
What brings you guys joy nowadays?

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Lately its been wow.
But my girlfriend has just been super busy lately, so when we can talk that always brightens up my day.

Why do you normalshits come to this board for?

There's no joy in my life anymore, just the idea that someday I'll be realese from this meaningless existence and finally embrace the rest of the eternal sleep

its ok user, maybe one day you'll grow up

Only masturbating.

Asuka is clearly superior

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Professors complimenting my writing
How do I stop pursuing validation from others?

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Getting in the fucking robot

user, the internet doesnt belong to you. Instead of reeing when someone different comes here, why not accept them?
Or just stop acting like a total retard. Thatd also be appreciated.

For who? Father? Misato? Ayanami?

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>why not accept them?
Why would I? You are the sole reason the board is declining in quality, if you cunts actually produced good threads as opposed to whining about your trivial normalfaggot issues, I'd welcome you and your kind.

For your fucking self, you don't have to prove anything to anyone so get in the robot and kick some angel ass
Ayanami is also a valid answer

>"board is declining"
> gets angry when new people come to board
the balls of this man

>"board is declining"
> gets angry when new people come to board
How are those two related again, you retarded normalfaggot? More empty,
meaningless responses from the normalfaggot, what a shock.

>What brings you guys joy nowadays?
the feel that i can understand what that box says

did you forget to take your pills today?

wow, a real japanese

Having a girlfriend isn't enough for me to think it's a problem for them to hang around, but to imply that everyone needs one in order to be an adult, and that all robots need to just man up and be like you is the cancer that kills this entire website and causes this issue in the first place. Your snark is obnoxious, and when you see people cautious of people who don't seem to have a real reason to be here, you should remember that it's because of people like you, and not cool guys who empathize with bots but just happen to be kind of successful with some certain parts of life.

>only a japanese can read japanese

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The supreme court

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and old time fiddling

>le funny insult
You queers are painfully unfunny, if you're gonna post on Jow Forums or any other board on Jow Forums for that matter as a normalshit, at least be creative and funny.

Do you ever prank people by pretending to be one though? Not many non-Japanese people know Japanese, relatively speaking.