Would it be a bad idea to write a pro-pedophilia essay through the lens of Islam for my cultural diversity class...

Would it be a bad idea to write a pro-pedophilia essay through the lens of Islam for my cultural diversity class? My professor is very pro-islam and very anti-criticizing other cultures when you're not part of that culture.

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do it bro, yolo

I think it's clever, go for it

>Saint Augustine ~350AD married a 10 year old girl.
King Richard II ~1400AD married a 7 year old
>Henry VIII ~1500AD married a 6 year old

I really don't get why people associate Pedophilia just for us when it was clearly practiced all around Europe before and after Christianity.
It's in the 19 century where the word pedophile had a meaning.

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only way you might get away with it is if you're arab. anyone reads that shit and all the "it was ironic" claims won't matter. i'd never hire you.

i wouldn't be surprised if you get kicked out of uni.

>I really don't get why people associate Pedophilia just for us
That's because nobody does that and you're imagining a problem that doesn't exist.

>That's because nobody does that
Yes that's why many Jow Forumstards keep spouting about how our prophet married a 9 year old

Do it user, post link when done

That doesn't mean they think its an exclusive trait to Islam though. However, Islam is still one of the few significant cultural forces in the world that still defends pedophilia. The Catholic church is full of scumbags but at least on paper they condemn pedophilia.

Fucking pedophile fag. Such an incel that you can't even talk to women your own age. Just kys already before you go to jail for life for raping some little kid, getting your cheeks spread apart in your cell by some Tyrone nigger

t. brainlet maximus

Use satire. Don't be straightforward with it or your professor will give you a bad grade. Almost every essay I have written for assignments have been sarcastic or hidden satire and I get As. Beat around the bush, make analogies connecting pedophilia and Islam and leave them hanging. Never directly speak of it and distract with jokes and humor.

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>Europeans did
You faggot forgot that islam still does and promotes this kind of activity

i mean tell us what happen if you do because it would probably be funny desu, but in real life no you should not do this.

Flat is justice!


Do it just to test how far lefties are willing to tolerate degeneracy for the sake of diversity. If someone calls it out, just play the Islamophobe card.

Islam doesn't have to do anything with it you digdong. It's the culture itself that's the problem. Even if you removed Islam from countries such as Afghanistan and Yemen, it will still be practiced because the poplation is uneducated and undeveloped. Developed areas like Jordan has consent age is 15 and uae at 18
Countries like Japan is a lot Pedophilia stuff but they aren't religious. And their consent age is 13

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Pedophilia was actually an early 20th century invention
Up until about 1890 it was legal everywhere to marry and or fuck girls 12 and below.

this gives me motivation to create a time machine

That's just complete speculation. As it stands how, Muslim countries are the most aggressively pedophilic countries on earth.

Also you are incredibly incorrect. Japan has some of the lowest child molestation rates in the world, and Japan is in fact, religious. Japan follows a mix of Shintoism, Buddhism, and Christianity depending on the location. The age of consent in Japan is only technically 13. Japanese prefectures operate like US states where each jurisdiction sets their own rules of age of consent. As a result, nowhere in Japan is the age of consent actually 13. It's almost universally 18.

TL;DR: No.

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Do it OP it sounds like it could give me a giggle

B-But Japan likes lolis so they must be the biggest pedos...!

Maybe you should provide a source :^)
>The Age of Consent in Japan is13 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity.

you just ruined my dreams

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Did you even read your link, it literally fucking says it.

>At 13, Japan's base age of consent is the lowest of any developed country. However, many prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent. For example, the effective age of consent in Tokyo by local statute is 18. The age of marriage is 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental permission, and 20 otherwise.

>Would it be a bad idea to write a pro-pedophilia essay through the lens of Islam for my cultural diversity class?
yes also here is a warning friend.

in 10 hours a mod will come on shift and he will ban you for being pedo or pro pedo ect.
he perm bans you for threads like this

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This thread is literally a question, not a pro-pedo post.

>In 385, Augustine ended his relationship with his lover in order to prepare himself to marry a ten-year-old heiress. (He had to wait for two years because the legal age of marriage for women was twelve.) By the time he was able to marry her, however, he instead decided to become a celibate priest.
So he never even married
>On 31 October 1396, almost the age of seven, Isabella married the widower King Richard II of England in a move for peace with France.[1] The fact that she was a child was discussed during the negotiations, but Richard replied that each day would rectify that problem, that it was an advantage as he would then be able to shape her in accordance with his ideal, and that he was young enough to wait.
>She married the king at the age of seven and was widowed three years later.
Something tells me they never fugged.
>Henry VIII
>psychotic heretic who broke from the church to get one divorce before killing most subsequent wives for not producing sons because more than one divorce would be controversial
Nah, not touching that one. You keep that example.
>The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham, when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.
So we have a man who's marriage never occurred on account of becoming a celibate, a king who died attempting to groom a bride (who remarried after his death, so I really have doubts they ever even consummated it, most kings wouldn't touch used goods), and a clearly mentally disturbed monarch, and a heretic regardless.
On the other end, it's self explanatory.
It should be fair to mention that, all of that aside, the age of 15 or so was considered an adult for both men and women back then, so it's not like Aisha or the others would be that radical of a step. They were pretty close to being legal for the time anyways.

user, you should read it beyond the first sentence.

You should write an anti-Semitic essay through the lens of Islam instead. That should be entertaining.

19th century was kino, so yeah I would not mind living then.

Fuck no. Your teacher may appreciate it but that doesn't mean everyone else will.

Those lolis are unironically saving lives.

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>Japan is a lot Pedophilia stuff but they aren't religious
Literally like ever slice of life anime ever made the characters go to a shrine to pray to their god at some point.

Holy fuck user, are you serious? They also have christmas but the majority aren't even christians, it's just cultural rituals. Use your goddamn brain dude, I know we're on Jow Forums but come on.