>He thought to himself: 'I can't have her' and 'she's way out of my league,' >Without saying anything, he intentionally ran into her, causing her to stop in her tracks. He then plunged his knife into her chest without explanation, he said.
NGL guys I'm starting to think the SJWs have a point. Who the fuck does this?? Lonely single men need to be killed for the good of humanity.
Yeah, you've convinced me. We need to start berating and dehumanizing these failures, so that they'll change and want to side with normal, good people. I'm pretty sure that children who were severely beaten growing up always grow into kind, empathetic people with no neurosis. Find a lonely man and just beat the shit out of him, and maybe we'll get that peaceful, loving society we all want.
Hunter Price
I said killed I think we should outright kill them if the government insists on filling up our prison system with niggers and illegals
Leo Martin
That lady is ugly as hell and he's like a 7/10. Is this a real article?
Jose Bailey
Wew another autistic guy like Elliot Most robo's aren't like this some Incels are but all robo's are chill
Ayden Morales
wtf why can't these just talk to people normally they might even stop being virgins lmao
Caleb Green
Autism is the new psycho. It's a dangerous and evil thing. We must kill lonely autistic white males for the sake of diversity and progress. I'm sure the many followers on this board will agree.
Jonathan Richardson
What? Where was that man that she feels "safe" with?
>7/10 hes not hideous but come the fuck on dude thats like a 5 at best
Brayden Russell
>Muslims murder a horde of people in a new creative fashion every week >liberals: "NOT ALL MUSLIMS. You can't prejudge groups of people based on the actions of a few, you bigot" >a grand total of 3 (?) men under the incredibly large and vague umbrella of "sexually frustrated men" murder someone >liberals: "Incels only understand violence! Lock these people up, better safe than sorry!"
>convicted sex offender >releases him back to the public instead of just having a prison accident go down. >cops shoot innocents but let known scum just chill out and about
Nah just the murrican white poltards that will solve it
Aiden Walker
I consider literal celebs/models 10/10 If I can look at anyone without feeling grossed out I consider them a 7/10
Brody Jenkins
>way out of my league >some old lady The fuck?
Isaiah Russell
I would consider that 4/10
Jayden Howard
I say he is a 5/10 because he looks very average, not bad but nothing really noteworthy either. a 10/10 for me would be the absolute pinnacle of the male physique, like a statue of david in real life.
Leo Wood
>need to be killed for the good of humanity. >be robot >lonely, probably bullied, maybe have some kind of verbal disorder beyond your control >it doesn't matter, normies are relentless >get constantly told and reminded of how inferior you are by others every single day since you are born >everything from the blatant statements to the subliminally condescending actions >after a while, lose trust in others >curl into yourself, into depression, loneliness, and sometimes anger >everyone thinks that they are just better than you are all the fucking time >and you can't do anything about it >even if you did work hard, you'd still be "that guy" >all because of the normalfag pack mentality >one day have enough >finally snap after 20+ years of emotional neglect and abuse >even in death or imprisonment, they still say >"what a loser"
There is no rest for robots. I can assure you, society and all those around him probably did him a dirty one. Some of us are just fucked from the day we're born, verbal difficulties make it impossible to integrate and normalfags will constantly trample you on their way to the top, it's how they are. Then they have the audacity to turn around and ask you why you are so fucked up.
The only solace is a robot is to slowly fade away and be forgotten, something that frightens normalfags beyond belief. Isn't that funny?
and then sterilize the women who aren't naturally beautiful so that we don't have to keep killing. endlosung.
Tyler Scott
I just rate people how people rate vidya games. 7/10 is decent and everything below is bad
Luis Lewis
Worst part probably is that there's nobody rushing to your defense or at least playing devil's advocate. People defend literal terrorists but the only people that will defend the robot are other robots or people that used to be robots
Lucas Gomez
>Who the fuck does this??
He was already a convicted sex offender, so he likely was a nutso.
Tyler Sanders
t. incel in denial lmao kys
Ethan Wood
lol zoomer vs boomer memer's irl
Xavier Morris
It's people like you that need to be killed. It's such an old topic it never gets discussed.
Anyway stop reading the papers you dumb npc.
Bentley Hernandez
Definitely not looksmaxxed
Jacob Lopez
Surely this is how civilization falls? A group off the radar seen subhuman, live day to day in a state of eternal suffering with the reminders of the things they cannot have. This is the first time in human history a group has suffered this much. Slaves were whipped and beaten but they had brothers, families, they had God. Today thousands of isolated individuals who have been denied inclusion wallow in self pity and anguish over the things they have missed. There is going to be a beta uprising. When these incels, robots, virgins, whatever else get to old age there is going to be a breaking point when society won't stop laughing at them, a real beta uprising is going to be fall on the world. a chain reaction of explosive hatred let out on random people one after another. Until then, this group will crawl into a ball and die off. It is a growing bubble and like every bubble one day it is going to burst.
Adam Perez
>27 >going for a 54 wew lad
Isaac Robinson
Let robots kill the nigs and spics with impunity, then. If they survive, they're heroes. If not, death is what we've always wanted anyway.
Ryder Edwards
Valid points here. This shit happens, and no one can say it doesn't. Fucking normalshits I hate them. You can find some of them that are cool, I guess, like they won't berate you and contribute to your ostracization. But most normies are fucking apes still clinging on to their instincts and they haven't quite figured it out yet that humans are meant to ascend beyond just that.
Caleb Ramirez
>wanting to bone that hagg fake and gay
Jaxon Bennett
Reminder that men are evil. People here say that "oh it's only minority men who do things like that" but white men commit many more homicides than Hispanic, Black or Muslim women. It's men who are the problem, not minority women.
David Hughes
>Autism is the new psycho. It really is. Like every single freak in the past 5 years seems to be blatantly autistic
Jonathan Williams
the fact that you emphasize with the guy in OP just makes me want you killed even more.
Justin Lewis
>people who empathize with those Incels I don't like need to be killed! Really? I don't like the fact that he killed someone else either, but people like you are a huge part of the problem, whether you're willing to admit it or not.
Anthony Wilson
Citation needed.
Kayden Gray
The only thing that would make me happier than death would be if I was never born. Its NOT enough to be dead, I wish to have never existed
Mason Garcia
It's nice to see somebody that gets it.
David Myers
i will literally kill you and play around in your body make the first move, OP, you faggot
Levi Martinez
I'll make a swingset out of you. First I'm gonna beat the everloving fuck outta you. Then I'm gonna cut off both your arms and legs. Then I'll carve open your abdomen and use your intestines to hang you from a tree. I'll make sure you're fully conscious the entire time by force-feeding you a bunch of drugs. When I get bored, I'll throw you into a hole and light you on fire.
You think I'm fucking playing, bitch?
James Miller
He looks like Brett from flight of the conchords who is a total babe so
Josiah Allen
How am i the problem? i've never stabbed anyone or killed anyone. when a greasy autistic freak decides to take someone else's life... why was he even born? he only brings pain to people, why even let him exist freely?
Men yes but brown men kill way more people than anyone else, even historically.
Robert Lopez
Whore women need to be put in chains and given to these men for the betterment of humanity.
Cameron Morales
I cant really speak for everyone here but the worst thing i'll probably ever do to a girl is have an awkward conversation, Murder is a few steps too far.
Ethan Price
>why was he even born? Do you know what sex is, sir? Honestly you should just blame his parents for that one. >he only brings pain to people, why even let him exist freely? I've bever killed anyone else either but you could say the same thing about anyone who commits first degree murder or any other kind of murder with malicious intent.
Joshua Phillips
Of course normies will never admit to any wrongdoing, reminds me of when Goblina justified bullying her school's shooter so much despite the consequences.
William Collins
>way out of his league
Pretty sure her husband wasn't giving her any dick. Why not help out that incel? Look where that got her now?
Levi Martin
He didn't even fuckin' talk to her, just shanked her.
Lucas Rivera
the fact is neither you nor i know what led him to do that. but it's safe to assume he's had a fucked up life. i don't empathize with the over-the-top anger, i empathize with having a fucked up life.