>you will never live the life of an adventurer, travelling fantasy lands on a grand quest with your small party of brothers
You will never live the life of an adventurer...
Other urls found in this thread:
Neither will you fag
>you will never get your brothers killed in adventuring "accidents" so that you can inherit the throne upon your return
Feels bad, man.
>you will never travel to other planes of existence with your eccentric wizard buddies
might as well not be alive at all really
My dream is to buy knight armor, sword and shield and live as a wild man in some forest.
>dfw you will never steal all the stupid dwarves gems and use it all on tavern wenches
Never say never man, who knows what technology will be available in 50 years, just look at the scale of open world games now
>ywn run a successful business buying rusty swords and armor from bloodsoaked vagrants.
>ywn camp out under the stars with whisky in an enchanted forest protected by ancient spirits watching over you
good luck hunting with that noisy clanky shit on