Post your current feelings

Pic rel, also goodnight folks

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Is that a character from Monster?

Also pic related. I am very lonely.

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>have ADHD and compulsive skin picking disorder
>vyvanse script will sometimes exacerbate my tics like nail biting, and yeah, skin picking
>on a pretty good streak this past week avoiding those compulsions
>spend an hour and a half picking at the acne on my face last night
>face is now inflamed, discolored, scabby, and bloody

welp, time to isolate myself for another 3 days and wait for the cycle to begin anew

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very sad and lifeless

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>went out to eat
>it was delicious, ate too much, but not a ridiculous amount or anything, I've eaten more than that before and was fine
>felt overfull
>tried sitting for a bit and sipping tea
>didn't get better
>pay and walk out
>projectile vomit in parking lot with zero warning
>have to walk home with vomit all over my hands (from wiping my face off)
>passed other people on sidewalk, speed walked past with head down hoping they wouldn't smell the vomit on my hands
>can never go to that restaurant again

It's so hard to tell what she's feeling, but I'm happy that at least we're getting along. I love when she clings to my arm or gives me a big soft hug or calls me a bitch, and it's wonderful to finally have a "her" in my life again after so long alone. Even my stupid weeb jokes go well around her.

On the other hand, I'm terrified that I'm just doing something hopeless and she can't ever see me as more than a friend. But this mixture of anxiety and joy is a wonderful and exciting thing.

if i wasn't high rn i'd probably be sad

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based homunculus poster

I feel like I am destined to lift and play vidya for the rest of my life.

feeling bad
yea its the main antagonist, you should really read/watch it. The anime was basically a 1:1 adaptation.

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Pull My Devil trigger ehjweij

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>Pull My Devil trigger
Are you hyped for a new game?

I have literally never related to, cared for, or wanted to have sex with anything. Everything is merely an inconvenience. My working from home allows me to only have to get out of bed once every two days, leaving the house once every two months. As of my mid-twenties, I exist in a state of constant sardonic capriciousness. Nothing matters, and I don't care one way or the other. It's all just meat and lame.

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pretty much. I'd fuk a horse to play the demon right now.

lady, trish or nico?

I feel nothing but boredom and a headache.

Constant tension in head, neck and shoulders
feeling stress and shaking in body because i think i got too much coffeine

promised i should be more healthy but just ate lot of greasy susages now I have regret and feel the negative impact it have in my body

constant worried i will lose my hair

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>I'd fuk a horse
I'd fuck a horse just to fuck a horse, my dude.

thinking about a time years ago when i KNOW i was sad but i'd still much rather be there than where i am now.
i was so free and so emotional
now i'm just a good little slave who doesn't feel a thing
listening to trash tier emo shit from the 00's to relive the feeling

What are you high on, user(ette)?

i am comfy and full from lunch

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>be married
>be in docta school
>become friends with classmate
>basically smarter version of my wife, little taller tho
>tension getting high

suffering from many angles here

2 things went right in one day.

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Feelin like this right now

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>tfw getting one of these in 4 weeks
literally the only thing keeping me going right now

I currently feel a strange mixture of empathy, love and motivation to do something with my life but at the same time I feel kind of lost in my memories, emotions and my mind in general. I think it might be some nostalgia or just my depression comimg back.

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Lady ofc.
trish looks like a 40 yro
nico is a methhead.

I really don't know how to feel right now

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Medications against ADHD do not work, or? My cousin also suffers from it but his medications make him a relaxed but slightly rude guy.
Learn cooking at home user. If such issues persist, contact a doctor. An acquaintance of mine tended to be awfully sick for several months until she got diagnosed with gluten allergy at 40 something
How long have you been together? Remember to not rely solely on one person in your life. That will have catastrophical consequences.
You need more variety in your life. I would suggest exercising, going /out/ and travelling to somewhere else. You have a job so I am sure you can afford a few luxuries to treat yourself once in a while.
As we say here in Scandinavia, "lev i nuet" (live in the now). Do not let the past define you.
t. been in most of these states and experienced much of these feelings in my day. it never gets better without any effort (I am not the "muh bootstraps" kind of guy, more of a "as long as you do as good as you can you might lead a satisfactory life despite problems" type.)

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i never tought i would say it but i miss school
now after few years of neetdom i feel prette much dead
no purpose no reason to get out of bed or go anywhere further than liquor store

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>How long have you been together? Remember to not rely solely on one person in your life. That will have catastrophic consequences.
We've been in this limbo a few months now. I appreciate the reminder; I've made that mistake in the past, long ago, so hopefully I'll do better. I still have a few other old friends, and ultimately I've still got my own goals in life that I need to accomplish, that keep me alive. She does, too; really beautiful dreams. We're two different people, but I really hope that we can share our individual experiences with one another for a long time without being necessarily dependent on one another.

>going /out/ and travelling to somewhere else.

>You have a job so I am sure you can afford a few luxuries to treat yourself once in a while.
My equivalent of treating myself is buying roughly every six months a small New York style cheesecake or a single small bag of candy. Today is even my birthday and I just don't give a fuck.
>I would suggest exercising
This however is genuinely good advice if if you're depressed, trying to make yourself worthy of love, or a Narcissist. However, as I am none of those things, and have even gone so far as doing it just for its own sake prior to becoming homeless and losing all my gains because I didn't always have a job, I consider that experiment in my life to be over. I'd prefer to be hooked into the God-Machine already, if that's not too much to ask. My problem is not me, my problem is everyone and everything else that is not me, or at least for the most part that holds true. I am but a man, after all.

If everyone that's not me could just stop existing, that would be grrreeeeeeaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt.

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going to a tourist trap /=/ learning a new language to immerse yourself in a different culture and possibly getting a new perspective of the world.

You won't find a solution to your problems in the other side of the world buddy, you'll find it within yourself. 'Learning and immersing' are distractions, not solutions.

Been feeling good for months now. I know it's about to come down, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts

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I realized, after coming to the conclusion that friendship and relationships aren't the answer, I don't know what would actually make me happy. I feel like I should be doing something different right now, trying a new hobby, but I have no idea what.

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Update: i ate yogurt with two teaspoons of honey because muh superfood and now my tummy hurts. Still feeling good tho

It can't just be the "smarter version" of your wife. Your wife is who she is also because of the experiences you two have together, that's part of her, never forget that when you see an interesting woman

im sad and depressed i miss her but i cant bring myself to message her after what happened.

What happened user?
message her.

I think maybe this is true for half the users, including myself but some still want to share their time with someone who will end up loving them and so forth.