What does chad have that I don't?!?

What does chad have that I don't?!?

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The love of women and the respect of his peers

Probably a good looking face

Yeah but why? What does he have to make him loved?

Fate on his side

He is confident in his ability and would rather die than disappoint his friends.

A pack of apes will always love to hang out with an another ape rather than a human

A neurotypical personality desu. Attractiveness and good family background helps, but being a neurotypical is what gets him the most SOCIAL STATUS among other neurotypicals, therefore more success in life.
Just be a punk and get on chads level by not giving a fuck breh

Bullshit cuck fetishists
Truth is if a robot actually wanted to be like that beachboy faggot you call "chad" he'd not only become one, he'd fucking mog him

Chad has a life. We all retards are just Here

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Baseline confidence and constant euphoria from all his actions which makes him exceed at everything else.

That hurst 'cause I know you're right
My blasted autism has foilded me once again
I honestly don't know how to.

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You must answer yourself a very simple question
What is the one thing want to do, till the end of your life?
And then start foing that

How the heck am I suppose to do that? What are you doing for the end of your life?

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>Social Ability
>Strong Family Unit
>Social Status
>Admirable Skills
>Family Wealth
>Nice Car
>Own Place
>Highly desired by many increases desire of rest
>Good Teeth
>Well Liked among many
>Not Autistic
>Expectant mindset from years of getting handed attention, adoration, help, compliments, and love makes him appear to be "non-caring" or "chill" with life situation because he knows no matter what people will always like him and jump through hoops for him/throw themselves through the ringer to get a chance with him (not just sexually/romantically, but also by way of mere friendship or association.)
>Opinionated (It's cool when it's Chads opinion)
>Nerdy (Quirky when Chad does it)
>Direct (Cool and confident when Chad does it)
>Big cock
>Dark Hair
>Maybe light beard (that doesn't look like a 16 year old)
>Good Skin
>Strong, sharp jawline
>Wide Shoulders
>Large Chest/arms
>Blue/dark eyes
>Strong Hairline
>Good & expensive sense of style and dress
>Expensive taste which makes him appear upper-class
>Low stress
>Not wageslave
>Experience with women (comes from very early experience with girls in early life because young blooming girls threw themselves at him, even back then. He was making out with/getting blowjobs from/having sex with/experimenting with all types of girls (any he wanted) long before anyone else in his social group)

I could go on... there's a lot, OP. I've thought about this a lot, and those are all differences I've noticed between myself and both the internet's interpretation of "Chad" and some real Chads I've met before. If you're trying to become a Chad, you got a long way to go. Keep in mind Chad is born into most of those things, and develops the others very early on or very easily. Good Luck.

>Welcome to the real world

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I'm clean and have pretty good skin. So that's 2 down I guess

Behaving like a normal human in groups is relatively simple, making brief small talk one-on-one is a challenge but can be mastered, actual one-on-one conversation is a behemoth of its own. What chad has, all else equal, is the ability to talk to others.

Balls....he has balls dude

Youll realize that in school looks dont matter
>to an extent
But since you werent with the cool kids you became a big fuckin beta. And now youre stuck in your beta ways hating chad
>but if it makes you feel better, more often than not Chads and Stacys wont be chads and stacys forever

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>Youll realize that in school looks dont matter
lol, Yeah they do user? Arguably more than in late adulthood? As everyone ages looks become more acceptable to be average, which makes exceptional even better, but still. From primary school through college, looks and superficiality is king.

>But since you werent with the cool kids you became a big fuckin beta. And now youre stuck in your beta ways hating chad
99% of the losers here. Bullied, unpopular, loner, loser kids who became betas over time and then couldn't catch up. You'll know cause if you were a social doormat in school, then you're the type of beta who fits in here.

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Femanon here. Seriously it's a lot due to confidence and actually making a move. I can't agree to go out with a guy who never asks or who waits so long to make a move that I'm already dating someone else

Assuming you aren't some fucking dude LARPing... How would you rate yourself, user? I'm interested in how a girl who would come here would rate herself...

For fairness I'll rate myself first. 4/10. I have red hair, pale skin, and a slim body, and I hate it. My face is ok, but nothing special. I don't have muscles or anything like that. I am 6'2", which I guess is good? Point is, I consider myself 4/10. If I adjust it for any obvious personal bias, I'll go with solid 3/10.

7/10. If a guy isn't the best looking but is fun and charming I'll at least go on a date with him. But personality only goes so far. I dated a chubby guy once and he was awesome but I just couldn't when he took his shirt off. Good friend material but not boyfriend material

More or less what I expected. I've never had a girl rate themselves below 6/10. Idk why, but every fucking girl thinks she's just the hottest piece of ass she's ever seen. Idk.

Btw, pic related is solid 8/10.

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I've asked girl's out before but it's always through 8 layers of stutters and a frightened shaky voice so I just can't do it.

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I am literally you but shorter, I rate myself an 8 out of 10 and have a girlfriend and attention from women.

It's probably about not being a sad sack about your appearance. Women want to be around happy and passionate people, if you are in a corner crying about how ugly you are nobody will ever like you

Being ginger ain't easy, but if you own it then it works to your advantage

low body fat, muscles, height, charisma and disinhibition. Intellegent is a must because it determines financial status and happiness

being conditioned to positive interaction with girls from a young age creating a healthy sense of optimism that helps carry his physical and/or socioeconomical advantages.

^^^^These posts hold the answers, OP...

Of course the """girl""" on fucking Jow Forums, R9K thinks she's a fucking 7/10. What a fucking joke.