4x4: you do 4 pushups, then wait a minute and do other 4 pushups (again and again for 4 times).

Oh, is that a thing? Makes sense I guess, I could probably get 25 easy doing it that way though. the beginner - let me give workout advise, bro -

Let me guess, you read it from somewhere that also advocates 3 days a week and massive cheat days.
Industry has too many fake natties making routines for -beginners- that will not be juicing and putting up one size fits all shit.

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I don't think so. If your max is 7 you will probably struggle at the forth repetition.
You are supposed to rest a minute or two before each series. It's not like 4 pushups, an hour of rest then other 4 pushups.

Feel free to correct me. I never claimed I'm an expert, but in my opinion is better to follow those shitty instructions I read somewhere than do them randomly just because.

I won't take too long. I could only so like 7-9, decided to do pushups whenever I smoked, was up to 25ish in like 3 weeks. i did the same thing with crunches, squats, and planks. You'll get stronger faster than you think.

about 9 consecutavely i try to get 100 in per day
Get it to 12. You NEED to get it to 12.

Btw you're weak as shit and probably doing them badly

When doing pushups:
>push your pelvis forward
>hands under shoulders or little away from them
>elbows going close to body
>work with back also

Also don't do max pushups
Do 7 or 8 of them over multiple sets of them, spaced apart in a minute interval of cooldown
That will give you max strength and stamina

I can do max 50 but spaced out with repetition I can do something like 8 or 7 reps of 8 pushups

1 ) stop drinking sugar water
2 ) start eating lean meats
3 ) go to the gym and just try stuff, you don't need a crazy routine from the get go, find machines or exercises that look fun, if you're scared you're gonna get made fun of look at googles ranking of business of the gym and find when their peak hours are

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>hands closer together makes them diamond push-ups
>no one cares
you want proper form? prop your feet up on a chair and make sure your chest touches the floor each rep. then whatever form minutia people come up with (10 seconds a pushup or its wrrrrrroooooonnnnngggg) is irrelevant when you're already doing a harder variation

around 30-40. but I can do only 3 pull ups

If you want to try and do more try Greasing the Groove or The Frequency Method as it's called in the Greyskull LP. I went from doing 13 max pushups to four sets of 20 every day with one rest day. About 30 reps in one set is my current max.

I can do 8.5

don't listen to these faggots
Shred your body.
Do as many as you can as long as you can, then do it again.

Don't listen to people like this becuase there is an actual scientific basis for methods such as Greasing the Groove that have been proven to give results.

I cant even do one.....
And I'm 5'6" and 132 lbs
I'm just a weak fag.and a manlet

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people don't activate their abdominal and back muscles or they usually help themselves by putting their ass in the air
This negates it

>>hands closer together makes them diamond push-ups
not talking about different types of pushups

>>no one cares
Form matters to those that want to do their workouts effectively.
You might not, but there are people out there that want to workout effectively and without injuries.

Pushups aren't just about triceps

>irrelevant when you're already doing a harder variation
>"durr it's harder so I can cheat by doing half pushups or not activating all muscles, cuz its harder overall hurr"
keep telling yourself that, retard
You still made ZERO pushups

i can do 8 one arm pushups...
you're gay

I can do about 40 before my arms give out. I'm trying to work myself up to 100.

I could probably do 30 before having to stop. Haven't tried though.

About 55-60, though that's pushing it. Even on bad days I can still get out 45 minimum. Not great or anything, but alright.