What did you do for your 18th birthday user?
>tfw mum begged me to go out and party
What did you do for your 18th birthday user?
had a shitty family birthday where I was busting my ass more than celebrating
>got drunk with my younger brother and his friend
>ended up going to bed pretty early
>they drank the rest of my alcohol
I'm buying a gun
I smoked 1 cigar and gambled one dollar.
are you an heroing
I didn't tell anyone at school because I had no friends. Me and my family had dinner at some shitty restaurant and they hardly even acknowledged why we were there.
went out for lunch with gf iirc
t. total incel now tho
I played vidya but then my shitty family had to ruin it by calling my cousin and his family over and the ordered pizza.
The whole thing made me feel completely fucking miserable, not happy at all.
Smoked weed for the first time during lunch in school. Didn't get high. Went home.
no I just really like guns i want to start my collection thinking of one of these
(plus i would use a rope for that because i don't want to add more gundeaths for antis to use)
Ate alone at a fancy restaurant.
I think my family and I went out for pizza with some extended family members. I don't remember much of it even though I'm only 22. I remember it being pretty good though.
Slept through it like any other day
went out to a barbecue place with my family. saw my dad after about a couple years.
The food was adequate, but it was nice spending time with my family.
I ate at chinese restaurant, didnt invite the few friends i had cause scared(havent celebrated since i was 6) but mom dad and bros were there, it was nice and ate nicely
I just had a glass of whiskey with my dad.
Celebrated with friends a few days later by getting extremely drunk.
Over half of those friends ended up being shit years later and drinking makes me feel empty as fuck now.
Fuck birthdays
i broke my leg a few weeks before my 18th. so i was in bed. nothing much else happened
I bought a guitar that I practices with for like a month and never again
Nobody was in the house and I spent the day watching Strawberry Panic or something like that
>Strawberry Panic
Good taste lad
damn.. I'm turning 19 in a month and I've already forgotten my 18th birthday. I usually just try to forget about it so I probably just hid in my room and was sad all day. Ever since 14 I've always just been really sad every birthday and I don't know why
>have to explain for my mom/dad that i want to keep it small and only invite closest relatives, short and simple and keep it at home
>some relatives comes over and we eat grilled hamburgers and a cake for dessert
>try to be happy/grateful and respond whenever someone asks me question, otherwise just sit there and observe the others as they talk about adult stuff
It was my first couple days of being in a far away country where I had to live alone for about 5 years. Ate out with abusive parents for dinner.
The very first thing I did was make a thread on here
Hard to believe that was half a decade ago now
Went to the cinema with my parents and then had dinner in a restaurant with them.
>>tfw mum begged me to go out and party
Yeah my parents begged me to do something too but I didn't do shit. Same as 21st.
i dont even remember so probably nothing special
It was my first and only birthday party. It was with like 6 or so friends. We played halo 2. It was also our high school graduation party and my going away party.
>>are you an heroing
Nothing if I recall correctly.
Went to cheap sushi place and got eel since it's my favorite. I wanna go back.
i honestly don't remember. so i know i didn't do anything special. probably just sat on Jow Forums. that was in 2010.
I got a copy of Fzero GX through amazon and played it in my room for most of the day.
took a physics and calc exam, then went home and slept all day.
Had a big party.
Celebrated with my parents and took some nice pictures. Literally one day later dad passed away. Birthdays would never be much of a thing to celebrate for me now
Took all my things and went to go live in a friends walk in closet for a few months. I had already been basically living with friend but my cunt of a mother wouldn't let me officially move in until I turned 18 because she didn't want to potentially get in trouble for neglect.
Fairly sure I was sleeping when my mom got home and they sorta woke me up.
Think I ate thai food, it was pretty nice.
Didn't have a cake, didn't want one.
I don't remember which presents I got, but they were probably nice.
I went back to sleep after that I think.
I guess it was nice? I'm mostly apathetic so I don't know.
My birthday's coming up soon, I don't really know what to do, I'm not excited or looking forward to it, I wish I could just avoid the attention. Thankfully I'm asocial so only my family will bother me.
I honestly don't know. It was so unremarkable that I don't even remember what I did.
Same. Every year I always get asked to do stuff. I end up letting them just buy me dinner
I wish I could remember. Honestly anything beyond the last 2 years is a blur. I've actively tried to repress those memories.
From what I remember, I just had a little barbeque at some park with my family. One of my older cousins slyly included condoms in one of my birthday cards. Five years later and I've still yet to use them.
cuz ya'll know your boy goes raw into that pussy everytime
I honestly only remember small chunks of when I was 18, and none of those are my birthday. Probably nothing out of the world in that case
19th birthday though I cooked some calamari for dinner and had about 5g of mushrooms and a 6 pack and played some vidya.
Wait, you're not yet 18 ?
it was the last time i freaked out about having my v-card and got a genuine anxiety spiral because of it. It literally kept me up that night. Didn't help that I was ghosted by my ex a few years before and lost contact with my friends group and was questioning where they were in life. After that point I've never cared that much. As for the birthday itself, I smoked weed, ordered pizza, and played WoW all day. Can't remember if my family invited extended family over on that day because they do it a lot and it pisses me off.
I don't remember much, but I'm 100% sure it involved locking myself in my room and thinking about killing myself all day.
Went to work.
got thrown away by my only friend then went to work
>hung out at my old friends house and smoked weed the night before
>stayed up all night and in the morning we drove to a local head shop to get a piece
>found out they only sold tobacco products now (theyve been closed before for selling to minors)
>bought a cheap pipe and smoked marlboro blue tobacco out of it
At least it was better than my 21st
of course I'm 18, mister, underage people can't post here, now if you excuse me i'm off to the buisness factory
I didn't have any friends because they were all off on Mormon missions (I'm agnostic), so I went to guitar center and buffalo wild wings with my parents. Could have been worse. Pic related, guitar I got that day.
Nothing. I never held a birthday party because my mother wouldn't allow anyone in, because the whole house was a huge mess. Also we were way too poor to hold a party anyway.
Nothing, almost a decade later and I will continue doing nothing.
i shoplifted some cheap candy and bought wine. they caught me with the candy on camera but laughed and wished me happy birthday and told me to celebrate it.
i celebrated alone tho.
Mom took shit off the cake and started throwing things at me and hitting me because I opened a gift bag on the kitchen counter. And it wouldn't look good for her to take a picture with and show to her friends.
Forced to go to some shitty restaurant my mom wanted to eat at earlier that day.
At least I got some clothes I guess. But they were for kids and barely fit.
My birthday is around Halloween so i went to a Halloween party after playing paintball. I had alot more friends in highschool.
>this was 7 years ago
I don't remember
I think I had a relatively unremarkable meal with my mother and grandmother at a local diner
My birthday hasn't had any real significance in years. Normalfilths that mark their birthday as some grand celebratory occasion give me a slight bile response
cant relate with the first sentence but the second one hits too close to home. my fucking cunt mother wanted to take the perfect photos of a perfect family to show off on facebook and show her friends. had to pose with cakes and gifts and if i didnt, i would be a cunt ruining my own birthday.
I deliberately ensure that as many people as possible don't notice my birthday, I hate nothing more than being the center of attention. That and being handed money/gifts, I feel like I owe a debt for a loan that I never actually asked to have in the first place.
Went for. Meal with my gf and my parents. After the meal my gf broke up with me.
spent alone in university. my mom and dad wish me hbd but i spent the whole night playing guilty gear xrd sign on ps4
>dad threw party at 'his' house
>dad lives with his mother
>party at grandmas
>extended relatives drunk and barely acknowledge me
>stacy cousin teases me about being a virgin
>go to bed before cake is brought out