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captain planet?

Fagmark is also a pedo. Who would've fucking guessed.

Do you believe me that I zoomed in to that picture because I thought the pizza looked tasty

Not me. I'm many things but not a pedo. That's over the line.

>mfw the power is yours

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Nice CP you got there. I'm kinda hungry rn.

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>someone posts a pic of kid eating a slice of pizza
>automatically jump on the "pedo" wagon

Projection much, Jared?

That's an awful looking slice of pizza!

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I don't think you know what projection means.

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

>call OP pedo
>really you are the pedo

Every little girl poster on here is a fucking pedo. Who else does it? I have every reason to believe OP is a pedo.

havent had cheese pizza since like forever t.b.h

How new are you?

>Hebrew name
Oy Vey!

Been here longer than you, faggot. Are you going to post more cute lolis or keep being shitheads?

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dumb namefag

>make joke on 4chins
>everybody gets assblasted about it

Getting assblasted is Jow Forums's specialty.

In their defense, it was a poorly worded joke and understandable why someone would think I was being serious. I'm drunk and need sleep.

very based and redpilled

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